Section | ||||||||||||||||
Version 2 of the Visual Rule Builder now has built-in functions and the ability to use operators to enable building useful expressions. The Rule Builder provides a Lookup mode to search for the function that you want to use and a Help mode that provides function syntax information and an example
The Rule Builder eliminates the need to manually write JavaScript. Use this version of the Rule Builder to create rules to:
Here is a list of the new functions:
It also supports these Operators:
Refer to the Visual Rule Builder chapter for more information. Be sure to see the real world sample rules that can be built with the Rule Builder on the Rule Examples page.
Unsaved Changes Warning Message
Info |
Unsaved Changes Warning Message
Users can experience data loss if they close the browser without saving or submitting when filling in a lot of data in a long forms/flows. Users can now be warned of the situation before the data loss. This applies to use-mode forms and flows only, not edit mode. The warning only shows if there have been changes made to the form/flow. If there are no changes, then no warning is displayed. If the form/flow is Saved or the Save on Navigate feature is configured for a flow, then changes are saved and the warning is not produced on any attempt to close the browser.
The unsaved changes warning feature is not supported on iOS Safari and only partially supported on Chrome Android. You may notice some inconsistencies with workflows. Refer to the Unsaved Changes topic for the details.
This feature is turned on off in the cloud but In-house customers can turn it off on by adding the the frevvo.unsaved.warning property to the file.
The step will still be named Email in your existing flows but the creation of new flows will show the name Anonymous Task in the flow designer palette. The functionality has not changed.
Tomcat and Insight Server version Upgrades
The version of the Insight Server has been upgraded to Solr 6.6.0 2 in the Cloud. Server functionality remains the same with the exception of the name of the directory in the tomcat bundle where Solr resides. In-house customers should review the Start the Insight server before Live Forms topic for the changes
Support for curly braces in Space Links
Tomcat 8.5 doesn't allow curly braces in URLs since they are not valid URL chars and deemed a security vulnerability. currently supports parenthesis as well as curly braces. If you are embedding forms, flows or the Task List in your website, change the markup to use parenthesis (). You may also notice that Share links for the Important items now show parenthesis instead of curly braces. You will see the parentheses in any newly created space. Support for curly braces {} will be dropped in a future releases
Code Block |
* Important Items
** Task List|
** My Account|
** Shared Items|
** Home| |
Migration Considerations for Live Forms In-house Customers
frevvo tomcat bundle Configuration Changes
If you are using the frevvo tomcat bundle, configuration of features has changed. In-house customers are encouraged to review the Upgrade Guide for an in-depth discussion of the changes BEFORE migrating to v7.4. A synopsis of the changes is listed below for your review.
Email Configuration moved to server.xml file
title | server.xml file |
Updated CAPTCHA Feature
now incorporates Google Invisible reCAPTCHA for the Live Forms Captcha feature. The CAPTCHA feature protects against form spamming. It is only supported for forms.
This change was necessary because Google is shutting down the reCAPTCHA v1 API used in previous releases. In most cases, no action is required by the user when submitting a form. If presented with standard CAPTCHA screens, the user must complete.them for successful submission.
The frevvo Cloud is configured for maximum protection. Configuration properties are available for in-house customers who want this level of protection in their environment. Refer to Administering reCAPTCHA keys for the details.
Insight Server Version Upgrade
The version of the Insight server (Solr) used for the new Submissions view and the Reports feature is upgraded to v6.6.2.
Changes to Revision
Revision numbers for have changed in v7.4.4+. The revision number is now a unique 40 character string. Release notes refer to the revision number by the first 7 characters. See Version Information for details.
Support for curly braces in Space Links
Tomcat 8.5 doesn't allow curly braces in URLs since they are not valid URL chars and deemed a security vulnerability. currently supports parenthesis as well as curly braces. If you are embedding the Task List in your website, change the markup to use parenthesis (). You may also notice that Share links for the Important items now show parenthesis instead of curly braces. You will see the parentheses in any newly created space. Support for curly braces {} will be dropped in a future releases
Code Block |
* Important Items
** Task List|/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/subject/(
** My Account|/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/subject/(
** Shared Items|/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/subject/(
** Home|/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/user/designer/space/mycompany/home?embed=true |
Migration Considerations for Live Forms In-house Customers
frevvo tomcat bundle Configuration Changes
If you are using the frevvo tomcat bundle, configuration of features has changed. In-house customers are encouraged to review the Upgrade Guide for an in-depth discussion of the changes BEFORE migrating to v7.4.
A synopsis of the changes is listed below for your review.
Email Configuration moved to server.xml file
Email configuration is now configured in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\server.xml file. Email configuration has not changed but it is no longer configured in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml file as in previous releases.
Code Block | ||
| ||
Mail Resource
<Resource name="mail/sharedfrevvoDS" auth="Container" type="javax.mail.Session""localhost"
mail.debug="false" /> |
Insight.war, frevvo.xml and insight.xml are now embedded in the frevvo.war file
The insight.war, frevvo.xml and insight.xml files are now embedded in the frevvo.war. You will not longer see the insight.war in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\webapps directory or the frevvo.xml and insight.xml files in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\catalina\localhost directory if you are using the frevvo tomcat bundle. Log messages formerly in the insight logfiles are now captured in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\logs\frevvo.YYYY-MM-DD file.
Default Configuration properties for the Insight Server are now located in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\ file described below
Logging Changes
The configuration property to turn on DEBUG level logging for the frevvo log has changed. The frevvo.logging.level property was used in v7.3+ to turn on DEBUG for the frevvo.log. This property is supported in v7.4+ but customers are encouraged to use logging.level.=<loglevel> going forward. Support for the frevvo.logging.level property will be removed in a future release. Refer to Tomcat logfiles for more information.
Create logs in JSON format
Add the spring.profiles.include=logging-json property to <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\ file to produce the frevvo and the logs for any frevvo Connectors you are running, in JSON format. It may be helpful, to have all the logs in the same format when troubleshooting. Refer to Tomcat logfiles for more information
New Properties file to Configure Live Forms features
A new configuration file,, located in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf directory is now the ONLY place to modify default parameters for frevvo Connectors etc. and to add your customizations. The is a standard java properties file.
When you edit the file, you will see commented sections containing default properties for Email settings, frevvo schema name changes needed for upgrades to v6.0, HTTP Proxy Configuration properties for licensing, Insight Server Setting, SAML certificate keystore settings, Insight Settings, File, Box and SharePoint Connector settings. Changes to any of these default properties must now be made in this file.
Code Block | ||
| ||
# SMTP Settings frevvo.mail.debug=false frevvo.actions.debug=true frevvo.rule.debug=true # frevvo schema name settings - needed for 6.0 upgrade only frevvo.users.schemaName=users # SQL Server schema name #frevvo.users.schemaName=users.dbo # HTTP Proxy Configuration for licensing #frevvo.proxy.port= #frevvo.proxy.username= #frevvo.proxy.password= #frevvo.proxy.ntlm=false # Insight settings insight.enabled=true insight.server-url=http://localhost:8983/solr # SAML certificate keystore settings mail.smtp.user="user" password="password"# File Connector settings frevvo.filesystem.connector.url=http://localhost:8082/filesystem frevvo.filesystem.connector.metadata.prefix=md. # Box Connector settings mail.debug="false" /> |
Insight.war, frevvo.xml and insight.xml are now embedded in the frevvo.war file
## Sharepoint Connector settings
Context parameters to customize features that were previously added to <frevvo-home>\tomcat\catalina\conf\catalina\localhost directory if you are using the frevvo tomcat bundle. Log messages formerly in the insight logfiles are now captured in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\logs\frevvo.YYYY-MM-DD lile.
Default Configuration properties for the Insight Server are now located in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\ file described below
New Properties file to Configure Live Forms features
Context parameters to customize features that were previously added to <frevvo-home>\tomcat\catalina\conf\localhost\frevvo.xml or modified in web.xml in the frevvo.war must now be converted to properties. A new configuration file,, located in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf directory is now the ONLY place to modify default parameters for frevvo Connectors and to add your customizations.
Turn off the Unsaved Changes Warning
In-house customers can turn off the display of the Unsaved Changes warning by adding the the frevvo.unsaved.warning property with a value of false to the filelocalhost\frevvo.xml or modified in web.xml in the frevvo.war must now be converted to properties. See the Converting Context Parameters to Properties topic for the details.
Modification of the file requires a server restart. You do not have to restart the Insight server.
Turn on the Unsaved Changes Warning
In-house customers can turn on the display of the Unsaved Changes warning by adding the the frevvo.unsaved.warning property with a value of true to the file. It is turned off by default.
Code Block | ||
| ||
frevvo.unsaved.warning=true |
MS SQL Server driver
At this time, frevvo only supports the v6.1.0.jre8 version of the SQL Server JDBC driver. This version of the driver is included in the frevvo tomcat bundle in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\libdirectory. v6.2+ of the driver may cause an issue with downloading larger attachment files from the submission repository. v6.2+ versions should not be used until further notice.
frevvo Connectors
The PVE and google Google Connectors are no longer included included in the frevvo tomcat bundle. See Software Downloads to download the latest versions of all the frevvo Connectors .
In-house customers should review the topics below, the instructions in the Upgrade Guide and Supported Platforms before migrating. It is recommended that you perform a full installation of v7.4+ when upgrading.
Warning |
v7 License Key Required if you are upgrading from a version prior to Live Forms v7.x Request a v7 license by emailing BEFORE you begin the upgrade. v5 and v6 licenses will not work. |
Hardware and Memory Requirements for your Live Forms Server
The minimum recommended hardware configuration for your Live Forms server is:
- 2 gigahertz (GHz) 64-bit (x64) processor with 4 cores
- 5 gigabyte (GB) of system memory
- 100 GB hard drive
However you must size your hardware platform to your specific form usage characteristics. As the number of concurrent users and forms/flows increases so must the system memory. Refer to the memory configuration topic for the details.
Insight Server Memory Requirements
The Insight Server and Service (Batch job) MUST be configured to take full advantage of the Reporting and the Submission view and search capability. Do NOT disable it in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml file.
It may be necessary to increase heap size for the Insight server, when reporting or indexing a large number of submissionsthe currently supported versions of .
Note |
Just a Reminder for In-house Customers
In-house customers should review the topics below, the instructions in the Upgrade Guide and Supported Platforms before migrating. It is recommended that you perform a full installation of v7.4+ when upgrading.
Warning |
v7 License Key Required if you are upgrading from a version prior to Live Forms v7.x Request a v7 license by emailing BEFORE you begin the upgrade. v5 and v6 licenses will not work. |
Hardware and Memory Requirements for your Live Forms Server
The minimum recommended hardware configuration for your Live Forms server is:
- 2 gigahertz (GHz) 64-bit (x64) processor with 4 cores
- 5 gigabyte (GB) of system memory
- 100 GB hard drive
However you must size your hardware platform to your specific form usage characteristics. As the number of concurrent users and forms/flows increases so must the system memory. Refer to the memory configuration topic for the details.
Email and Database Configuration moved to server.xml file
Insight Server Memory Requirements
The Insight Server and Service (Batch job) MUST be configured to take full advantage of the Reporting and the Submission view and search capability. Do NOT disable it in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\serverfrevvo-config.xml properties file . Configuring the database and Email has not changed. They are now both configured in the v7.4 server.xml file.
Insight log Entries
The messages formerly in the insight logs are now in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\logs\frevvo.YYYY-MM-DD logfile.if you use those features.
It may be necessary to increase heap size for the Insight server, when reporting or indexing a large number of submissions. Refer to the memory configuration topic for the details
Start the Insight server before Live Forms
Excerpt | ||||||||||
requires Insight software for the Reporting and Submissions View feature. The Insight software is included in the tomcat bundle. The Insight server MUST be started BEFORE starting . Instructions for Windows and Linux operating systems are listed here:
You do not have to restart the Insight server every time you restart . |