Section | |||||||||||||||
- If you use the frevvo Cloud hosted server, you must ensure that the connector is accessible from the frevvo servers. This is done by opening up one of the following ports in your firewall:
- HTTP Ports: 80 or 19080
HTTPs Ports: 443 or 19443
Code Block We recommend that you use https and not http. Https is a secure channel.
- Customers that use firewall white-listing, should make sure the frevvo cloud outgoing server IP (host is added to the list.
- If you want to install the Filesystem Connector in the frevvo In-House tomcat bundle, follow these easy steps: (You don't have to use the frevvo application from this bundle).
- Review the Supported Platforms list.
- Download and install the certified version of the Java Development Kit (JDK) and set the JAVA_HOME environment variable as described here.
- Download the frevvo tomcat bundle
- Unzip the frevvo zip file into a location of your choice: e.g. c:\frevvo. We'll refer to this directory below as <frevvo-home>.
- Install the Filesystem connector inside that same tomcat.
- Download the filesystem zipflile
- Extract the filesystem.war to <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps directory.
- Delete the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\frevvo directory.
- Configure the Filesystem Connector
Start frevvo by clicking on the startup.(bat,sh) file for your operating system in the <frevvo-home> directory. It is also possible to configure frevvo as a Windows service
In-house Customers with an existing frevvo tomcat bundle installation
To install the Filesystem connector in the same tomcat as frevvo:
- Stop frevvo.
- Download the filesystem connector zipfile
- Extract filesystem.war to your <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps directory.
- Configure the Filesystem Connector
- Start frevvo
Ensure you have downloaded the supported version of OpenJDK. Check Supported Platforms before beginning.
Stop frevvo
Download the latest version of the Filesystem Connector
Extract the filesystem.war to your <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps directory.
Verify that the Filesystem Connector configuration is correct for the new version.
- Proceed to Connect Forms/Workflows with the Send to File System wizard to continue.
Modify the File Connector settings section of the file.
the frevvo.filesystem.connector.url - The location of the Filesystem connector is set for the installation with this property. It defaults to http://localhost:8082/filesystem. Change the <localhost:8082> in the default URL to the <server:port> where you installed the Filesystem connector in your environment.
Uncomment the property by deleting the # that precedes it.
Code Block # File Connector settings frevvo.filesystem.connector.url=http://localhost:8082/filesystem
Add these properties to the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\ file. You can add them to the existing File Connector settings section or make a new section with a comment as shown in the example below. Refer to the table for a description of the configurable properties:
Here is an example of the Filesystem Connector properties added to the File Connector settings section of the file. When executed, frevvo submissions will be:
- Saved on the local drive in a directory specified in the wizard that is located under the root directory configured here. Ex: C:\Submissions.
- Individual file names will be retained.
- Attachments in the submission will be saved.
Add the suffix "_desc.txt" to the metadata file for each submission.
Warning In a properties file, a backslash is considered as a continuation character when splitting across lines. Escape it with another backslash i.e. C:\\ or use the forward slash i.e. C:/ when specifying the connector.file.root.dir property.
Code Block # File Connector settings frevvo.filesystem.connector.url=http://localhost:8082/filesystem connector.file.root.dir=C:/ connector.file.descriptor.suffix=_desc.txt connector.file.metadata.subdir=metadataFile/
- Start the Insight server first, then start frevvo.
Make sure the directory where you plan to save the submissions is created and and has the appropriate access for the OS you are using. For example:
If you are using Windows, you can map a drive to a server directory (not recommended because Windows mapped drives cannot be reliably accessed from java), or you could use the UNC path i.e. //host-name
If you are using a Unix operating system you could mount a remote filesystem as a directory and use it as your destination directory
Warning To ensure interoperability across file systems, it is recommended that you follow a good naming standard such as POSIX when creating files and folders. For example, folder names can't contain slashes so a folder named '1/2/15' would not be valid.
Browse http://<your server:port>/filesystem/health (replace <your server:port> with your frevvo server:port) to check the status of the connector. If the connector is up and running, you will see { "status" : "UP" }
Connect Forms/Workflows with the Send to
File System wizard
Excerpt |
Saving files to a local or remote location is easily done with the Save Send to File System wizard if generating metadata is not required. Let's begin with a very simple example. Here are the requirements:
Follow these steps to fulfill the requirements by using the doc action Send to File System wizard
- Create a descriptor file named file-descriptor.ftl in your <frevvo-home>\tomcat\lib directory. The file MUST be named file-descriptor.ftl.
- Use the Save Send to File System wizard to generate a map to provide the submission data to the connector
Tip |
If metadata generation is required, the configuration can become significantly complex. For example, you may need to provide more attributes for a field than just a name or value. For these reasons, we recommend using the Save Send to File System wizard going forward. The wizard is simpler to implement and maintain. |
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Generating Metadata using the
Send to File System wizard
Once the file-descriptor.ftl file is in place, the wizard must be configured to specify the Name-value pairs that will be used to generate the metadata file. This is done in the Metadata section of the wizard. The Name and Value columns are required. The Metadata Prefix is used to distinguish submission data fields from metadata fields. The default value of the prefix is md. The Name or Group value is prefixed with the metadata prefix when the doc action is executed. There is no limit to the number of rows allowed in the metadata table.
- Browse http(s)://<your server:port>/filesystem/health (replace <your server:port> with your frevvo server:port) to check the status of the connector. If the connector is up and running, you will see { "status" : "UP" }
- If this is a new installation, revisit the installation steps to ensure the filesystem.war is correctly installed.
- Ensure configuration settings are correct in the connector.file.root.dir parameter (in the file) and the URL in the Save Send to File System wizard screen. Double-check spelling and capitalization.
- Ensure the frevvo service user has permission to access and write to the submissions directory. If there is an issue with the submissions directory, you may see an error in the logs like "Root directory not found: <path>".
- Check that your SSL certificate is valid and current.