Planning for v7.1

Live Forms v7.1 is no longer supported. Click here for information about upgrading to our latest GA Release.

Planning for v7.1

Why Upgrade?

v7.1 contains new features that improve usability and makes designing forms easier. Here are a few of the top reasons to upgrade:

New Features:

On This Page:

We recommend that you read the information below before you begin.

The Export of submissions to Excel feature has been replaced by the Download to CSV. If you have not used the Export to Excel feature in the past, we recommend that you become familiar with the Download to CSV.
You can still use the Export to Excel feature by accessing it from the Submissions Legacy view. However, the Legacy Submissions view and the Export to Excel may be removed in a future release.

Automatic Upgrade for Live Forms Online (Cloud Hosted) Customers

Live Forms Online cloud hosted customers were automatically upgraded on December 10, 2016. The automatic cloud upgrade will be seamless. Cloud customers should review these topics to prepare for the new version of :

If you have any questions, please email support@frevvo.com.

Migration Considerations for Cloud and In-house Customers  

The GA Release Date for v7.1.0 for in-house customers was released on 1/27/2017.

v7.1 Submissions View

The v7.1 Submissions View provides the ability to search submissions by fields in your form/flow, metadata fields or logical expressions that you create. The UI makes it very easy to specify search criteria. The Legacy Submissions view is also available in this release but...

The Export of submissions to Excel feature has been replaced by the Download to CSV. If you have not used the Export to Excel feature in the past, we recommend that you become familiar with the Download to CSV.
You can still use the Export to Excel feature by accessing it from the Submissions Legacy view. However, the Legacy Submissions view and the Export to Excel may be removed in a future release.

For now, Cloud customers will see icons for both views on the Forms/Flows Home pages, the Shared Items Home Page and the Shared Items option in a space.

Forms/Flows Home Page

Shared Items Home Page

Shared Items in a Live Forms space

Customers using with Confluence will only see the v7.1 submissions view. Logging directly into your Confluence tenant will provide access to the legacy Export to Excel feature if it is needed,

Searchable Fields

Saved and Key fields have been replaced by Searchable Fields. Searchable fields configured for a form or flow are the fields that can be used to filter submissions or tasks. When selecting Searchable Fields, select the controls that you feel your users would use as search criteria.

You will see columns for the controls in your form/flow designated as Searchable fields in the Submissions table. Searchable Fields are downloaded into the Submissions Download to a CSV file along with the submission default columns.

Cloud customers can configure up to 20 Searchable fields while the maximum number of fields can be configured in an in-house installation.

If the Legacy submissions view is configured, designer users will see Searchable and Saved field tabs when the link to Setup Searchable Fields is clicked. The v7.1 upgrade automatically displays previously configured Key fields on the Searchable field tab and any configured Saved fields on the Saved fields tab.

The Export of submissions to Excel feature has been replaced by the Download to CSV. If you have not used the Export to Excel feature in the past, we recommend that you become familiar with the Download to CSV.
You can still use the Export to Excel feature by accessing it from the Submissions Legacy view. However, the Legacy Submissions view and the Export to Excel may be removed in a future release.

Submission Download to CSV file feature

The submissions Export to Excel feature has been replaced by the Download Submissions to CSV feature. The csv file is easily opened in Excel. Customers currently using the Export to Excel feature can still access it by clicking on the  Submissions(legacy) icon.  

The Export of submissions to Excel feature has been replaced by the Download to CSV. If you have not used the Export to Excel feature in the past, we recommend that you become familiar with the Download to CSV.
You can still use the Export to Excel feature by accessing it from the Submissions Legacy view. However, the Legacy Submissions view and the Export to Excel may be removed in a future release.
Repeating Data

Forms/Flows containing repeat or table controls setup as Searchable Fields do NOT generate multiple rows in the Download Submissions to CSV file as it did in the legacy Export to Excel. Instead, when you upload the csv file into Excel, it will look like the image below:

The Download Submissions to CSV file topic covers all the details about how the new feature works.

Switching from Export to Excel to CSV Download
  1. Cloud Customers:

    1. The maximum number of Searchable fields  

    2. Edit each form/flow where Export to Excel is configured
    3. Click the Setup Searchable Fields link

    4. Click the Saved Fields tab and review the fields previously set up as Saved Fields

    5. Click the Searchable Fields tab and add every field into the Searchable Field list that was in the Saved Fields list

    6. Save your changes

    7. Email support@frevvo.com to request that the Insight Batch job be run on your tenant if you want to update older submissions with the changes.

  2. In-house Customers: Refer to the Switching from Export to Excel to CSV Download for In-house Customers for the details

Sharing a form or flow in Development

Edit permissions should not be given to forms or flows currently in production use. Please see the Admin Best Practices Guide

Form and flow owners (designer users that created the form/flow) can give other users (designers/non-designers) the capability to edit the form/flows. This is particularly helpful if a designer user takes a leave of absence or leaves the company. The "backup designer" has the ability to make changes to the form/flow without having to download the form/flow(s) from the owner's account to the "backup designer's" account.

The "backup designer" also can view related submissions by clicking on the Submission or Legacy Submission icons. When given the Edit permission, the "backup designer" can edit submissions as well.

The permission to edit is only available for form and flows. It may be expanded to other design types (applications, spaces, schemas, styles etc) in a the future release.

Users with or without the role of frevvo. Designer can be assigned the permission to edit forms/flows.

Users given this permission access the shared form/flow from the Shared Items tab even if they have the frevvo.designer role assigned to them. They can only edit the form/flow that was shared with them. The functions provided to edit forms/flows from the Shared Items tab, do not include the option to delete or copy them. Users granted form/flow editing permission will not have the ability to create new forms/flows from the Shared Items tab.

  • Confluence users share form/flow editing by specifying the Forms Editor group on the add-on configuration screen. Users who will be sharing the editing function must be assigned to the specified group.

Search Submissions and the Task List using Fields in your form/flow

Fields in your form/flows can now be used to search and find submissions and tasks. The fields that you want to use as search criteria must be configured as Searchable Fields.  

The v7.1 Task List Search UI:

  • Allows the selection of one form/flow to search
  • Allows you to select Date Ranges, Submission Status or Error condition as search criteria
  • Allows you to enter matching values for the configured Searchable fields as search criteria
  • Allows the editing of logical expression for more complicated filtering  

The v7.1 Submission Search UI

  • Allows you to select Date Ranges, Submission Status or Error condition as search criteria.
  • Allows you to enter matching search criteria for the configured Searchable fields for that form/flow.
  • Allows the editing of logical expression for more complicated filtering.

The Submissions chapter provides a complete explanation of the v7.1 submissions search function and the Searching the Task List topic discusses the details for the v7.1 Task List search.

Add the metadata URL to Live Form tenants using the Azure SAML Security Manager

A field to add the URL used to collect the Azure IDP metadata has been added to the tenant screen for customers using the Azure SAML Security Manager. The URL is needed to handle Signing key rollover in Azure Active Directory. This URL is polled and refreshes the Azure IDP metadata every 3 hours. The new metadata is stored and automatically used as backup if you cannot log into the Azure SAML tenant.

 Follow these steps to add the URL:

  1. Login to your  Azure SAML tenant as the tenant admin.
  2. Enter this URL into the URL field below the Identity Provider section:



  3. Replace {azure-tenant-name} with the id of your  application in the Azure Active Directory. This can be obtained by viewing the endpoint URLS listed when you click View Endpoints in your frevvo Azure application.
    In this example, fece6b7e-fbc6-4b3a-8287-fc07c29aa2d2 is the frevvo application id in Azure Active Directory.


  4. Save the updated tenant configuration.

Mapped PDFs saved with extension when using the Filesystem Connector

If you are using the frevvo Filesystem Connector, you may notice that mapped PDFs are now being saved in the local or remote location with a .pdf extension. Be sure to check that previous submissions are not effected by this change, after the upgrade.

Translation of strings containing a colon with ISO-8859-1 encoding

When internationalizing a form/flow, labels that contain a colon were not translated if the ISO-8859-1 encoding checkbox is checked when uploading the locale file. Colons must be escaped when used in a locale file property name.  Newly downloaded default translation files will now escape a colon with a '\'. Previous translation files with strings containing colons will have to be re-uploaded with the colon properly escaped.

Migration Considerations for Live Forms In-house Customers

Configure Snapshot Isolation for SQL Server Databases

If you are using SQL Server as your Live Forms database, you must turn on the READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT setting in the database. This is recommended when you are setting up SQL Server for the first time or if the option is turned off in your existing database  - BEFORE you begin the upgrade to  v7.1.

You do not have to do this if you are using MySQL or Oracle databases because the option is turned on by default.

There are two ways to turn on the option:

  1. Using DDL ( Data Definition Language) - Run the commands listed below

    ALTER DATABASE <your frevvo database schema> - replace <your frevvo database schema> with the name of your frevvo database schema 
  2. Using SQL Server Management Studio:
  • Turn on the “Is Read Committed Snapshot On” Option under database properties.

Switching from Export to Excel to CSV Download for In-house Customers

  1. If you have forms/flows exporting more than 20 fields to Excel, add the frevvo.max.searchable.fields parameter to the frevvo.xml file

    1. Change the value to the number of searchable fields that you want.

  2. Edit each form/flow where Export to Excel is configured

    1. Click the Setup Searchable Fields link

    2. Click the Saved Fields tab and review the fields previously set up as Saved Fields

    3. Click the Searchable Fields tab and add every field into the Searchable Field list that was in the Saved Fields list

    4. Save your changes

  3. Manually run the Insight batch job to if you want to update older submissions with the changes.

Hide the Legacy Submissions View

In-house customers can turn off the Legacy Submissions View by setting the frevvo.deprecated.submissions.view.enabled configuration parameter. Other parameters are available to hide the Delete button on the Submission Table, disable the Edit link in Submission Details and set the maximum number of Searchable fields. If the Legacy Submissions view is not configured, the Saved Fields tab does not display when the Setup Searchable fields link is clicked and the Export to Excel feature is not available.

Configure the Maximum Number of Searchable Fields

The maximum number of fields can be configured in an in-house installation by adding the  frevvo.max.searchable.fields parameter to the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml file. displays an error message ("Maximum Number of Searchable Fields Exceeded!"), if the number of Searchable fields configured exceeds the maximum. The message will appear on the lower right of the screen and will disappear after a short time. Any fields in excess of the maximum number of fields configured will not be allowed.

Hide the Delete button on the Submissions Table

Add the frevvo.submission.delete.buttons parameter with a value of false to the frevvo war settings section of the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml file to hide the Delete button on the Submission Table. If configured, the Delete button in the Legacy Submission view is also hidden. The default value is true. 

Disable the Edit link in Submissions

Add the "frevvo.submission.edit.link" parameter with a value of false to the frevvo war settings section of the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml file to disable the Submission Edit link on the submission details popup everywhere it is displayed.

Just a Reminder for In-house Customers

In-house customers should review the topics below, the instructions in the Upgrade Guide and Supported Platforms before migrating. It is recommended that you perform a full installation of  v7.1.0 when upgrading. 

v7 License Key Required if you are upgrading from a version prior to Live Forms v7.x

Request a v7 license by emailing support@frevvo.com BEFORE you begin the upgrade. v5 and v6 licenses will not work. 

Hardware and Memory Requirements for your Live Forms Server

The minimum recommended hardware configuration for your Live Forms server is:

  • 2 gigahertz (GHz) 64-bit (x64) processor with 4 cores
  • 5 gigabyte (GB) of system memory
  • 100 GB hard drive

However you must size your hardware platform to your specific form usage characteristics. As the number of concurrent users and forms/flows increases so must the system memory. Refer to the memory configuration topic for the details.

Insight Server Memory Requirements

The Insight Server and Service (Batch job) MUST be configured to take full advantage of the Reporting and the v7.1 Submission view and search capability. Do NOT disable it in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml file.

It may be necessary to increase heap size for the Insight server, when reporting on/indexing a large number of submissions. Refer to the memory configuration topic for the details.

Database Configuration moved to server.xml file

The database configuration that was done in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml file has been moved to the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\server.xml file. Also, note that the datasource in the server.xml file has been renamed to jdbc/sharedfrevvoDS so that it can be shared by and the Insight server.

Configuring the database has not changed. The difference is that it is now done in the server.xml file and not frevvo.xml as in previous releases. When you configure your database, make the changes in the v7.1.0 server.xml file. Do not replace configured sections from a frevvo.xml from a previous release into the v7.1.0 server.xml. file.

Email Configuration is still done in the frevvo.xml file. Custom configuration parameters are still configured in the frevvo.xml file.

Start the Insight server before Live Forms

 requires Insight software for the Reporting and Submissions View feature. The Insight software is included in the tomcat bundle. The Insight server MUST be started BEFORE starting . Instructions for Windows and Linux operating systems are listed here:


  1. Open a command prompt. Navigate to <frevvo-home>\solr-5.4.1.Type bin\solr.cmd start to run the Insight server in the background, listening on the default port 8983.

    You will see this message:

  2. Browse http;<your server:your port>/solr to verify the Insight server is running. The <server:port> default values are localhost:8983. Change <your server>  to the server name and <your port> to the port the Insight server is running on if they are different than the defaults. Do not include the angle brackets <>. You will see the Insight server (Solr) dashboard with the current status:

If you close the Insight server (Solr) startup window, the server will stop running. Leave the window open or set up Live Forms and the Insight Server to run as Windows services.  

 The Insight Server that is bundled with v7.1 has an updated schema. If you are running Live Forms and the Insight Server (Solr) as Windows services, you must delete the existing services then reinstall them for the services to run properly. Follow these steps:

    1. Remove the Insight Server (Solr) service. Login as an administrator and execute the correct command for your operating system. Refer to this article for a quick review.
    2. Remove the Live Forms service by running the <frevvo-home>\Remove-Service batch file.
    3. Perform these steps to reinstall the Insight Server and Live Form services.


  1. Ensure that the scripts are executable: chmod 755 <frevvo-home>/tomcat/bin/*.sh
  2. Navigate to <frevvo-home>/solr-5.4.1/bin. Run this command to make the solr startup file executable:

    chmod +x solr
  3. Navigate back to the solr-5.4.1 directory.
  4. Start the Insight server by typing:

    bin/solr start - this starts the Insight server in the background, listening on the default port 8983.
  5. Browse http;<your server:your port>/solr to verify the Insight server is running. The <server:port> default values are localhost:8983. Change <your server>  to the server name and <your port> to the port the Insight server is running on if they are different than the defaults. Do not include the angle brackets <>. You will see the Insight server (Solr) dashboard with the current status:


  You do not have to restart the Insight server every time you restart .

Running and the Insight Server as Windows Services