Integrating with IIS

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Integrating with IIS

This page describes how to configure Microsoft's IIS web server and  such that IIS forwards requests on to , and responds back to the user.

 is written in Java, and needs a Java Application Server (servlet container) to run. As IIS does not provide services of a Java Application Server, it is not possible to deploy  directly into IIS. It is possible, however, to configure IIS to proxy requests for  to an application server where  is deployed. If you are not using the standalone  distribution with Tomcat, please consult your application server's documentation to determine whether it is possible to integrate with IIS and how to achieve it. Also note that this is a guideline on how enable the interaction between  and IIS.

On this page:

Install and Configure the Form Server

IIS configuration is a complex task. The integration steps below relating to your IIS web server should be performed by your IIS Web System Administrator. 

It is very important that you first follow the basic  Installation and Configuration and verify that  works by itself by pointing a browser to http://localhost:8082/frevvo/web/login.

Configure Tomcat

It is necessary to configure Tomcat to receive proxied requests from IIS.

  • Stop Tomcat. 
  • In a text editor open FREVVO_HOME/tomcat/conf/server.xml 
  • Ensure that the AJP Connector is enabled by uncommenting out the section.   
<Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443"
tomcatAuthentication="false" /
  • Start Tomcat
  • Check that the configured AJP port is enabled and listening for requests. On a windows command prompt:
 netstat -na | findstr 8009

When the tomcat server configuration is completed, install the IIS to Tomcat Connector

Install the IIS to Tomcat Connector

  • Download the connector project from:  BonCode Connector website. Click on the link to download the latest version.
  • To avoid multiple issues with using the zip file content, unblock the package before unzipping. Simply right click on the zip file and click “Unblock” on the “General” tab:

  • Extract the project zip file.
  • Execute the Connector_Setup.exe file.
  • Accept the License Agreement and click Next.
  • Follow the prompts and in the Apache Tomcat location details enter correct AJP port as configured in the tomcat server.xml file above:

  • Click Next and use default values in all the prompts until you reach the Select Handler Mapping prompt.
  • In Select Handler Mapping prompt select the option Servlet (add wildcard reference and pass all traffic to tomcat)

  • Continue to the final prompt and click Install to finish the connector installation.
  • Test the configuration by browsing http://localhost/frevvo/web/login
  • If you see an access error like the one below,  make sure that the Application Pool Identity (the security account set for the Application Pool) also has write permissions to C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET directory.

  • To check the currently set identity, open IIS and right click on your Application Pool, then click on the Identity tab:

  • Then in your Windows explorer, right click on C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET directory and click on Properties. Check if the identity user set of your Application Pool has the ‘write’ permissions for this directory. If not, then add the user permissions.


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