DocuPhase Forms latest - This documentation is for DocuPhase Forms v11.3. Not for you? Earlier documentation is available too.

Planning for v11.3

Automatic Upgrade for Cloud Customers

DocuPhase Forms cloud-hosted customers receive a seamless automatic cloud upgrade. If you have any questions, please email

New Features 

View our What’s New in v11.3 Webinar recording for a 30-minute preview of the new features introduced in this release.

Updated Navigation Menus and Icons

v11.3 introduces a modern, updated navigation layout and new icons to help designers and admins easily navigate your content. While the layout has changed, the underlying functionality and content remains the same.

For example, prior versions Forms and Workflows Homepage was laid out with the main menu to the left, an expandable sub-menu, and the content in the middle, with help and search functions in the upper right.

v11.1 Forms and Workflow Homepage.PNG

The new layout will display the same menus horizontally across the top, with content below them and centered.

v11.3 Designer HomePage with Notes.PNG
Designer Homepage

The menu options remain the same. Clicking on a main menu items that has a sub-menu will open the sub-menu just below the tabs.

The “Welcome <userID>@<tenantID>” message no longer displays at the top. You can still see the currently logged in user id quickly by hovering over the My Account icon.

You will also notice new icons throughout the user interface. For example:

The Admin homepage has a similar layout and updates icons on pages like Manage Users. As with the Designer interface, the functionality remains the same.



End users (e.g. employees filling out forms) may not often interact with the application. For example, they may access their task list via a portal instead. However, if they do utilize the app their interface will be similar but they will only see the My Tasks and Shared Items tabs, and possibly the Reports tab depending on their permissions.

Our documentation may still reflect the previous layouts and icons on some pages. However, the functionality described in the documentation remains accurate.

Multiple Document Actions

We are thrilled to announce a much asked for set of features around Document Actions, or what happens to your data after you submit. In previous versions, you could choose one Send Documents Document Action (such as Send Email, Send to Google Drive or Send to an External System), one Send Data Document Action (such as Manually Set Doc URIs) and one Additional Email. In between steps, you could send a maximum of one email and one webhook Activity Doc Actions per step. Activity Doc Actions respect the precondition of their step, but did not have preconditions of their own, and post-submit Document Actions had no preconditions enabled. Many designers found this limiting for cases where they need to send documents to multiple locations, or to different locations (or not at all) conditionally.

With v11.3, both Activity Doc Actions (in between steps) and Document Actions (after submit) will allow you to choose up to five Document Actions, each with an optional precondition. All actions are now available as both Document Actions and Activity Doc Actions.

Imagine an Invoice Approval flow where approved invoices should be saved to DocuPhase Pro. The designer has implemented a “Submit as Disapproved” paradigm, where if one approver disapproves the invoice, the remaining steps are skipped and the flow is submitted. In the past, the document would be sent to DocuPhase Pro regardless. You might name it strategically or use metadata to show that it not an approved invoice, but the document will clutter the DMS regardless. With v11.3, you can set two Document Actions:

  1. Precondition: All steps are “Approved”. Action: Send documents to DocuPhase Pro.

  2. Precondition: Any step is “Disapproved. Action: Email initiator to inform them of the disapproved request.

Now, only your approved invoices go to you Document Management system, and your requester will get an email in case the invoice was disapproved.

Here’s how it works:

Document Actions

Under Form/Workflow Settings, choose the Document Actions tab. There are now two tabs: Send Documents, and Send Data.

On the Send Data tab, click ADD DOCUMENT ACTION.

A new section will appear with the warning NOT CONFIGURED, and a dropdown to select a Document Action. Notice there are two tabs, Action and Precondition.

From the Action dropdown, choose a Document Action.

Configure the Document Action. Then, optionally, select the Precondition tab. Configure the Precondition just as you would for a step or mapped PDF.

The configured Doc Action will run only when the Precondition resolved to “true”. Notice that when you return the list, the chosen Action and the Precondition description is displayed. Once you have chosen five Document Actions, the ADD DOCUMENT ACTION button disappears.

Note that the Send Data tab remains unchanged; because sending Data uses a different paradigm, you may still choose only one Send Data option, and you cannot set a precondition for Send Data.

The “Additional Email” tab is removed, as you may send multiple emails using the Send Documents tab.

Activity Doc Actions

Activity Doc Action (after a particular step) work similarly. Click the + icon after the step where you want to apply the action. Choose Add Document Action.

The Add Workflow Step popup will appear, with one NOT CONFIGURED action added for you.

Just as with Document Actions, choose an Action. Note that all actions are now available.

Configure your Action. Optionally, click the Precondition tab and configure a precondition. Repeat this process for up to five actions per step. Click Submit when finished.

The Activity Document Action will appear in your workflow outline as a purple step. Click the purple step to edit your action or add more. If you add multiple Actions, the step name will display “Perform Document Actions ( # )” , where # is the number of actions you have configured.

Format Money and Number Controls

You will now be able to employ automatic money and number formatting on your forms using the Form/Workflow-level Number and Currency Formatting property, the Money control Currency property, and the Number control Format property.


Forms will now display money values for any currency formatted in the current user’s locale including symbol, thousands and decimal separators, and number of decimal places.

The currency can be dynamic, so for example the same form can be used in different offices situated in different countries, and each will display the currency correctly for that country. (Note that there is no currency conversion; the value of the control is as originally entered in the end user’s locale.)

The currency symbol is locale-specific. For example, if you have a Money control set to Brazilian Real, but you view the form in the US locale, you would see the value with the “R$” currency indicator and the US money format: R$150.32. If you run the same form in the Brazil locale, you will see it formatted as 150,32 BRL.

Currency formatting applies to the form control, any snapshot generated from it and when that control is mapped to a pdf field. Formatting does not apply to other submission related views like dashboards, searchable, summary and export fields.


Similar to Money controls, Number controls can display the decimal separator differently for different currencies and locales. By default, the format will respect the Form/Workflow Number Formatting and Currency setting. Specifically, this relates to the decimal separator which is a period in some locales and a comma in others.

Form/Workflow Number Formatting and Currency Property

The form designer can set a default currency at the form/workflow level, which will apply to all Money controls added to the form thereafter. This property allows using typeahead to select a currency from the available list, and displays the selection. This property can also be set dynamically using a templatized string (a currency named in a control in your form).



  • The best practice is to design your form so that currency must always be entered (either by the user or programmatically) before the money value is entered. If the currency used in the templatized string is changed after the money value is entered, it may not behave as expected. The money value must be re-loaded to pick up such a change and could become invalid due to differences in symbol, separators and decimals.

  • If the Currency property is not specified, or the template used resolves to null, the property will take the installation-level setting (if applied) or none (Cloud). For backwards compatibility, the property will be empty on existing forms and workflows at the time of the upgrade.

Money Control Currency Property

For use cases that require multiple currencies in one form, the Money control also has a dropdown Currency property which is set to “Default” (meaning that it picks up the Form/Workflow level setting). The form designer can change it to any value in the dropdown list for each Money control, overriding the Form/Workflow setting for that control.

Number Control Format Property

For use cases where one or more Number controls on the form should be formatted differently from the Form/Workflow Number Formatting and Currency setting, the Number control allows formatting specific to the user’s locale or no formatting (which retains the current period decimal separator format).

There are three options for the Number control format (specifically, the decimal separator).

  1. Default (the default setting) will respect the Number Formatting and Currency form/workflow property combined with the locale of the form user. For example, if your Number Formatting and Currency property is set to Brazilian Real, but you view the form in the US locale, your Number format will use a period decimal separator. If you view the form in Brazil locale, the format will use a comma decimal separator.

  2. Automatic respects the locale of the form user.

  3. None uses the original formatting of a period for the decimal separator regardless of locale.

Additional Money Formatting Information and Limitations
  • Formatting is only relevant for user input in the form; business rules must use a numeric-only format.

  • There is no support for currency in the schema. So, when a money control is created from schema, the currency is set to Default.

  • You do not need to create currency name translations since they are available out of the box (based on the browser locale or the locale parameter override).

  • Mobile View: Previous versions render money, number, and quantity fields as a html input of type number on mobile devices. This displays a spinner on the desktop when simulating mobile while testing - which is only useful for integer fields (quantity). This allows the device to display the numeric keyboard. However, it also will not allow format separators. In order to maintain backwards compatibility and ensure proper display we now render the field as a number only if we determine that no formatting is intended to be applied. Note that the presence of a control template as default is considered as an intent to format (no effort is made to resolve it).

New Read-only Navigation Toolbar Option

The Navigation Toolbar now has a new option: Progress Bar. The Progress Bar display exactly as the default Navigation Toolbar, but the steps are not clickable so the user cannot return to previous steps, but rather, can just see a visual cue for where they are in the workflow.

New Google Connector

This release introduce a new Google Connector using the Google API and JWT (JWS) authentication. This means that instead of using an OAuth token that connects each Doc Action or rule to a particular user’s account, you’ll have a single Service Account that authenticates DocuPhase Forms to Google. The new connector is built in to the software so there is nothing extra to install, and configuring it is easily done by an admin similar to our other built-in connectors.

Some additional benefits include being able to use preconditions on your Drive and Sheets document actions and being able to post data from repeats and table columns in your form to separate rows on your Google Sheet.

It’s easy to set up the new connector following these steps:

  1. Create a Google Project and Service Account

  2. Configure the DocuPhase Forms tenant (Admin: Manage Connectors)

  3. Configure your Document Action(s) for all forms/workflows that need to post to Google.

The new connector is also accessible in business rules which you can use to create dynamic dropdowns, prefill data on your form, and update a Google Sheet. See the new Google Connector documentation for examples.

New SharePoint Connector

This release introduces a new SharePoint Connector built on the Microsoft Graph API. The previous connector used Azure ACS and the SharePoint REST API. Starting April 2, 2026, Azure Access Control service (ACS) usage will be retired for SharePoint in Microsoft 365 and users will no longer be able to create or use Azure ACS principals to access SharePoint. Learn more about the Access Control retirement.

The new connector offers several other benefits. It uses OAuth client credentials rather than a user-based authentication. This is now a server to server integration (similar to the Azure Security Manager). The customer can choose when the credential will expire. This means that the user who configures your SharePoint application does not need access to the site(s) you plan to post to. Additionally, there is no longer an “access token” that could expire without warning and require reauthentication by the particular use who configured the app. The new connector will continue to work until the client secret expires, which is a date/length of time you select at the time of configuration.

To use the new SharePoint Connector, follow these steps.

  1. Register the App in Microsoft

  2. Configure the DocuPhase Forms tenant (Admin: Manage Connectors)

  3. Configure your Document Action(s) for all forms/workflows that need to post to SharePoint.

The new connector’s document action settings are very similar to the previous connector, with some exceptions:

  • If you choose to send uploaded documents, all such documents will be sent; you may not choose specific upload control(s).

  • You may not post documents to SharePoint Lists (only metadata).

  • You can now use a folder name that does not yet exist in SharePoint and/or a template to define the folder name. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created.

  • Multivalue controls (e.g. checkbox, table) are always mapped using the {json|<controlname>} syntax (for both lists and libraries).

Please see Migration Considerations for more info.

Open a Support Case from the App

Designers and Admins will now have the ability to open a support case using the help menu inside the app. Clicking Support will bring you directly to a form you can complete to open your support case; you will receive a confirmation by email.

Retired Features 

Form/Workflow Actions: Error actions

With our previous major release, we introduced asynchronous post processing which improves performance on submit and allows us to implement the multiple Doc Actions feature explained above. However, this method does not provide an “error” state back to the user at the time of form submission, so the Form/Workflow Actions: Error Action tab was deprecated as any settings in that tab would never be shown the end user. That tab and any settings within it has now been removed

Control Property: Sensitive

The control property ‘Sensitive’ has been removed from the Form designer. The DocuPhase product team is considering alternatives to help mask sensitive data such as SSNs or account numbers. In the meantime, please be conscious of when controls that collect potentially sensitive data are set to printable, used as Searchable, Summary or Export fields, used in templates and who has access to see them via the View Submissions and Edit Submission access control.

Migration Considerations

Dashboards Enabled

Dashboards are now included in your DocuPhase Forms subscription and enabled for all tenants. You will see the Dashboards tab available in your Project sub-menu. If you haven’t checked them out before, learn more here.

Number and Money Formatting

The Form/Workflow Number and Money Formatting will be empty on migrated forms and workflows.

The Currency property will be ‘Default’ on migrated forms and flows. This means it takes the Form/Workflow level property, which will be empty. So, there will be no money formatting on migrated form and flows, and they will retain their previous behavior.

The Format property (Number controls) will be ‘Default’ on migrated forms and flows. This means that formatting will be on if Number formatting and Currency is set, and off if it is not set. Since migrated forms and flows will not have Number formatting and Currency set, formatting will be ‘off’ and Number controls will retain their previous behavior.

No designer action is required to retain your existing behavior. Designers can adjust any or all of these properties as desired.

Legacy Connectors (SharePoint and Google)

With this release, we are introducing new SharePoint and Google connectors, which are configured under the Admin: Manage Connectors interface. Your existing document actions and business rules that utilize these ‘legacy’ connectors will continue to work, but you may not add new document actions using them.

You may continue to run existing forms/workflows on the existing connector(s) while also adding the new connector(s) for new forms and workflow. Both connectors run simultaneously and do not interfere with one another.

The legacy connectors are deprecated, will receive no further bug fixes or enhancements, and will be fully retired and removed from the product in a future release. Support and implementations can provide limited assistance for legacy connectors that are currently configured.

We strongly encourage you to migrate to the new connectors at your earliest convenience. Review your connector’s documentation to understand how the new connectors may change your document actions (and, for the Google Connector, business rules) and the steps to configure them.

Our implementations team is standing by to assist! Contact or your DocuPhase account manager to request assistance.