Security Managers

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Security Managers

 has a plugable security framework and offers a variety of built-in Security Managers. If you use the  Default Security Manager, a tenant admin can create users and roles directly in your  tenants. See the Manage Users and the Manage Roles for instructions on creating users and roles.

 also supports two types of LDAP Security Manager that pulls users and groups from your external Active Directory or Open LDAP system; a Delegating Security Manager such as used by for Confluence; a Database Security Manager that pulls users and groups from your external users database; and a custom security managers that lets you integrate with a security manager that you build yourself. Note that with LDAP Security Manager and Delegating Security Manager, groups are the equivalent of  roles

  • frevvo Default Security Manager -  is responsible for authentication/authorization and managing users/roles. This is the default option. Your tenant will be created with this security manager if no other choice is selected. 
  • LDAP Active Directory Security Manager - The user is authenticated outside . Typically, SSO or  performs the authentication using LDAP directly.
  • Delegating Security Manager - this is the Security Manger needed for Confluence integration.
  • DB Container Security Manager - Authentication is the container's responsibility, but  provides a database interface to fetch users/roles for design time functionality from an external database.   
  • LDAP Container Security Manager - This is exactly the same as the DB Container Security Manager but LDAP instead of DB. Authentication is the container's responsibility. 
  • Custom - Container managed security manager used when there is a requirement for a container to handle authentication.


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