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Create Users/Roles

Workflows route between multiple users and/or roles, which you must first create.

  • Click here to download a CSV file.
  • Open it in any text editor, make the following changes and save the file.
    • Replace YOUR_EMAIL with your email address. This is used for notifications.
    • All passwords default to 123. You may change any password.
  • Login as the tenant admin user.
  • Click the Manage Users Link.
  • Click the upload csv users icon, browse to the CSV file you just edited and click Validate.
  • You may see several warning messages. If you see a thumbs down icon in the left column and the message email is invalid in the Error/Warning column, please edit the file, correct the error and try again.

  • Click the Load button. You should see something like:  "Users Loaded successfully. 9 Added, 0 Updated, 0 Deleted, 17 Roles Added."
  • Logout of the tenant admin user account.