Customized Themes and Templates

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Customized Themes and Templates

If you use a form that has your own custom theme when publishing a template, your custom theme will not become part of the template.  The only exception to this rule is Global Themes that are applied to a form in the form's theme property. Also in this case the form must be used on the same form server. If the form is uploaded to a different form server the theme will be lost unless it was also installed here by the form server superuser admin.

If you want to share the form and the custom theme with someone else, you’ll need to send the downloaded form and the custom theme zip file or add the custom theme to the application level themes and download and send the application. This will send both the form(s) and application level custom theme(s)

Advanced Customization Techniques

The possibilities for customizing themes are virtually endless with CSS.  Keep in mind that every control on your form has a CSS property field (as described in the horizontal radio button example), so you can set a value to any control in the forms designer and target the particular control using any allowable CSS property.   Consider also that you can’t “hurt” anything by experimenting with the form.css file and uploading your customized theme to .  If you upload the theme and it’s not quite what you want, just delete it. Even if you’ve applied the custom theme to a form, you can at any time reapply the original clear or professional blue theme by changing the form’s Theme property.

If you will be making sophisticated changes, we recommend using Firebug, which is a free Firefox add-on.  With Firebug, you can make changes to the form.css file and see the changes applied instantly to your form in Firefox’s browser. Firebug also helps you inspect markup and determine which class IDs you need when adding your own custom styling touches.  More information is available at www.getfirebug.com.

Flow.css Customizations

Coming soon...

Tasks.css Customizations

Coming soon...

Login.css Customizations

Coming soon...

Submissions.css Customizations

Coming soon...