Reset Passwords

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Reset Passwords

The tenant admin can edit the profile for any tenant user and perform such functions as resetting passwords. To reset a password:
Login to the tenant admin's account.

  1. Click Manage Users.
  2. Click either the All link to display all tenant users or click the letter that corresponds to the first letter of their username.
  3. Click the icon to edit a user's profile.
  4. Set the password and re-enter password fields.
  5. Submit the form.

Users can also click "Forgot Password" on the login screen to reset their own password. Logged in users can change their password using the Manage Personal Information link under My Account on the top right of the screen. 

For  In-house and  In-house for Confluence customers, you may also need to reset the server admin's password. To do this run one of the scripts in the <frevvo-home>/frevvo/ directory: for Unix, run ''Reset-Admin-Pwd.sh''; for Windows, run ''Reset-Admin-Pwd.bat''.

These batch files reset admin passwords in the HSQL database, which is provided for evaluation purposes only. If you are using a production database, you will have to modify these batch files. Check for the exact sql update statement to execute against your database in the appropriate script for your environment Do NOT change the encrypted password in these files as these values reset the password to 'admin. Do not use this batch file to change the admin password to something else.



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