This page contains the detailed changes made to the following products:
v7.3.7 (r31459)
In-house Only: February 16, 2018
Version 7.3.7 is a bug fix patch release. It is immediately available for download from our frevvo Software Download Directory. In-house customers upgrading from v7.3.x, should refer to the Applying a Minor Patch Update topic in the Upgrade Guide.
Tickets Fixed:
- #22175 - Email control validation prevents entry of valid email addresses such as addresses that include an apostrophe or long domain name
- #22188 - User has to scroll up to find the Reject lightbox in long forms and the default task notification message refers to Task List instead of Task
#21889 - Task List Search does not return results for users with the Who can administer the flow permission
Version | Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Box Connector | Sharepoint Connector |
Live Forms v7.3.4 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x - 6.3.1) | v2.5.3 | v2.3.1 | v5.4 | v1.1.0 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.1 |
v7.3.6 (r31418)
In-house Only: February 2, 2018
Version 7.3.6 is an enhancement and bug fix patch release. It is immediately available for download from our frevvo Software Download Directory. In-house customers upgrading from v7.3.x, should refer to the Applying a Minor Patch Update topic in the Upgrade Guide.
- Create/upload user functions now support userids up to 75 characters and ids that contain single quotes(#22104)
- Live Forms now incorporates Google Invisible reCAPTCHA to protect against form spamming(#22132)
Tickets Fixed:
#21984 - Type ahead on Dropdown and ComboBox controls does not work with numeric keypad
#22002 - Anonymous users allowed to submit the first step of a public flow that has a role assigned to it
#22015 - Task Successful Rejected message still scrolls to the top of screen
#22093 - Task Search query to populate the form/flow dropdown adds the same type id to the in clause over and over again.
#22120 - The Dropdown values of the My Tasks form/flow search function are not displaying properly.
Version | Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Box Connector | Sharepoint Connector |
Live Forms v7.3.4 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x - 6.3.1) | v2.5.3 | v2.3.1 | v5.4 | v1.1.0 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.1 |
v7.3.5 (r31232)
December 2, 2017 - Cloud Upgrade
December 1, 2017 - In-house
Version 7.3.5 is a small bug fix patch release. Live Forms Cloud customers will be automatically upgraded on December 2, 2017. The in-house version of Live Forms v7.3.5 was released on December 1,2017. In-house customers upgrading from v7.3.x, should refer to the Applying a Minor Patch Update topic in the Upgrade Guide.
Tickets Fixed:
- #21890 - Upload control dialog box spins indefinitely and never completes when using Confluence and SSL
- #21929 - Application Procesing error after flow submission
Version | Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Box Connector | Sharepoint Connector |
Live Forms v7.3.4 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x - 6.3.1) | v2.5.3 | v2.3.1 | v5.4 | v1.1.0 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.1 |
v7.3.4 (r31188)
November 11, 2017 - Cloud Upgrade
November 10, 2017 - In-house
Version 7.3.4 is a small bug fix patch release. Live Forms Cloud customers were automatically upgraded on November 11, 2017. The in-house version of Live Forms v7.3.4 was released on November 10,2017. In-house customers upgrading from v7.3.x, should refer to the Applying a Minor Patch Update topic in the Upgrade Guide.
Tickets Fixed:
- #19820 - Workflow skips steps and goes directly to a submitted state
- #20735 - User has to scroll up to find Reject lightbox in long forms.
- #21757 - Rules set to trigger on combobox values do not trigger
- #21871 - Geolocation does not work on In-House server
- #21894 - When using the Users CSV upload to update existing accounts, Email, firstname, lastname and reportsTo do not update
- #21909 - Clicking Save & Test or Save does not exit from Edit mode after changing a rule in the Rule Builder
Version | Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Box Connector | Sharepoint Connector |
Live Forms v7.3.4 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x - 6.3.1) | v2.5.3 | v2.3.1 | v5.4 | v1.1.0 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.1 |
v7.3.3 (r31085)
October 28, 2017 - Cloud Upgrade
October 27, 2017 - In-house
Version 7.3.3 is a small bug fix patch release. Live Forms Cloud customers were automatically be upgraded on October 28, 2017. The in-house version of Live Forms v7.3.3 was released on 10/27/2017. In-house customers upgrading from v7.3.x, should refer to the Applying a Minor Patch Update topic in the Upgrade Guide.
Tickets Fixed:
- #21814 - The manager attribute in a SAML SM tenant is not updated in frevvo when a change is made in AD
- #21837 - "Error processing stylesheet" error when accesssing the Task List from a Space
Version | Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Box Connector | Sharepoint Connector |
Live Forms v7.3.3 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x - 6.3.1) | v2.5.3 | v2.3.1 | v5.4 | v1.1.0 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.1 |
v7.3.2 (r30983)
October 7, 2017 - Cloud Upgrade
October 6, 2017 - In-house
Version 7.3.2 is a bug fix patch release. Live Forms Cloud customers were automatically be upgraded on October 7, 2017. The in-house version of Live Forms v7.3.2 was released on 10/6/2017. In-house customers should refer to the Upgrade Documentation
The frevvo Database Connector is no longer included in the tomcat bundle. Version 2.5.3 of the Database Connector is scheduled for release the week of 10/23/2017. We recommend that you wait for this version to take full advantage of all the logging and other improvements. If you are registered on our support site, you will receive an email when it is released.
Tickets Fixed:
#20339 - Display of ComboBox options inconsistent
- #21412 - Embedded forms expand horizontally on devices.
- #21526 - New Forms/Flows are deployed by default
- #21557 - Pie Chart of Active Processes gets partially hidden when opened for the first time
- #21578 - Thank you message window not displaying properly after submitting a flow containing Summary at the end
- #21604 - Precondition Rule validation hangs on Message " Validating, saving and starting testmode."
- #21602 - Submissions query sent to server before all parameters are entered
- #21614 - Attempt to delete a submission that is already deleted causes error
- #21620 - Logging into tenant using the Google/SAML Security Manager that is not known to Live Forms causes error
- #21622 - logging.level.=DEBUG property does not change the loglevel to DEBUG for the frevvo logfile
- #21627 - Attempt to perform a task from the Task List after the form has been deleted in a linked application causes error
#21636 - Incorrect formatting when selecting Tablet test mode
#21646 - Files checkbox is automatically checked when Additoinal Email wizard is updated
- #21650 - Next and Back links not clickable for Summary steps in a flow in Test Tablet mode only
- #21688 - Entering non ISO 8859-1 characters as literal values in the Visual Rule Builder causes Application Processing error
- #21696 - "Value update failed" error on last step of a workflow that contains checkbox controls
- #21698 - Submissions are accessible to anyone with a link to the submission repository in Live Forms tenants configured with the LDAP and SAML Security Managers
- #21724 - Log-in to space url in a SAML/Google SM tenant redirects to odd log in screen that only shows the tenant field
- #21731 - Escalation lock wait timeout causes application error
Version | Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Box Connector | Sharepoint Connector |
Live Forms v7.3.2 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x - 6.3.1) | v2.5.2+ | v2.3.1 | v5.4 | v1.1.0 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.1 |
v7.3.1 (r30764)
September 9, 2017 - Cloud Upgrade Only
Version 7.3.1 is a small bug fix patch release. Live Forms Cloud customers were automatically be upgraded on September 9, 2017. This release was only deployed to the frevvo Cloud.
Tickets Fixed:
- #20796 - Doc Action failure emails are not sent to tenant admins when using the Azure SAML Security Manager
- #21330 - Test mode hangs for a long time
- #21591 - "Save of the rule DSL failed" error when 'as hidden' or 'as visible' is selected on the Actions page of the Visual Rule Builder
- #21605 - The Edit tenant and the Submissions Table accessed from the Shared Items tab in a space pages are cropped
Version | Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Box Connector | Sharepoint Connector |
Live Forms v7.3.1 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x - 6.3.1) | v2.5.2 | v2.3.0 | v5.4 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.0 | v1.0.0 |
v7.3.0 (r30743)
September 2, 2017
This is the initial GA release of Live Forms v7.3.0. Live Forms Cloud customers were automatically be upgraded on September 2, 2017. The in-house version of Live Forms v7.3.0 was not released.
New Features:
- SharePoint Connector (#20369)
Space menu items are created using relative URLs. They no longer include hardcoded hosts, protocols (http vs https) or ports (#14560)
Save and Test icon to test forms/flows from the designer/rule pages to make designers more efficient (#14839, #16548)
- The tenant/flow admin can delete Pending, Waiting & Saved submissions directly from the submissions repository UI not just the task list UI as was the case in prior releases(#18094)
- Preconditions:
- Improved error message when the evaluation of a pre-condition fails (#18777)
- Precondition Editor to make coding of preconditions in the flow designer easier (#20748)
- Message Control:
- Rich Text Editor mode is now selectable for a Message Control (#19615)
- Templatized strings can now be used in Message Controls (#20048)
- Message controls can be dragged/dropped into a Repeat control (#21036)
- Message control is now allowed inside a dynamic required section control (#8035)
The ComboBox control now works with forms created data first from Schema (18374)
- Ability to retrieve values from a database to populate Combobox control options (20323)
Dynamic Options: - Ability to populate options for the Dropdown, Checkbox, Radio or Combobox controls from the form/flow designers or a web service using control properties instead of Business Rules (#20743)
- Page Break controls are visible by default when designing forms (#20918 )
- Files uploaded as attachments now only show the uploaded file's name. The extra clutter (... file type) information has been removed from the form.(#20795)
The Task notification email default link now uses the {task.perform.url} bulit-in template and generates a clickable link. This brings users directly to the task instead of the task list. (#20911)
The frevvo tomcat bundle includes the SQL Server JDBC driver (#20839)
In - house customers can set default _data properties in configuration files (#20857)
JMX (Java Management Extensions) monitoring is enabled in the frevvo cloud and in-house Tomcat bundle (#20697, 20691)
Javascript Rule Code is only "beautified" if it was generated by the Live Forms Rule Builder (#21183)
- The Database, Google and SharePoint connectors now generate their own logfiles (#21550)
- Guided Tours and Page Help to assist new and existing
users (#20237)
- Ability to to customize default messages and Form designer labels (#21437)
Tickets fixed:
#19179 - Translation of 'Access Denied. Authentication required.' string in Default locale does not work.
#19212 - The Rich Text editor menu icon disappears when drag/drop a Message Control. Clicking another control then clicking the Message Control brings it back.
#19432 - Blank form displays when clicking task perform urls in email notifications in a tenant running the SAML Security Manager
#19614 - Entering a <br/> tag in the Source tab of the Rich Text Editor of the Message Control can be used to align or right justify a control in a form/flow. If the Message Control is clicked a second time, the HTML tag is not retained and the default "Message" text displays again.
#19694 - Embedded task list is not responsive on mobile devices.
#20050 - "Requested Form/Flow? cannot be found" error message when editing the forms/flows simultaneously in different browser tabs.
#20186 - Help popup text displays in the center of the page and detached from the control it references.
- #20338 - Enabled property for the ComboBox control does not work from rules
#20339 - Selected option of a ComboBox control is not fully displayed
#20535 - The frevvo tomcat bundle has an information disclosure vulnerability.
#20617 - Lock user id, lock user name and lock date are displayed in the Submissions table when editing Form/flow submissions in the SUBMITTED state after the session has timed out or the user has logged out
#20640 - "Cannot Acquire Lock Exception error inthe frevvo log
#20709 - Upload control : Uploading attachment shows multiple loading indicators
#20736 - The {task.perform.url} template does not generate a clickable link in notification emails.
#20833 - frevvo database server's CPU is at max utilization with database running table scans on the controlsubmissions table due to missing database index
#20855 - Minimum rows setting on webform not working at runtime.
#20876 - form.load rule to set the min/max for a Table control does not work
#20902 - The syntax to use the comment field data in a template does not work
- #20960 - .commentValue does not work in templates
#20979 - The "Press Esc key to minimize" message stays on for long time when pressing F2 to maximize/minimize the Rule editor canvas
#20986 - The iframe is not properly sized to the viewport for embedded forms/flows on mobile devices
#21005 - Version disclosure, X-Frame-Options Header and Admin user id disclosure security vulnerabilities detected
- #21183 - Autoformatting is applied to rules entered manually into the Rules Editor
#21198 - Changes to the Upload control min/max properties are not retained after saving the form/flow and then editing it again
#21272 - Corrupt users in frevvo account
#21281 - Clicking on task.perform.url in escalation reminder email of Email step in a flow re-sends the task notification email instead of opening the task
Version | Confluence Plugin | Database Connector | Google Connector | PVE Connector | Filesystem Connector | Box Connector | Sharepoint Connector |
Live Forms v7.3.0 | v5.4.0 (Confluence 6.0.x - 6.3.1) | v2.5.2 | v2.3.0 | v5.4 | v1.0.1 | v1.0.0 | v1.0.0 |
End of Life Policy
frevvo supports major versions for two years after the first GA release date. For some releases, the End of Life Date may be extended.
Initial GA Release | End of Life Date | |
7.3.x | September 2, 2017 | September 2, 2019 |
7.2.x | April 29, 2017 | April 29, 2019 |
7.1.x | December 18, 2016 | December 18, 2018 |
7.0.x | July 23, 2016 | July 23, 2018 |
6.3.x | February 13, 2016 | February 13, 2018 |
6.2.x | October 31, 2015 | October 31, 2017 |
6.1.x | December 23, 2014 | January 29, 2017 |
5.3.x | June 4, 2014 | June 4, 2016 |
5.1.x | June 1, 2013 | June 6, 2015 |
4.1.x | December 12, 2010 | October 5, 2014 |
3.4 | July 9, 2009 | July 9, 2011 |