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Getting Started with Flows
This guide takes you through the process of creating and using your first simple electronic multi-page form and workflow. Please refer to the Expense Report Workflow Tutorial to follow step by step instructions for designing a real useful workflow..
In order to use Flow you must either:
- Sign up for a Live Forms Online Flows account. Or
- Download Live Forms In-house and install a v5 trial or flows enabled production license key.
Live Forms Online
You will need to sign up for a tenant on frevvo's SaaS server in order to use flows. A Flow account gives you your own tenant (workgroup or domain), which you can then manage to add additional user accounts and roles used by your workflows.
If your frevvo account does not have a tenant name then your account is not enabled for the Flows feature. Signup for a flows enabled account by selecting "yes" when prompted to select the flows feature.
If you already have an account on that does not contain the flows feature, please contact us to upgrade your account.
Live Forms In-House
To setup your in-house server for flows, please follow the installation instructions for your platform and ensure you have a flows enabled license installed in your Live Forms server.
Tenant Setup
Live Forms In-house
If you are using Live Forms In-house software installed locally on your own machine, then the 1st step is to login as the admin user and create your 1st tenant. You can follow the steps below and/or watch this video showing In-house Multi-tenant/Workflow Setup (4 min)
- Login as admin and default password is admin (Change your admin password to something secure)
- Click "manage" in the upper right corner
- Click "Manage Tenants"
- Click the icon to create a new tenant
In our getting started tutorial our tenant name is "" and we left the max concurrent users field blank. We named our admin user "admin" and left security manager class field blank.
- Next logout as the frevvo admin
In-house and Online
The next steps are for both Live Forms In-house and Online tenant users:
- Login as the tenant admin user. The tenant admin user in our getting started is:
Each tenant has it's own admin user that has permission to create new users, roles and perform other management functions for the tenant. For Live Forms In-house software users it is important to note the distinction between the frevvo admin user and the tenant admin user. Next we need to create a few users and roles in this tenant that we'll use in our first workflow later on in this tutorial.
- Click "manage" in the upper right corner
- Click "Manage Roles"
Notice that the role frevvo.designer already exist by default and cannot be deleted.
- Click the icon to create a new role. Add the role names "Employee" and "Manager"
- Click the "Back to Manage Tenant" link
- Click "Manage Users"
Notice that the user admin already exists by default and cannot be deleted.
- Click the
- Add the user named "tom" and use the roles dropdown to assign tom the role of Employee
- Add the user named "jerry" and assign jerry the role Manager
- Add the user named "designer" and assign designer the special role of frevvo.designer
icon to create three new users.
You now have your tenant setup and ready to create and test a simple approval workflow example.
Tenant Login
The only tenant user with permission to create forms and flows are those with the special role frevvo.designer. In our example we gave this role to the user we named "designer". Login as that user now with username "".
Multi-page Flow
Lets start by creating a simple multi-page flow.
Add/Edit a Flow
Flows Home Page
The Flows home page appears after you create and edit an application. By default when you edit an application you land in the forms home page. Click the Flows tab to switch to the flows home page.
- Click New in the flows home page to create your first flow.
- Or, to edit a flow you’ve already started, click the name of an existing flow or click the Edit icon below the flow name.
If you do not see the applications home page immediately upon login, then you are not logging into your tenant with a user that has been assigned the role frevvo.designer. Either login as a user who does have that role, or login again as the tenant admin, " in this example; edit the user and assign the role frevvo.designer.
Add Steps
The flow designer palette displays all the forms that you already created in this application. It also contains two default forms-- one named "Summary" and the other "New Form". If you have one of your own forms in the palette drag it into the flow designer canvas. Next drag in the "New Form" and drop it below your form. We'll refer to each form in your flow as a step in the flow. When you use the flow you'll navigate sequentially from 1st to last step filling each form along the way.
Edit Steps
Click on the 2nd step in the flow designer. This step was added when you dropped in "New Form" and was given a default name. By clicking on a step a pencil icon and delete icon appears. Click the pencil to edit this step. This launches the form designer you used in getting started Add/Edit a Form. Drag several controls into the form, edit the form's name, and click finish.
Arrange Steps
You can rearrange the step by dragging and dropping the steps above another step. To rename a step, edit the step and change the name of that form in the form designer.
Using a Flow
Using a workflow is similar to using a form. From the flows home page, click on the test
icon below your workflow. This brings you to the first step in your flow. The workflow automatically has a navigation bar to indicate which step you are currently in as well as the next steps that are coming. Fill in the fields in the 1st step and click the workflow's continue button to navigate thru the next steps. When you are at the last step the workflow continue button submits the flow and performs the flow's configured doc and form actions.Submitting your Flow
Like forms, a flows's doc and form actions are configurable. Go back into the frevvo flow designer for one of your flows to use the Form Action and Doc Action buttons. See submitting your form for more details.
Making Flows Public
Like forms, a workflow has three accessibility states. See making forms public for more details.
Creating a Workflow
Lets take the multi-page flow created above and change it into an approval workflow were two or more users participate in completing the flow. Your workflow will automatically be routed to the participants and we can collect digital signatures from each participant.
Styling Flows
Flows can be custom styled to fit the look & feel of your existing web site. See Getting Started with Themes.