Database Connector Release Notes
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Database Connector Release Notes
This page contains release notes for the Database Connector.
The Database Connector is part of the Live Forms In-house download. Click here to download the latest released software version.
This version is a rebuild and has the same content as the v2.3.1 connector.
v2.3.1 (r20198)
- Retrieved data can now be cached by the connector for improved performance.
- Status Url database/status returns current configuration information
- All database operations now log start/stop time and a WARN if time exceeds a configured threshold
- Using prepared statements to execute all queries for enhanced security
- #4638 Improved logging message make diagnosing and solving database issues faster/easier.
- #6532 Values passed to the connector that contain Url special characters such as '&' cause value truncation
- #8123 POST Url paramenters were ignored when there was no XML document sent also
- #8693 Status 500 returned when sending a delete request
- #8705 Query to update same form fields twice and 2nd time returned row has NULL in one of the columns, value on form is not cleared. Old value from 1st query remained.
- #8906 DB column NOT NULL but with a default value should not be required in the auto generated XSD schema
- #6605 Errors are logged as INFO when they should be WARN or ERROR
v2.2 (r10466)
- #4515 - Update is no longer run after autocreate Insert. Not needed
- #4798 - Warn if deleteKey does not exist in the schema returned by the retrieve statement
- #5485 - UTF-8 characters retrieved from DB causing MalformedByteSequenceException in connector
v2.1 (r9567)
- #1466 - Column names with underscore characters sig1_name='{sig1_name}' not getting template replaced
- #5026 - readme is out of date
- #4648 - _mediaType=json returns JSON rather than the default XML
v2.0 (r8967)
- Datasource definitions delegated to the container and are resolved by the connector through JNDI lookup. The resource reference is configured in the connector configuration file.
- A single database connector instance can work with multiple databases.
- Execute stored procedures. If the stored procedure does not have OUT parameters it is not necessary to declare the statement as a procedure.
- It is possible to configure all Date and timestamp formats for both the database and the generated XML.
- Hot update of the configuration file. The connector will pick up the changes within 5 seconds.
- Parameters passed in the URL take precedence over values provided in the body of POST and PUT requests. Useful for
- Multiple statements. It is possible to execute multiple SQL statements for one URL. This is available for the "create", "update" and "delete" operations. The retrieve operation only allow one statement.
GA Release
, multiple selections available,