This page contains the detailed changes made to the following products:
v7.1 Release
The frevvo team is pleased to announce the release of v7.1 - a major new release.
v7.1.9 (r30913)
9/28/2017 - In-house Only
v7.1.9 is a bug fix patch release only available for In-house customers. The 7.1.9 tomcat bundle can be downloaded from the frevvo Software Downloads Directory. In-house customers upgrading from v7.1.x, should refer to the Applying a Minor Patch Update topic in the Upgrade Guide.
Tickets fixed:
#21701 - Submissions are accessible to anyone with a link to the submission repository in
tenants configured with the LDAP and SAML Security Managers
Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Connector | |
Live Forms v7.1.9 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x) | v2.4 | v2.1.1 | v5.3 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.0 |
v7.1.8 (r29878)
v7.1.8 is a bug fix patch release. Live Forms Cloud customers were automatically upgraded on 4/25/2017. The in-house version of Live Forms was also released on 4/25/2017. In-house customers upgrading from v7.1.x, should refer to the Applying a Minor Patch Update topic in the Upgrade Guide.
Tickets fixed:
#20832 - Tasks missing for workflows
#20906 - Application error when saving changes after editing a step in a workflow
Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Connector | |
Live Forms v7.1.8 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x) | v2.4 | v2.1.1 | v5.3 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.0 |
v7.1.7 (r29837)
v7.1.7 is a bug fix patch release. Live Forms Cloud customers were automatically upgraded on 4/16/2017. The release of the in-house version of Live Forms is TBD.
Tickets fixed:
- #20909 - Application Error - "String index out of range: -2" when renaming a template application.
Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Connector | |
Live Forms v7.1.7 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x) | v2.4 | v2.1.1 | v5.3 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.0 |
v7.1.6 (r29777)
v7.1.6 is a bug fix patch release. Live Forms Cloud customers were upgraded on 4/10/2017. The in-house version of Live Forms was released on 4/10/2017. In-house customers upgrading from v7.1.x, should refer to the Applying a Minor Patch Update topic in the Upgrade Guide.
Tickets fixed:
- #20487 - "Add Task Failed" error while searching tasks in cloud hosted tenants.
- #20891 - Forms with mobile page breaks don't work properly when the pages need to be shown dynamically.
- #20897 - Tenants changed from mixed case to lower case names are unable to see all submissions. Flow admins are seeing error alert email with message: HTTP Error 404. Could not send submission to insight server. HttpSolrClient.RemoteSolrException:
Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Connector | |
Live Forms v7.1.6 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x) | v2.4 | v2.1.1 | v5.3 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.0 |
v7.1.5 (r29603)
v7.1.5 is primarily a bug fix patch release. The in-house version of Live Forms was released on 3/10/2017. In-house customers upgrading from v7.1.x, should refer to the Applying a Minor Patch Update topic in the Upgrade Guide.
The Live Forms Cloud was upgraded on 3/18/17.
Tickets fixed:
- #20742 - FREVVO.PRINT_PAGE_NUM & FREVVO.PRINT_PAGE_COUNT functions show markup instead of page numbers/counts when configured in the PDF header/footer.
Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Connector | |
Live Forms v7.1.5 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x) | v2.4 | v2.1.1 | v5.3 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.0 |
v7.1.4 (r29543)
v7.1.4 is the initial release of the in-house software. It is primarily a bug fix patch release. Live Forms Cloud customers are scheduled for upgrade on 3/4/2017. The in-house version of Live Forms will be released on 3/2/2017. In-house customers , should refer to the Upgrade Guide .
Tickets fixed:
- #20556 - Custom session-timeout not working for SAML tenants
- #20726 - Quick Approval warning message visible but null for designer with ACL privilege
Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Connector | |
Live Forms v7.1.4 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x) | v2.4 | v2.1.1 | v5.3 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.0 |
v7.1.3 (r29456)
v7.1.3 is primarily a bug fix patch release. It contains two enhancements. Live Forms Cloud customers are scheduled for upgrade on 2/18/2017. The in-house version of Live Forms will be released on 2/17/2017. In-house customers upgrading from v7.1.x, should refer to the Applying a Minor Patch Update topic in the Upgrade Guide.
- #20423, #20397 - The ability to retry a transaction if Live Forms encounters an database deadlock.
- #20571 - Add and form/flow to the frevvo log entries
Tickets fixed:
- #20545 - Broken image in captcha popup
- #20555 - Cannot configure flow rejection if the user id contains an @ sign
- #20557 - SQL Server deadlocks interfere with Escalations working consistently.
- #20593 - URL to add.gif is not working in Chrome and IE browsers
Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Connector | |
Live Forms v7.1.3 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x) | v2.4 | v2.1.1 | v5.3 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.0 |
v7.1.2 (r29252)
v7.1.2 is primarily a bug fix patch release. It contains two enhancements. Live Forms Cloud customers are scheduled for upgrade on 1/28/2017. The in-house version of Live Forms will be released on 1/27/2017. In-house customers upgrading from v7.1.x, should refer to the Applying a Minor Patch Update topic in the Upgrade Guide.
- Simple registration for cloud and in-house trial tenants.
- Trial tenants include a set of form/flow templates to help with the evaluation of
Tickets fixed:
- #20157 - Azure AD signing key rollover results in error requiring an update of IDP metadata in the
- #20296 -Text on space home page is cut off from right and bottom.
- #20352 - Who can access the audit trail permission is not working for hardcoded and templatized users
- #20384 - Who can access the audit trail permission with users and roles configured is not working when the form/flow is downloaded from a previous release then uploaded to v7.1.
- #20387 - Users are not redirected to SAML authentication URL when the IDP session timeout expires.
- #20421 - NullPointerException sending task notifications.
- #20428 - Tenant admin cannot navigate to user home pages with case insensitive Azure security manager.
- #20429 - User lookups in
list users from a tenant using the Azure Security manager in mixed case.
- #20439 - Anonymous Email not sending emails. Error displays "Cannot send email to" with the correct email address inserted in the message.
Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Connector | |
Live Forms v7.1.2 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x) | v2.4 | v2.1.1 | v5.3 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.0 |
v7.1.1 (r29092)
v7.1.1 is primarily a bug fix patch release. Live Forms Cloud customers were upgraded on 12/23/2016. The v7.1.1 in-house version of Live Forms was not released. Customers are encouraged to use v7.1.4 which was released on 3/2//2017.
Tickets fixed:
- #20426 - Application Error when clicking Continue on a workflow step in a tenant using the Azure SAML security manager.
Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Connector | |
Live Forms v7.1.1 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x) | v2.4 | v2.1.1 | v5.3 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.0 |
v7.1.0 (r29058)
This is the initial GA release of Live Forms v7.1. Live Forms Cloud customers were automatically upgraded on December 18, 2016. The v7.1.0 in-house version of Live Forms was not released. Customers are encouraged to use v7.1.4 which was released on 3/2/2017.
New Features:
- Submission search by fields in your form/flow (#19626)
- Share the editing of forms/flows with more than one designer using the Designer ACL feature (#8493)
- Save submissions to with the box connector. Easily integrate forms/flow to box with the Save to Box wizard (#19514)
- Navigation Tool Bar for anonymous screenflows. (19797)
Tickets fixed:
- #17845 - Selection control option value containing special characters displays escaped value when mapped to PDF fields.
- #18996 - Sorting submissions by key fields is not working correctly.
#19119 - labels in Dropdown options containing an ampersand or an apostrophe are not escaped in the PDF snapshot and Email Subject
- #19167 - "Invalid signature detected. Data may have been tampered with" error in a workflow if a section has an Upload Control with attached files.
- #19190 - JavaScript alert appears when adding id parameter to form popup url in FF browser
- #19203 - task.notify.url generates raw form link. As a result, the form is not centered in the web page when an anonymous user clicks the link to open the task.
- #19284 - The Authentication Only checkbox on the Azure tenant screen should be hidden.
- #19292 - Role Names > than 15 characters Display error when creating roles in UI or csv upload.
- #19328 - frevvo.currentTenant() returns the tenant name that the form is in when you access a public form anonymously (not logged into any tenant).
- #19386 - The Notify checkbox should default to selected in LDAP/AD Configurations
- #19432 - Blank form displays when clicking task perform urls in email notifications in a SAML tenant.
- #19434 - Long name for forms/flows make the pie chart smaller in size in the Active Processes report.
- #19469 - Null Pointer Exception when the Insight Data Batch job encounters corrupt data.
- #19563 - Flow task submitted automatically after the Save button is clicked when the flow step has a precondition that evaluates to false.
#19568 - Add showLink=false to the Full Page URL of forms.
- #19612 - DB2 & POSTGRESQL Resource section still included in server.xml
- #19705 - Doc and Activity Doc Actions configured in a flow happen before rules containing form.unload and form.deactivate execute.
- #19707 - Users must scroll down to see the Login box when a long public form is saved and Anonymous Signup is selected for the tenant.
- #19708 - Rules to extract AD attributes do not work in a tenant using the LDAP Container Security Manager
- #19713 - Ignore case option is not selected by default in LDAP, SAML and Azure SAML security managers
- #19728 - Browsing a space specific task list url navigates to the IDP login page for a SAML tenant
- #19740 - 6.1-to-6.2-upgrade in frevvo_db_changelog.xml fails from scratch for OEM customer
- #19744 - Special characters in PDF name cause application error
- #19749 - Custom styles in a Space revert to default styles after upgrade.
- #19774 - Save to File System URL should default to blank for Cloud customers.
- #19756 - Form Action (Forward users to web page) does not work in flows if the last step is performed from task list.
- #19778 - "Access Denied" error when browsing the URL of a public flow that has a role assigned to the first step.
- #19788 - Uploaded attachments with long names cause submission failure.
- #19807 - Uploading a csv file that does not contain roles for users who have roles assigned to them displays a misleading "Update of user roles failed" warning.
- #19809 - Flows do not create a task for last step in an LDAP tenant when there are no holidays configured in the Business Calendar.
- #19813 - Error 1053 when trying to stop Frevvo as a Windows Service.
- #19818 - Live Forms does not start successfully unless frevvo.users.schemaName parameter in v7 frevvo.xml matches the parameter in v6 frevvo.xml
#19838 - Long signatures entered into the "Or Type Name" field of a Wet Signature control in an Accessible form are truncated.
#19912 - Placeholder translation string is not present for flows.
#19913 - Strings containing ':' do not get translated when ISO-8859-1 encoding checkbox is checked when uploading the locale file.
#19923 - Form validation error on fields when valid input values are entered.
- #19973 - Handling of certain html tags causes some Message controls to be uneditable.
#20044 - "Value update failed" error when changing the selection in a dropdown control populated from a database using the Database Connector
- #20291 - Space logout link is not present for tenants using the LDAP Security Manager.
Version | Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Connector |
Live Forms v7.1 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x) | v2.4 | v2.1.1 | v5.3 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.0 |
End of Life Policy
frevvo supports major versions for two years after the first GA release date. For some releases, the End of Life Date may be extended.
Initial GA Release | End of Life Date | |
7.1.x | December 18, 2016 | December 18, 2018 |
7.0.x | July 23, 2016 | July 23, 2018 |
6.3.x | February 13, 2016 | February 13, 2018 |
6.2.x | October 31, 2015 | October 31, 2017 |
6.1.x | December 23, 2014 | January 29, 2017 |
5.3.x | June 4, 2014 | June 4, 2016 |
5.1.x | June 1, 2013 | June 6, 2015 |
4.1.x | December 12, 2010 | October 5, 2014 |
3.4 | July 9, 2009 | July 9, 2011 |