Form Style Properties

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Form Style Properties


Each setting property is described below.

On this page:


This specifies how wide your form will be. The default “regular” width is 600px, but the dropdown also includes thin (450px) and wide (800px). You also may pick the custom option; this will enable the box to the right of the Width dropdown and let you specify your own width.


This property specifies an initial height for your form as it is loading into the browser. It does not dictate the actual height. You typically do not have to edit your form’s height property since the form can resize dynamically. However if your form is very small it can improve the appearance as your form loads if you set height to the actual height of your form.

See Embedding and Using Forms for details on configuring the actual form height.


This property applies whether the options you define for checkbox and radio controls will be displayed vertically or horizontally. In the current version the property is always to set to vertical and cannot be changed. 


You can choose a theme to alter the appearance of your form.  provides two global themes : Nouveau or Nouveau Blue. The Nouveau theme gives your form a clear (white) background and a submit and cancel button with rounded corners. The Nouveau Blue has the same characteristics of the Nouveau theme and gives your form a soft blue background. New forms are created with the Nouveau theme.

Of course, you may create a custom theme instead of using the default themes. After you have added the customized them it will appear in the dropdown list along with the pre-defined options.

Font Name, Font Size and Font Color

Your form’s font name, size and color properties will be applied to all labels and text on your form. You can override these properties for a particular control by editing the control’s properties. 

When you create a form from scratch these properties are blank; the specific font, size and color of the labels and text in your form will depend on the theme you have chosen or the template you used when you created the form.  Simply supply values in any of the three font property fields to change the form defaults.


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