A designer must make changes to a form/workflow in their company space at the request of a co-worker. The requesting employee logs into the company space, selects the form/workflow from the menu and copies the form/workflow instance URL from the browser. An opaque URL such as the one shown below is emailed to the designer. The designer can't remember what user, app, form/workflow name that opaque url maps to and uses the lookup feature to find the form/workflow they need to fix/enhance. Code Block |
https://staging-app-72.frevvo.com/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/u/8aa27da6-4bef-427c-92e3-6ad8d58e506a/space/mycompany?mi=12&_formTz=America%2FNew_York&locale=en_US,eng_US,eng,en |
Paste the opaque URL into your browser. Remove everything after the uuid. Replace it with lookup after the slash. Press the Enter key. Login to the tenant (determined by the tenant name after the /tn in the URL) as an admin, designer or publisher user if presented with the login screen. Code Block |
https://staging-app-72.frevvo.com/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/u/8aa27da6-4bef-427c-92e3-6ad8d58e506a/lookup |
The uuid is converted to the user id of the designer who owns the space. Code Block |
https://staging-app-72.frevvo.com/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/user/designer |
Login to the tenant as the specified user and edit the space menu to get the raw form/workflow link. Remove everything after the formtype, flowtype, value in the opaque Raw Form/Workflow link. In the example shown, you would remove all characters starting with the question mark . Code Block |
https://staging-app-72.frevvo.com:443/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/u/8aa27da6-4bef-427c-92e3-6ad8d58e506a/app/_ngEekDxNEeWSMvnDVXXIRg/flowtype/_DxUxwZ8eEeScQa8_3O7FuQ?_method=post&embed=true |
Add /lookup to get the project and form/workflow name. Code Block |
https://staging-app-72.frevvo.com:443/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/u/8aa27da6-4bef-427c-92e3-6ad8d58e506a/app/_ngEekDxNEeWSMvnDVXXIRg/flowtype/_DxUxwZ8eEeScQa8_3O7FuQ/lookup |
The workflow named Example 3 - PO for Sales Review is located in the tenant mycompany, in the designer user account, in the project Purchase Order Completed. Code Block |
User: designer
Application: Purchase Order Completed
FlowWorkflow: Example 3 - PO for Sales Review |
Note |
In versions prior to v9.1 Projects were known as "Applications." The /lookup parameter will still return "Application" as a result populated with the Project name. |