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Purchase Order

The Purchase Order template is a  workflow that routes from a salesperson to his/her manager for approval and optionally a VP if the PO is greater then $10,000. Finally, it routes to the Client for electronic signature.

Salesperson > Manager > VP (conditional) > Client

The video at right guides you through installing and using this template or you can follow the steps below.

Watch Tutorial Video

Install and try out the Purchase Order template in less than 10 minutes. Follow the Tutorial Video by clicking on the image above.



frevvo Cloud Account or On-Premise software installed with a tenant created. Click to signup if necessary.

Install Template

Click each step below to expand it.

 Step 1. Create Users and Roles
Workflows route between multiple users and/or roles, which you must first create.
  • Click here to download a CSV file.
  • Open it in any text editor, make the following changes and save the file.
    • Replace YOUR_EMAIL with your email address. This is used for notifications.
    • All passwords default to 123. You may change any password.
  • Login as the tenant admin user.
  • Click the Manage Users Link.
  • Click the upload csv users icon, browse to the CSV file you just edited and click Validate.
  • You may see several warning messages. If you see a thumbs down icon in the left column and the message email is invalid in the Error/Warning column, please edit the file, correct the error and try again.

  • Click the Load button. You should see something like:  "Users Loaded successfully. 9 Added, 0 Updated, 0 Deleted, 17 Roles Added."
  • Logout of the tenant admin user account.
 Step 2. Upload the Purchase Order Template
  1. Click this link to download the template and save it (
  2. Logout of the tenant admin account and login as f_designer@<replace with your tenant id> (this user was created by the previous step).
  3. Click the  Upload icon at the top of the Applications page.
  4. Leave all checkboxes unchecked and upload the file.
  5. Click the Edit button for the Purchase Order application that was created and click the Flows button at left.
  6. Click the  Deploy icon for the Purchase Order workflow.
 Step 3. Create a Space

A space is a built-in portal that's very easy to create and makes it easy to test your workflow.

  1. Make sure you have deployed your workflow at the end of Step 2 above.
  2. Click the Spaces link at left. Click the  New icon.
  3. Enter Portal as the Space Id and click Create. Make sure the Space Id is the string Portal exactly.
  4. Click the Edit icon on the Space Home page. 
  5. Click the icon to hide the left panel.
  6. Click the  save and exit icon to save the changes to your space.
  7. Click the  Share icon. Copy the share URL for your space and save it.
  8. Logout of the f_designer account.

Use Template

Click each step below to expand it.

 Step 1. Salesperson
  1. Go to the space you just created using the URL you copied in Step 3 of the installation above.
  2. Click Login and login as f_tom@<replace with your tenant id>.
  3. Select the Purchase Order workflow from the Purchase Order menu.
  4. In the form that shows up, fill in the required fields.
    1. Make sure to use an email address that you have access to.
    2. Make sure that the Grand Total is less than $10,000 otherwise the workflow will route to the VP for additional approval.
  5. Sign the Section and click Send to Manager. The workflow is routed to Tom's manager Jerry (f_jerry) and a notification email is sent.
  6. Logout.
 Step 2. Manager
  1. Check your email and click on the link to the space above or simply go to the URL you copied in Step 3 of the installation above.
  2. Login as f_jerry@<replace with your tenant id>.
  3. Select Important Items > Task List. You should see the Purchase Order created above.
  4. Click the  Perform icon.
  5. Review the order (you cannot edit it), enter a Comment and Sign it.
  6. Click the Send to Client button and logout.
  7. The workflow is routed to the Client email address you entered above.
 Step 3. Client
  1. Check your email and click on the link in the email. If you do not receive an email, make sure that the Grand Total was less than $10,000.
  2. The Purchase Order will show up immediately. You do not need to login.
  3. Review the information, accept the PO, sign and click Send to frevvo Inc.
 Step 4. View final PDFs sent in email

Two separate emails are generated when the workflow ends.

  1. The Salesperson (Tom) receives an email with the PO attached.
  2. The Client receives a different email with the PO attached as a receipt.