This documentation is for frevvo v10.1. Not for you? Earlier documentation is available too.

Compatability with Other Add-ons

Feature Retirement: frevvo for Confluence

Atlassian is dropping support for Confluence Server in 2024 and encouraging customers to migrate to Confluence Cloud. The frevvo plug-in is not compatible with Confluence Cloud. Existing frevvo for Confluence licenses will be supported, but frevvo for Confluence will not be available for new customers.

Please see the frevvo for Confluence page for details about this announcement and recommendations.

You probably have other add-ins installed in Confluence.

On this Page:


Adaptavist Theme Builder

This has been tested with Theme Builder 4.2.4 and Confluence 3.5.5.

If you're using the Theme Builder add-ins, it will not by default show the menu items added by the frevvo add-ins. However, you can modify the menus to add these items. There are likely to be several ways to accomplish this and, given that we're not experts on using Theme Builder, we'd love to hear any feedback. One example is below:

  • In Theme Builder, go to the Layout Manager.
  • Select your layout and click on the Menus Tab.
  • In the Menu Shortcut Macros section at the bottom, click on Edit ...
  • In the dialog that pops up, select the Edit Menu. We modified it as shown below
  {compound-menuitem:custom|icon=form_blue|link=/spaces/frevvo/addForm.action?pageId=%withpageid%|caption=Add Form ...}
  {compound-menuitem:custom|icon=documents|link=/spaces/frevvo/addFlow.action?pageId=%withpageid%|caption=Add Flow ...}
  {compound-menuitem:custom|icon=server_document|link=/spaces/frevvo/addSubmissions.action?pageId=%withpageid%|caption=Add Submissions ...}
  {compound-menuitem:custom|icon=pictures|link=/spaces/frevvo/addTasks.action?pageId=%withpageid%|caption=Add Tasks ...}

This adds a top-level menu called frevvo to Confluence and menu items to add a Form, Flow, Submissions and Tasks.

Note that this also does not call the frevvo add-ins verification code that figures out whether or not to display these menu items depending on who is logged in, the server license etc. You will have to do this manually.

  • If you have purchased a Forms-only license, do not show the Add Flow or Add Tasks menu items since they will give an error.
  • If you have restricted usage to a frevvo-designers group, you may need to use the builder-show and builder-hide macros to display the menu items in the appropriate context.

Zen Foundation

Coming soon