Form Actions after Submit

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Form Actions after Submit

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DocuPhase Forms provides many options for you to control what happens when your form is submitted.

Document Action Wizards

These control what happens to the data. The document action wizards are accessible from Settings editing mode. There are a number of document actions options. Let's try the Email wizard.

v11.3 Send Email Doc Action.PNG
  1. Click the Document Actions tab, and the Send Documents sub-tab. Click ADD DOCUMENT ACTION, and choose Send Email from the dropdown menu.

    1. You can specify email addresses (To, Reply To, Cc ...) to send the submission data and each email address can be dynamically set from the form data using the dropdown to the right of the field in the wizard. Type in your own email address into the To: field.

    2. In "Send Snapshot", select PDF. A PDF view of the form (identical to the print view) will be attached.

    3. Leave "Send Data" checked. An XML file containing the form data will also be attached. 

  2. The subject & content of the email can also be specified and you can format these using HTML as well as create dynamic content using controls in the form. Set an email Subject and Message as desired. Experiment with using controls in the form as templates via the drop downs. You can also search templates by typing "{" and the first few letters of the control name. Click Finish and save your form.

  3. Test your form, fill in any required controls and Submit. Check your email (for on-premise installs you'll have to first configure your SMTP server). See that DocuPhase Forms has sent an email with the subject, content, and data attachments as configured by you.

There are many more actions e.g. you can submit the data to your back-end HTTP server etc. You can learn more in the Form and Doc Action Wizards chapter of the documentation.

Form Action Wizards

These control what the user sees. The form action wizards are accessible from Settings editing mode. Let's try the Display message wizard.

  1. Click the Form Actions tab. The option Display Message when user submits form is selected by default. You can specify any message you wish including dynamic content from the form data using the dropdown below the Message. Try setting any message you want and experiment with using controls as templates to create dynamic content.

  2. The "Show in" dropdown can be set to Frame, Parent, or Top. This simply displays the message in the current frame, the parent window, or the top window of the browser. Select Frame and click Finish.

  3. Test your form, fill in any required controls and Submit. See that DocuPhase Forms displays your configured message with any dynamic content in the frame.

  4. Go back to the form, and run the wizard again this time selecting Parent or Top. Click Finish and save your form.

  5. Test it again. This time, see that the message is displayed in the parent window instead of in the frame.

There are many more actions e.g. you can submit the data to your back-end HTTP server etc. You can learn more in the Form and Doc Action Wizards chapter of the documentation.

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