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Allowances Form in the designer
- Drag three Quantity controls from the palette and drop them on the designer canvas. Name them A_Allowance, C_Allowance and D_Allowance respectively. Type the instructions for A, C and D allowances as the labels for these controls. Add a fourth Quantity control where the result of the calculation of the total allowances can be stored. Name this control Total_Allowances and type "Total number of allowances you are claiming" as it's label. Uncheck the Enabled property for this control.
- Add a Wet Signature control so the Employee can sign using the a track pad/mouse or a touch screen to verify the allowance selections entered into the form. This is what the new employee will see when signing. Set the label to Employee's Signature
- Drag and drop a date control under the signature. Name it TodaysDate and uncheck the enabled property.
- Here is a rule to populate the Today's Date control when the new employee signs.
title | Click here to see how to create this rule |
The Visual Rule Builder consists of 3 wizards:
- Condition wizard - describe the conditions under which a set of actions should be executed
- Action wizard - declare the actions that should be taken when the condition is true
- Else Action wizard - declare the actions that should be taken when the condition is false
We will add another rule that will add the values for the A_Allowance, C_Allowance and D_allowance controls and store it in the Total_Allowances field.
For this tutorial, we'll just create controls for Filing Status, Step 2: Multiple Jobs, and Step 3: Claim Dependent.
Tip |
Download and install this example EOB workflow which includes a fully-mapped W-4. |
- Drag and Drop an Image control from the palette, and upload an image of the IRS logo or the top of the W-4 form to give your users a frame of reference when they are filling out this form.
Drag a Message Control into the form. In the Message Property, type
Code Block Please complete the information below. A Federal W-4 Form will be generated. You will have the opportunity to review the form before submitting.
Change the Type to Bordered. On the Style tab, select Bold.
- Drag and drop a Section control to your form and name it Filing Status
Drag a radio control into that section. Name it Federal Filing Status. Enter these options:
Code Block Single_or_Married_filing_seperately=Single or Married filing seperately Married_filing_jointly=Married filing jointly (or qualifying widow(er)) Head_of_Household=Head of Household (Check only if you're unmarried and pay more than half the costs of keeping up a home for yourself and a qualifying individual.)
Check the Required property.
- Drag in another section and name it Step 2: Multiple Jobs.
Drag a checkbox control into the Step 2: Multiple Jobs section. Name it Multiple Jobs or Spouse works, and add just a single option:
Code Block Only_2_Jobs=If there are only two jobs total, you may check this box. Do the same on From W-4 for the other job. This option is accurate for jobs with similar pay; otherwise, more tax than necessary may be withheld.
Drag in another section and name it Step 3: Claim Dependents.
- Drag two quantity controls inside that section, named "Number of Qualifying Children Under Age 17" and "Number of Other Dependents".
- Drag three number controls inside that same section. Uncheck the Required and Enabled properties (we will set them using rules later, and this is what we'll map to the W-4.) Label them "Dependent Child Calculation", "Other Dependent Calculation", and "Claim Dependents Total" (name Step3TOTAL used in rule below).
Add a Wet Signature control so the Employee can sign using the a track pad/mouse or a touch screen to verify the allowance selections entered into the form. This is what the new employee will see when signing. Set the label to Employee's Signature
- Drag and drop a date control under the signature. Name it TodaysDate and uncheck the enabled property.
- Here is a rule to populate the Today's Date control when the new employee signs.
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The Visual Rule Builder consists of 3 wizards:
We will use rules to calculate the dependent allowances.
Expand title Click here to see how to create these rules Calculate Dependents Rule
- Click the to add the rule.
- Name it Compute Total Allowances
- Click Rule Code, then Edit Code.
Paste this text into the code box.
Code Block var event = form.load; if (Boolean(NumberOfOtherDependents.value)) { DependentCalculation.value = (NumberOfOtherDependents.value * 500); } else { DependentCalculation.value = null; } if (Boolean(NumberOfQualifyingChildren.value)) { ChildrenCalculation.value = (NumberOfQualifyingChildren.value * 2000); } else { ChildrenCalculation.value = null; }
Tip If you prefer to use the Visual Rule Builder, simple create two separate rules; one the sets DependentCalculation to NumberofOtherDependents * 500, and a second that sets Children Calculation to NumberOfQualifyingChildren * 2000.
The Visual Rule Builder consists of 3 wizards:
- Condition wizard - describe the conditions under which a set of actions should be executed
- Action wizard - declare the actions that should be taken when the condition is true
- Else Action wizard - declare the actions that should be taken when the condition is false
- Click the to add the rule.
- Name it Compute Total Allowances
- Click Next - to take you to the Action wizard
- Select Total_Allowance from the first dropdown.Click the to add the rule.
- Name it Calculate Dependents Total
- Click Run Builder
- On the Condition Wizard, select DependentCalculation - is filled.
- Add another Condition, select ChildrenCalculation - is filled.
- Click Edit Logic. Change the "and" to "or". Click Save. This rule should run if either field is filled.
- Click Next.
- Select Step3TOTAL from the first dropdown. (or replace Step3TOTAL with your control's name)
- Select to from the second dropdown
- Type Sum in the third field. The function shows in the dropdown. Select function Sum.
- Type A_Allowance, C_Allowance, D_Allowance DependentCalculation, ChildrenCalculation inside the sum bracket.
- Close the function.Click Next.
- On the else action wizard, set Step3TOTAL to empty.
- Click Finish.
- Be sure to save your form by clicking on the save and exit icon in the designer.
- You can test this form by clicking on the Test button on the Forms Home Page. The Today's Date field should be populated with the current date when the new employee signs. The sum of the values entered in A_allowance, B_allowance,and C_allowance will dependent allowance values will be calculated and display in the Total_Allowances total field.
Create the Education Form
- Log in as the designer. Click on the Spaces tab.
- Click Add to create a new space, type a Space ID and Space Name, and then click Create. You will be directed to the space designer.
- Since we set the state of the Employee On Boarding workflow to Production in a previous step, it will automatically be included, along with the Task List as menu items in the newly created space.
- Verify that the left panel is hidden. If not, click the icon to hide it.
- Select regular for the form width from the Min Width dropdown on the Property pane.
- If your tenant is in the cloud, click the Test the Employee On Boarding workflow section. Save and Exit icon and proceed to the
- If you are using an in-house installation,
- Click the removing the protocol, server and port information. menu edit icon. Replace the <localhost:8082> in the urls for the Task List and the Employee On Boarding workflow with your server name and port. If you are concerned about portability to another system, make the URL's relative by
- Click the Test the Employee On Boarding workflow section. Save and Exit icon to save the changes and proceed to the