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Starting and Testing the Connector

Start your servlet container. If you are using the tomcat bundle double click <frevvo-home>\start-frevvo. This will start the database connector web application. Access the connector by typing one of the test Urls below directly in your browser.

On this page:

If you are using the v2.3 database connector you can quickly verify proper installation using the built-in status service by putting this URL into your browser: http://localhost:8082/database/status. Change localhost and port 8082 to the host and port where you installed the connector.If you are using the v2.3 database connector you can quickly verify proper installation by putting this URL into your browser: http://localhost:8082/database/status. Change localhost and port 8082 to the host and port where you installed the connector.

If you are using the v2.2 database connector you can verify the installation using one of the pre-configured SQL queries. 

The database connector comes with a built-in hsqldb database for testing purposes. And the database connector's configuration.xml comes pre-configured with a few sample SQL queries. If you installed database.jar under the  tomcat bundle, run the following test queries. This will retrieve data from the built-in database:

For the tomcat-bundle running on the default port 8082, this query will return an xml document with two orders.


This query will select the order where orderId is equal to 102, and return an xml document with that single order.


The Url to the database connector has the following REST parameters:



  • <host> - the URL for the web server on which you deployed database.war.
  • <port> - port where the container is listening for http requests. This defaults to 8082 if the database connector was deployed in the  tomcat bundle.
  • <queryset name> - queryset name defined in the database connector configuration file.
  • <query name> – query name  defined in the database connector configuration file.

Quick Start Sample

The database connector contains a working sample HSQLDB database with some test data. If you are already running the  In-house frevvo form server you can get started very quickly.

Perform steps 1-4 in the DB Connector Installation Instructions under the title Follow these steps to install the connector. After performing these steps you will have:

  • Successfully installed the  database connector and,
  • Retrieved data from the built-in test database

If you have any problems with the Quick Start please see Getting Help to contact  support.

Common Problems

Live Forms tomcat running on non-default port

If you have configured your tomcat in <frevvo-home>/tomcat/conf/server.xml to run on a port other than the default 8082, then you must set the port in the Url to the database connector to that different port number.

This will not work:


Change 8082 to your tomcat port.

Your browser is not on the same machine as the database connector

If your web browser is not running on the machine where your database connector is installed then you cannot use "localhost" in the Url. You must replace this with the name or ipaddr of the machine running the database connector.

This will not work:


Change "localhost" to the actual hostname or ipaddr

The query returns a blank page after you changed the configuration.xml file location

In the v2.1 database connector you MUST restart  after changing the location of configuration.xml. Even though it appears that the changed location is picked up automatically after you save the change in context.default.xml, when you try your query after this change the tomcat logs will have an NPE and none of your queries will work.

The solution is to stop and restart the database connector. If you are using the  tomcat bundle you can do this by: Double click <frevvo-home>\stop-frevvo. Wait until  stops. Then Double click <frevvo-home>\start-frevvo

The query returns old results after you update the SQL in configuration.xml

It is very helpful to first test your queries by entering the query URL directly into your web browser and verify that the data resultset returned to your browser as a web page is as you expect. Note however that browsers often cache web pages. If you edit your configuration.xml SQL query and reload/refresh the URL in your browser you may NOT get the updated results due to your browser's caching. Avoid this caching issue by always opening a new browser tab to retest an updated query.