Design Time Integration with the Data API

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Design Time Integration with the Data API

This tutorial will walk you through a few API scenarios focusing on the design-time integration such as creating new forms, listing and managing applications, launching the designer for a flow, downloading schemas, applications, forms and flows, download the XSD for a form/flow, uploading custom XSDs, using forms and flows.

On this page:


What are we going to build?

Nothing. We have pre-created a simple application that shows the different usages of the API using an interactive command-line approach. Think of this app as the command-line version of the web-base frevvo UI but stripped of all the irrelevant details, libraries, etc., so you can inspect the different API usages as simply as possible using live code with sources included.

Although this approach makes it a bit harder to piece together a given API usage since it will be comprised of a set of different paths through the sources, we believe it will provide for a better learning tool since you will be able to inspect the sources, which will be running sources, or even debug the app if needed, after all this is an API we are talking about. We have also chosen an interactive command-line application format so that we would be able to reduce the code footprint to a bare minimum increasing the clarity needed to understand it. Besides, this tutorial should be the guide through the different API usages that may not be obvious by simply inspecting the source code.

Downloading the command-line client

The client is packaged as an executable Java JAR that includes all of the required dependencies and you can download the binaries from here and the sources from here.

Running the command-line client

Assuming that you have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE (update 21+) or JDK versions 1.6, 1.7), you can run the client as follows:

java -jar com.frevvo.forms.cli.jar

This should show you usage information:

usage: com.frevvo.forms.cli.Main
-s,--server <arg> serverl url (e.g. http://localhost:8082)
-t,--tenant <arg> tenant (optional, e.g. doe.com)

So you if you want to connect to a  install running on localhost you can do as follows:

java -jar com.frevvo.forms.cli.Main -s http://localhost:8082

And you should see the command line prompt:


This means that you are up and running, but not yet connected. First you need to log in to a frevvo account. Be sure to create at least one tenant and one user for the tenant before you try to log in. See Connect to a Server and Log In below for instructions.

How are the sources organized?

The key concept you need to know to understand the sources is the Shell. Each feed and entry described in the previous diagram will have a corresponding Shell class (with the exception of FormTypeTemplateFeed/Entry) that is used to plug into the command line interface the different commands available. The commands available in the app at any given point in time are defined based on what Shell is active. When you issue commands in the prompt, you may remain in the same Shell or navigate the Shell tree and change the active Shell. Changing the active Shell changes the available commands at the prompt.

Some commands are not specific to a given shell, but are common across all shells. They are:

  • ?list - This command will print out a list of all the currently available commands with a brief description and the number of arguments it expects, if it expects any.
  • exit - This is how exit the current shell and 'back up' and and return to the previous one (some commands you execute may activate a new shell). Exiting from the last shell will exit the app.

Here are the shells you can find in this app (all located in the '''com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.*''' package):

  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.ApplicationEntryShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.ApplicationFeedShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.ControlTypeEntryShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.ControlTypeFeedShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.DocumentTypeFeedShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.DocumentTypeEntryShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.FormTypeEntryShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.FormTypeFeedShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.SchemaEntryShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.SchemaFeedShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.SubmissionEntryShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.SubmissionFeedShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.TaskEntryShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.TaskFeedShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.ThemeEntryShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.ThemeFeedShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.UserEntryShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.UserFeedShell
  • com.frevvo.forms.cli.shell.FormInstanceShell

The FormInstanceShell has no corresponding feed/entry in the Data API. It is used to provide a context for commands that interact with a form instance (e.g. submitting a form, resetting a form, etc)

If you inspect the sources for each of these classes you will notice some methods are annotated with a special Command metadata: this is where we specify what is the command's name in the command-prompt and it's description (used by ?print described above).

Now let's move on to some usage scenarios.

Usage Scenarios

The following topics show how to log in to the  server and use the command line API to interact with the server, applications, and forms and flows.

Connect to a Server and Log In

The example below shows how to log in to a local  server. In this example, the login user name is david, the name of the tenant is monahan.com, and the user password is david (e.g., login david@monahan.com david).

To login, you must first create a tenant on the server (other than the default d tenant). You should also create a user such as a frevvo.designer or an admin user.

Directory of D:\frevvo v4.1.4

08/05/2011 08:59a <DIR> .
08/05/2011 08:59a <DIR> ..
08/05/2011 08:59a 3,044,609 com.frevvo.forms.cli.jar
07/12/2011 09:20a <DIR> frevvo
        1 File(s) 3,044,609 bytes
        3 Dir(s) 7,803,990,016 bytes free

D:\frevvo v4.1.4>java -jar com.frevvo.forms.cli.jar

usage: com.frevvo.forms.cli.Main
-s,--server <arg> serverl url (e.g. http://localhost:8082)
-t,--tenant tenant (optional, e.g. doe.com)

D:\frevvo v4.1.4>java -jar com.frevvo.forms.cli.jar -s http://localhost:8082

localhost:8082> ?list
Name     Abbr     ArgNum     Descr
login     l         1        login(username:String) : String
login     l         2        login(username:String, password:String) : String
login-as  la        2        loginAs(username:String, tenantAdmin:String) : String
login-as  la        3        loginAs(username:String, tenantAdmin:String, tenantAdminPassword:String) : String
print     p         0         print() : String
localhost:8082> login david@monahan.com david
        ID  | david
        URL | http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/user/david
    UPDATED | 2011-08-05T09:52:45.510-04:00
       NAME | david

After you've logged in, use ?list to display commands you can use in the server. For example, you can use apps to work with the applications on the server.

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com> ?list

Name     Abbr     ArgNum     Descr
apps                0        SELECT apps for this user (e.g. 'apps')
subs                0        SELECT subs for this user (e.g. 'subs') you
tasks               0        SELECT tasks for this user (e.g. 'tasks')
themes              0        SELECT themes for this user (e.g. 'themes')
link      l         1        OPEN a link in the browser (e.g. 'link {link#}')
descr     d         1        UPDATE this entry's description (e.g. 'descr {newDescription}')
links     l         0        SHOW all entry links (e.g. 'links')
links     li        1        SHOW feed links for given rel attr (e.g. 'links {relAttr}')
name      n         1        UPDATE this entry's name (e.g. 'name {newName}')
print     p         0        PRINT this entry (e.g. 'print')
delete    d         0        DELETE this entry (e.g. 'delete')
refresh   r         0        REFRESH this entry (e.g. 'refresh')

The  UI displays the applications belonging to the user david@monahan.com on the applications home page.

The apps command displays a list of the applications in the tenant on the server — DTM July 2011'and DTM August 2011 in this example.

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com> apps
URL ! http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/apps
    # | NAME                                   | DESCRIPTION
1 | DTM July 2011                              | Group of test forms created by DTM.
2 | DTM August 2011                            | Forms started in August.

Now that you're in apps (../monahan.com/api/apps), use the ?list command to see what you can do.

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps> ?list
Name    Abbr     ArgNum     Descr
up                 1        UPLOAD an application (e.g. 'up /var/contacts_apps.zip')
down               0        DOWNLOAD ALL applications into temp folder (e.g.: 'download')
link     l         1        OPEN a link in the browser (e.g. 'openLink {link#}')
links    li        1        SHOW feed links for given rel attr (e.g. 'links {relAttr}')
links    l         0        SHOW all feed links (e.g. 'links')
next     n         0        NEXT feed page (e.g. 'next')
prev     p         0        PREVIOUS feed page (e.g. 'previous')
print    pr        0        PRINT current feed (e.g.: 'print')
delete   d         1        DELETE an entry (e.g. 'delete {entry#}')
create   c         1        CREATE a new entry (e.g.: 'create {name}')
refresh  r         0        REFRESH current feed (e.g.: 'refresh')
select   s         1        SELECT an entry (e.g.: 'entry {entry#}')

Downloading and Uploading Applications

You can use the apps > down and up commands to download applications to a local drive and upload them to the  server.


In the  UI, you can download applications individually, and select the destination directory.

In this example, down downloads all the applications in the tenant to a directory on the local machine. Since down takes no arguments, the target directory depends on your local machine settings.

To download a single application, you must first select it. See the Downloading and Uploading a Form/Flow topic for instructions for selecting and application.

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps> down

Downloaded 2 application(s):
        Downloaded application DTM July 2011: C:\DOCUME~1\esposito\LOCALS~1\Temp\DTMJuly2011_8805120088410548632_app.zip
        Downloaded application DTM August 2011: C:\DOCUME~1\esposito\LOCALS~1\Temp\DTMAugust2011_7848214203496988467_app.zip

Source Code Example
Java Docs


In the  UI, you can upload applications from the applications page.

In this example, up uploads a single application into the tenant. Note that we moved the ZIP files we downloaded in the previous step to a different directory before using up.

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps> up d:\downloads\DTMAugust2011_7848214203496988467_app.zip
                ID | _5Crikb-LEeCP198_WwQSNw!david
               URL | http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/app/_5Crikb-LEeCP198_WwQSNw!david
           UPDATED | 2011-08-05T15:48:41.218-04:00   
              NAME | DTM August 2011
       DESCRIPTION | Forms started in August.
localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM August 2011>

After the upload, the command prompt now includes the name of the uploaded application (''../apps/DTM August 2011''). Use the ?list command to see what you can do with the application.

Source Code Example 

Java Docs

Downloading and Uploading a Form/Flow

You can use the forms > down and up commands to download forms and flows to a local drive and upload them to the frevvo server.

Before you can use the commands, you have to select the application whose forms you want to work with. In this example, we use the apps command to list the applications in the tenant, and then select to select the application we want (e.g., select 1 — select the first application in the list).

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com> apps
URL ! http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/apps
    # | NAME                                 | DESCRIPTION
    1 | DTM July 2011                        | Group of test forms created by DTM.
    2                                        | DTM August 2011 | Forms started in August.
localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps> ?list

Name     Abbr    ArgNum     Descr
up                  1       UPLOAD an application (e.g. 'up /var/contacts_apps.zip')
select    s         1       SELECT an entry (e.g.: 'entry {entry#}')
localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps> select 1
                     ID | _W0jPga4rEeCMGZK99v93jw!david
                    URL | http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/app/_W0jPga4rEeCMGZK99v93jw!david
                UPDATED | 2011-08-08T09:00:41.319-04:00
                   NAME | DTM July 2011
            DESCRIPTION | Group of test forms created by DTM.
localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011>

The command prompt now includes the selected application — DTM July 2011'. Use the forms command to see a list of the forms and flows in the application, and then use ?list to see what you can do with them.

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011> forms
URL ! http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/formtypes
    # | UPDATED                    | KIND | READONLY | VISIBILITY   | NAME
    1 | 2011-07-25T14:31:47.118    | FORM | false    | PUBLICTENANT | Address Book
    2 | 2011-07-15T10:51:30.137    | FORM | false    | PUBLICTENANT | TitleDepartment
    3 | 2011-07-18T17:04:13.255    | FORM | false    | PUBLICTENANT | Dinner Selections
    4 | 2011-07-25T16:24:51.003    | FLOW | false    | PRIVATE      | Flow 42
localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms> ?list
Name     Abbr     ArgNum     Descr
up                  1        UPLOAD an application (e.g. 'upload /var/contacts_apps.zip')
down                0        DOWNLOAD ALL forms into temp folder (e.g.: 'down')
link      l         1        OPEN a link in the browser (e.g. 'openLink {link#}')
links     li        1        SHOW feed links for given rel attr (e.g. 'links {relAttr}')
links     l         0        SHOW all feed links (e.g. 'links')
next      n         0        NEXT feed page (e.g. 'next')
prev      p         0        PREVIOUS feed page (e.g. 'previous')
print     pr        0        PRINT current feed (e.g.: 'print')
delete    d         1        DELETE an entry (e.g. 'delete {entry#}')
create    c         1        CREATE a new entry (e.g.: 'create {name}')
refresh   r         0        REFRESH current feed (e.g.: 'refresh')
select    s         1        SELECT an entry (e.g.: 'entry {entry#}')


As with downloading applications, in the  UI, you can download individual forms and flows and select the destination directory when you're editing an application on the applications home page.

In this example, down downloads all the forms and flows in the tenant to a directory on the local machine. You can't choose which forms to download, and since down takes no arguments, the target directory depends on your local machine settings. Since the command downloads

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms> down

Downloaded 4 formtypes(s):
        Downloaded formtype AddressBook : C:\DOCUME~1\esposito\LOCALS~1\Temp\AddressBook_4797270872242921600_form.zip
        Downloaded formtype TitleDepartment : C:\DOCUME~1\esposito\LOCALS~1\Temp\TitleDepartment_3726241829360563162_form.zip
        Downloaded formtype DinnerSelections : C:\DOCUME~1\esposito\LOCALS~1\Temp\DinnerSelections_2704862938519552036_form.zip
        Downloaded formtype Flow42 : C:\DOCUME~1\esposito\LOCALS~1\Temp\Flow42_105859113596495447_form.zip

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms> 

Source Code Example

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As with uploading applications, in the frevvo UI, you can upload forms and flows from the applications page when you're editing an application.

In this example, up uploads a single form — the ''TitleDepartment'' form — into the tenant. Note that we moved the ZIP files we downloaded in the previous step to a different directory before using '''up'''.

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms> up d:\downloads\TitleDepartment_3726241829360563162_form.zip
                              ID | _hEahgK5GEeCMGZK99v93jw!_W0jPga4rEeCMGZK99v93jw!david
                             URL | http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/formtype/_hEahgK5GEeCMGZK99v93jw!_W0jPga4rEeC MGZK99v93jw!david
                         UPDATED | 2011-08-08T11:29:18.522
                            NAME | TitleDepartment
                     DESCRIPTION | Edit the form to change this description.
                            KIND | FORM
                        READONLY | false
                      VISIBILITY | PUBLICTENANT
localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms/TitleDepartment>

After the upload, the command prompt now includes the name of the uploaded form (''../forms/TitleDepartment'').

Source Code Example

Java Doc

Creating a Form/Flow

You can use the forms> create command to create a new form or a flow. You first select the application to which you want to add the new form, list its forms, and then create the form.


localhost:8082/david@monahan.com> apps
URL ! http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/apps
    # | NAME                                 | DESCRIPTION
    1 | DTM July 2011                        | Group of test forms created by DTM.
    2 | DTM August 2011                      | Forms started in August.
localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps> select 2
            ID | _5Crikb-LEeCP198_WwQSNw!david
           URL | http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/app/_5Crikb-LEeCP198_WwQSNw!david
       UPDATED | 2011-08-10T10:22:56.851-04:00
          NAME | DTM August 2011
   DESCRIPTION | Forms started in August.
localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM August 2011> forms
URL ! http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/formtypes
    # | UPDATED                 | KIND | READONLY | VISIBILITY | NAME
    1 | 2011-08-05T13:54:58.628 | FORM | false    | PRIVATE    | Contact Form
    2 | 2011-08-09T15:29:47.477 | FORM | false    | PRIVATE    | NewForm
    3 | 2011-08-09T15:56:23.552 | FORM | false    | PRIVATE    | LodgingMeals
localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM August 2011/forms> create 'TestForm'
            ID | _X9B3YMNcEeCRfoJ9kSWZ1Q!_5Crikb-LEeCP198_WwQSNw!david
           URL | http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/formtype/_X9B3YMNcEeCRfoJ9kSWZ1Q!_5Crikb-LEeC P198_WwQSNw!david
       UPDATED | 2011-08-10T10:23:53.442
          NAME | TestForm
   DESCRIPTION | Edit the form to change this description.
          KIND | FORM
      READONLY | false
localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM August 2011/forms/TestForm>

The command prompt includes the new form name (''../forms/TestForm>''), so you can Downloading and Uploading a Form/Flow from the command line at this point.

Source Code Example

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Editing a Form/Flow

To edit a form, you first select the application the form belongs to, and then select the form you want. See Downloading and Uploading a Form/Flow for instructions on selecting an application.

Once you've gotten to the application you want, you can use the forms command to see what forms it contains and use ?list to see what you can do with them. In the example below, we use select 1 to select the first form in the list (Address Book).

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011> forms
URL ! http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/formtypes
    # | UPDATED                 | KIND | READONLY | VISIBILITY   | NAME
    1 | 2011-07-25T14:31:47.118 | FORM | false    | PUBLICTENANT | Address Book
    2 | 2011-07-18T17:04:13.255 | FORM | false    | PUBLICTENANT | Dinner Selections
    3 | 2011-08-08T11:29:18.522 | FORM | false    | PUBLICTENANT | TitleDepartment
    4 | 2011-07-25T16:24:51.003 | FLOW | false    | PRIVATE      | Flow 42
localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms> ?list

Name     Abbr      ArgNum     Descr
up                   1        UPLOAD an application (e.g. 'upload /var/contacts_apps.zip')
select    s          1        SELECT an entry (e.g.: 'entry {entry#}')

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms> select 1
            ID | _fNScEK4rEeCMGZK99v93jw!_W0jPga4rEeCMGZK99v93jw!david
           URL | http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/formtype/_fNScEK4rEeCMGZK99v93jw!_W0jPga4rEeC MGZK99v93jw!david
       UPDATED | 2011-07-25T14:31:47.118
          NAME | Address Book
   DESCRIPTION | David - July 2011
          KIND | FORM
      READONLY | false
localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms/Address Book>
If you want, use ?list to see what you can do with the form.
Name     Abbr      ArgNum     Descr
edit                 0        EDIT form (e.g. 'edit')
schema               0        LIST form controls (e.g. 'controls')
print     p          0        PRINT this entry (e.g. 'print')
delete    d          0        DELETE this entry (e.g. 'delete')pe
refresh   r          0        REFRESH this entry (e.g. 'refresh')

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms/Address Book>

To edit the form, type edit and press Enter. The command line displays the response below, and frevvo launches the form designer and displays the form you selected.

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms/Address Book> edit

Editing form: http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/user/david/app/_W0jPga4rEeCMGZK99v93jw/formtype/_fNScEK4rE

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms/Address Book>

You can edit the form in the designer as if you had logged in through the UI. Make any changes you want to the form, and then click Finish or Cancel to exit the designer. You return to the UI login page.

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Using a Form/Flow

Once you've selected a form, you can use it; this is, you can run the form as an end-user would. See the Editing a Form/Flow topic above for instruction on selecting a form. Then simply type use at the command prompt and press Enter.  opens the form or flow in your browser.

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms/Address Book> use

Using form: http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/user/david/app/_W0jPga4rEeCMGZK99v93jw/formtype/_fNScEK4rEeC

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms/Address Book>

Source Code Example

Java Doc

Display a List of the Controls in a Form

After you select a form, you can display a list of all the controls in the form. See the Editing a Form/Flow topic above for instruction on selecting a form. Then simply type controls at the command prompt and press Enter. You see the list of controls.

localhost:8082/maggie@monahan.com/apps/Sand Box/forms/Order Form> controls
URL ! http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/controltypes?ownerId=_bQdBsLSPEeCTSNrzu9T5_w!_PpnhcbSPEeCTSNrz u9T5_w!maggie
    1 | InputControlType     | Text         | false    | true     | false     | Name
    2 | PanelControlType     | Panel        | false    | true     | false     | AddressPhone
    3 | InputControlType     | Text         | false    | true     | false     | Address1
    4 | InputControlType     | Text         | false    | false    | false     | Address12
    5 | InputControlType     | Text         | false    | true     | false     | City
    6 | InputControlType     | Text         | false    | true     | false     | State
    7 | InputControlType     | Text         | false    | true     | false     | ZipPostalCode
    8 | InputControlType     | Phone        | false    | false    | false     | HomePhone
    9 | InputControlType     | Phone        | false    | false    | false     | MobilePhone
   10 | PanelControlType     | Panel        | false    | true     | false     | Date_OrderNum
   11 | InputControlType     | Date         | false    | true     | false     | OrderDate
   12 | InputControlType     | Text         | false    | true     | false     | OrderNumber
   13 | PanelControlType     | Panel        | false    | true     | false     | OrderDesc
   14 | TextareaControlType  | TextArea     | false    | false    | false     | Description
   15 | SubmitControlType    | null         | false    | true     | false     | Submit
   16 | SubmitControlType    | null         | false    | true     | false     | Cancel
localhost:8082/maggie@monahan.com/apps/Sand Box/forms/Order Form/controls>

Once you display the list, you can select a control and rename it, edit its description, or even delete it.

localhost:8082/maggie@monahan.com/apps/Sand Box/forms/Order Form/controls> select 11

            ID | _6rHRwbSPEeCTSNrzu9T5_w!_bQdBsLSPEeCTSNrzu9T5_w!_PpnhcbSPEeCTSNrzu9T5_w!maggie
           URL | http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/controltype/_6rHRwbSPEeCTSNrzu9T5_w!_bQdBsLSP EeCTSNrzu9T5_w!_PpnhcbSPEeCTSNrzu9T5_w!maggie
       UPDATED | 2011-08-10T13:04:20.275-04:00
          NAME | OrderDate
   DESCRIPTION | Order Date
  CONTROL TYPE | InputControlType
      READONLY | false
      REQUIRED | true
     COMMENTS? | false
localhost:8082/maggie@monahan.com/apps/Sand Box/forms/Order Form/controls/OrderDate> ?list

Name     Abbr     ArgNum     Descr
link      l         1        OPEN a link in the browser (e.g. 'link {link#}')
descr     d         1        UPDATE this entry's description (e.g. 'descr {newDescription}')
links     l         0        SHOW all entry links (e.g. 'links')
links     li        1        SHOW feed links for given rel attr (e.g. 'links {relAttr}')
name      n         1        UPDATE this entry's name (e.g. 'name {newName}')
print     p         0        PRINT this entry (e.g. 'print')
delete    d         0        DELETE this entry (e.g. 'delete')
refresh   r         0        REFRESH this entry (e.g. 'refresh')

localhost:8082/maggie@monahan.com/apps/Sand Box/forms/Order Form/controls/OrderDate>

Source Code Example

Java Docs

Downloading and Uploading an XSD

You can download and upload the schema (XSD file) for a form. In the frevvo UI, you download a form schema from the application page when you're editing an application; you upload a schema from the schema page.


To download a form schema, you first select the form you want and then use the [form name]> schema command.

localhost:8082/maggie@monahan.com/apps/Sand Box> forms
URL ! http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/formtypes
    # | UPDATED                 | KIND | READONLY | VISIBILITY   | NAME
    1 | 2011-08-10T10:47:24.210 | FORM | false    | PUBLICTENANT | Order Form
localhost:8082/maggie@monahan.com/apps/Sand Box/forms> select 1
            ID | _bQdBsLSPEeCTSNrzu9T5_w!_PpnhcbSPEeCTSNrzu9T5_w!maggie
           URL | http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/formtype/_bQdBsLSPEeCTSNrzu9T5_w!_PpnhcbSPEeC TSNrzu9T5_w!maggie
       UPDATED | 2011-08-10T10:47:24.210
          NAME | Order Form
   DESCRIPTION | Mail Order Form
          KIND | FORM
      READONLY | false
localhost:8082/maggie@monahan.com/apps/Sand Box/forms/Order Form> schema
Downloaded formtype schema: D:\downloads\OrderForm_7212269303367570502_form.xsd
localhost:8082/maggie@monahan.com/apps/Sand Box/forms/Order Form>

Source Code Example

Java Doc



Source Code Example

Java Doc

Creating a Form Instance from XML

After you select a form in an application, you can use the [form-name]> newXml command to create an instance of the form and fill the form with data values from an XML file. You can then submit the form, or reset it to remove the XML data.

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms> select 3
             ID | _hEahgK5GEeCMGZK99v93jw!_W0jPga4rEeCMGZK99v93jw!david
            URL | http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/api/formtype/_hEahgK5GEeCMGZK99v93jw!_W0jPga4rEeCMGZK99v93jw!david
        UPDATED | 2011-08-08T11:29:18.522
           NAME | TitleDepartment
    DESCRIPTION | Edit the form to change this description.
           KIND | FORM
       READONLY | false
localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms/TitleDepartment> newXml d:\downloads\Maggie-FormData.xml
FORM instance #1 [name=TitleDepartment, url=http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/tn/monahan.com/user/david/app/_W0jPga4rEeCM
localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms/TitleDepartment/Instance #1> ?list

Name     Abbr     ArgNum     Descr
print               0        PRINT this instance URL (e.g. 'print')
reset               0        RESET this form instance (e.g. 'reset')
submit              0        SUBMIT this form instance (e.g. 'submit')

localhost:8082/david@monahan.com/apps/DTM July 2011/forms/TitleDepartment/Instance #1>

If you paste the form URL into your browser address bar, you can open the form instance and see the XML values in the form fields. You can Submit of Cancel the form from the browser, or you can use Instance #1> submit or Instance #1> reset from the command line.

Source Code Example

Java Doc

Using a Custom XSD in a Form

You can use an XSD schema file to populate a form with controls. You can add the entire XSD schema to the form or individual controls. This example uses the API to upload a custom schema to an application, add one of the top-level XSD elements to a form and then shows the result in the designer UI.

Upload a custom XSD

The first step is to upload a custom XSD into an application. The following commands will list the existing schemas in the current application and then upload a new one (this assumes that there is an XSD named purchaseorder.xsd located in the /xsd folder):

localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box> schemas
URL ! http://localhost:8080/frevvo/web/tn/test/api/schemas 
    # | NAME                                   | DESCRIPTION
localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box> up /xsd/purchaseorder.xsd
            ID | _XX4VQQvREeGt8aM2YoQyaQ!_-4fOMQvQEeGt8aM2YoQyaQ!admin 
           URL | http://localhost:8080/frevvo/web/tn/test/api/schema/_XX4VQQvREeGt8aM2YoQyaQ!_-4fOMQvQEeGt8aM2YoQyaQ!admin
       UPDATED | 2011-11-10T14:22:44.754-05:00 
          NAME | http://tempuri.org/po.xsd 
   DESCRIPTION | http://tempuri.org/po.xsd
localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box/schemas/http://tempuri.org/po.xsd> 

Upload Source Code

Now, the purchaseorder.xsd has been upload and you can verify that this is the case by going directly to the  UI in Applications->Schemas.

Add an new XSD data source to a form

First, let's create a new form.

localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box/schemas/http://tempuri.org/po.xsd> exit
Schema http://tempuri.org/po.xsd successfully uploaded
localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box/schemas> exit
localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box> forms
URL ! http://localhost:8080/frevvo/web/tn/test/api/formtypes?ownerId=_-4fOMQvQEeGt8aM2YoQyaQ!admin
  # | UPDATED                  | KIND    | READONLY | VISIBILITY    | NAME

localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box/forms> create PurchaseOrder
            ID | _leQIIAvTEeGt8aM2YoQyaQ!_-4fOMQvQEeGt8aM2YoQyaQ!admin 
           URL | http://localhost:8080/frevvo/web/tn/test/api/formtype/_leQIIAvTEeGt8aM2YoQyaQ!_-4fOMQvQEeGt8aM2YoQyaQ!admin
       UPDATED | 2011-11-10T14:38:37.863 
          NAME | PurchaseOrder 
   DESCRIPTION | Edit the form to change this description. 
          KIND | FORM 
      READONLY | false 
localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box/forms/PurchaseOrder> 

Now that we have a new form, we need to add a new XSD data source to the form using the API, which is the equivalent to adding a new data source in the designer by clicking the Data Sources panel and then clicking New from XSD as shown in the following screenshots.

 displays the available schemas in the current application. You can then click  to select the XSD you want to use.  adds it to the Data Sources panel. 

Here is how to add a new data source using the API.

localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box/forms/PurchaseOrder> docs

URL ! http://localhost:8080/frevvo/web/tn/test/api/doctypes?ownerId=_leQIIAvTEeGt8aM2YoQyaQ!_-4fOMQvQEeGt8aM2YoQyaQ!admin
    # | NAME                                   | DESCRIPTION 
1 | http://www.frevvo.com/schemas/_leQIIAvTEeGt8aM2YoQyaQ#form | null

localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box/forms/PurchaseOrder/docs> 

There should be only one element in the docs feed for the default, from-palette schema. Now we need to add the purchaseOrder element from the http://tempuri.org/po.xsd XSD targetNamespace to the form:

localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box/forms/PurchaseOrder/docs> add purchaseOrder http://tempuri.org/po.xsd
DocumentType (http://tempuri.org/po.xsd#purchaseOrder) added to form PurchaseOrder
localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box/forms/PurchaseOrder/docs>

Source Code

Let's open the designer to see the result:

localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box/forms/PurchaseOrder/docs> exit
localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box/forms/PurchaseOrder> edit
Editing form: http://localhost:8080/frevvo/web/tn/test/user/admin/app/_-4fOMQvQEeGt8aM2YoQyaQ/formtype/_leQIIAvTEeGt8aM2YoQyaQ?edit=true&embed=true&_method=post&apikey=bxZrlQFZvJ%252Fj02XW1RpzECYR0i7Fu3fbdBSDDn4XovH2wLbv9H8FagSHYFOUEk%252F%252FcMlX08rSOAnPE0HHk8TQFQ%253D%253D
localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box/forms/PurchaseOrder> 

It is not possible to auto-generate controls from '''Data Sources''' schemas. So the form designer would still have to perform this step manually.

Click  next to form to add all the controls to the new form, or click the individual controls you want. frevvo adds them to the form. Click Finish when you're done to exit the UI.


You can now use the new form from the command line.

localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box/forms/PurchaseOrder> use
Using form: http://localhost:8080/frevvo/web/tn/test/user/admin/app/_-4fOMQvQEeGt8aM2YoQyaQ/formtype/_leQIIAvTEeGt8aM2YoQyaQ?embed=true&_method=post&apikey=bxZrlQFZvJ%252Fj02XW1RpzECYR0i7Fu3fbdBSDDn4XovH2wLbv9H8FagSHYFOUEk%252F%252FcMlX08rSOAnPE0HHk8TQFQ%253D%253D
localhost:8080/admin@test/apps/Sand Box/forms/PurchaseOrder> 

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