frevvo v11.1 is no longer supported. Please visit the Documentation Directory for our current Cloud Release and other versions.

Database Connector Release Notes

Review the Database Connector compatibility release matrix for your frevvo version. 

Database Connector Version

frevvo Version

Database Connector Version

frevvo Version




v11.0.x - v11.1.x

frevvo only supports/certifies the Database Connector running in the Apache Tomcat container. Refer to our Supported Platforms for the list of Application Servers and databases supported/certified by frevvo.

v2.8.0 (r9987c8f)

July 12, 2023

Version 2.8.0 of the Database Connector is a small update release. This version is currently only released to the frevvo Cloud. Customers running the Database Connector on premise should follow our announcements to be notified when this version is available download.

  • Upgrade to Spring Boot 3.0 (TIP-32218)

v2.7.1 (r5dc907b)

September 17, 2022

Version 2.7.1 of the Database Connector is a small update release. On Premise and Cloud customers running the Database Connector on premise can download the Database Connector Standalone zipfile or the database.war zipfile from our frevvo Software Downloads Directory.

  • Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.7 (TIP-31094)

Tickets Fixed
  • TIP-31878 - Spring framework no longer supports "spring.profiles.include" configuration.