Detailed Release Notes

This documentation is for Live Forms 9.1. v9.1 is a Cloud Only release. Not for you? Earlier documentation is available too.

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Detailed Release Notes

This page contains the detailed changes made to the following products:

  •  Online

Please visit Planning for v9.1 for an overview of the changes and enhancements in this release.



Cloud Release Date: February 1, 2020

 v9.1.4 is a small bug fix patch release. It was deployed to the frevvo Cloud on February 1, 2020. v9.1.4 is a Cloud Only Release. In-house customers should subscribe to release announcements so you will receive an automatic email when the in-house version is available. 

Tickets Fixed

  • TIP-27477 - Task Notification has an invalid task URL for a workflow with an assignment on the first step that is initiated from a separate launch form.
VersionConfluence PluginDatabase ConnectorGoogle ConnectorPVE ConnectorFilesystem ConnectorSharepoint Connector
Live Forms v9.1.4v5.4.0.28485 (Confluence 6.13)v2.6.2v3.0.4v5.6.1v1.2.2v1.1.1 (SharePoint 360)


Cloud Release Date: January 25, 2020

 v9.1.3 is a small bug fix patch release. It was deployed to the frevvo Cloud on January 25, 2020. v9.1.3 is a Cloud Only Release. In-house customers should subscribe to release announcements so you will receive an automatic email when the in-house version is available. 


  • TIP-25460 - SharePoint Connector wizard updated to accept the server relative path of the folder so that folders from large libraries will load. Customers using this integration must also upgrade to Sharepoint Connector v1.1.1 to enable this enhancement.

Tickets Fixed:

  • TIP-27007 - Reports: Active Processes summary table includes forms and workflows not in tenant.
  • TIP-27105 - Filesystem Connector: Send to Filesystem doc action fails when no submission directory is provided.
  • TIP-27186 - Flows that have an invalid value in a signed section do not display error message when the user signs the section.
  • TIP-27230 - Filesystem Connector: Send to Filesystem doc action does not hold settings for Send Snapshot dropdown or Data, Attachment & Gen Forms(PDF) checkboxes when submission directory is not provided.
  • TIP-27183 - Shared Items with validation errors do not display popup message when View Error icon is clicked.
  • TIP-27237 - Error "Add Application Failed" occurs when a new Project name include the "%" character.
  • TIP-27238 - Project names that include the "&" character ignore all characters after the "&."
  • TIP-27321 - Creating a Project with the name surrounded by < > creates a Project with no name. 
  • TIP-27380 - Control decorator value in Form Properties section appears blank even when set and visible on control in the Form Designer canvas.
VersionConfluence PluginDatabase ConnectorGoogle ConnectorPVE ConnectorFilesystem ConnectorSharepoint Connector
Live Forms v9.1.3v5.4.0.28485 (Confluence 6.13)v2.6.2v3.0.4v5.6.1v1.2.2v1.1.1 (SharePoint 360)


Cloud Release Date: December 21, 2019

 v9.1.2 is a small bug fix patch release. It was deployed to the frevvo Cloud on December 21, 2019. v9.1.2 is a Cloud Only Release. In-house customers should subscribe to release announcements so you will receive an automatic email when the in-house version is available. 

Tickets Fixed:

  • TIP-27162 - Flow Continue Button Doesn't Work in IE11
VersionConfluence PluginDatabase ConnectorGoogle ConnectorPVE ConnectorFilesystem ConnectorSharepoint Connector
Live Forms v9.1.2v5.4.0.28485 (Confluence 6.13)v2.6.2v3.0.4v5.6.1v1.2.2v1.0.5 (SharePoint 360)

v9.1.1 (rec4ef62)

Cloud Release Date: December 18, 2019

 v9.1.1 is a bug fix patch release. It was deployed to the frevvo Cloud on December 18, 2019.

Tickets Fixed: 

  • TIP-26446 - Bullets in message control do not display using HTML or RTE.
  • TIP-27152 - DL Registration link on www.frevvo.com not generating license.
  • TIP-27158 - Shared Items: When two forms or workflows with the same ID are shared with the same user the View Submissions link will default to the first form/workflow in the list. 
VersionConfluence PluginDatabase ConnectorGoogle ConnectorPVE ConnectorFilesystem ConnectorSharepoint Connector
Live Forms v9.1.1v5.4.0.28485 (Confluence 6.13)v2.6.2v3.0.3v5.6.1v1.2.2v1.0.5 (SharePoint 360)

v9.1.0 (r514069d)

Cloud Release Date: December 14, 2019

This is the initial GA release of Live Forms v9.1.0. v9.1 is a Cloud Only Release. In-house customers should subscribe to release announcements so you will receive an automatic email when the in-house version is available. 

New Features introduced in v9.1: 

  • New & Improved User Interface (TIP-24790) (Refer to Planning for v9.1 for additional details and examples of the new UI.)
    • Forms and Workflows are organized in Projects folders. Prior version Applications will seamlessly transition into Projects.
    • Forms and Workflows are grouped together on the Forms and Workflows Homepage. A form or workflow icon will identify the content type.
    • Forms and Workflows Homepage: A checkered flag icon beside the Form or Workflow name indicates it is Deployed. (TIP-25543)
    • Sort Projects List and Forms & Workflows lists alphabetically or by Created Date. (TIP-26178)
    • Add content easily with an Add menu at the top of each homepage.
    • Action drop down menu provides quick access to operations (Download, Share, Submissions, etc.)
    • Schemas, Scripts, Spaces and Styles are consistent with the new list style UI. 
    • When creating a new space the Space Designer immediately opens for edit. (TIP-26072)
    • "Flows" are now consistently called "Workflows." (TIP-25772)
  • Strong Passwords & Security
    • Tenant admins can now enforce a strong password policy for users in tenants that use the default security manager. This important security feature enables a strength meter for setting passwords and allows administrators to force a password change on next login or for new users. (TIP-23488, TIP-26060, TIP-25493, TIP-17456)
    • Login error messages are updated for improved security. (TIP-17997)
  • Other New Features
    • Improved PDF Generation: Prevent page breaks from splitting controls on two pages. (TIP-19316) 
    • The Submission filter Value Column searches both upper- or lower-case values. (TIP-20136)
    • Data API: OEMs can now initiate a client side CAPTCHA challenge verification. (TIP-25329)
    • Built-in data now includes form.project.id, prj.id, and prj.name for new Projects feature. (TIP-25591)
    • Internationalization: Translation support available for Visual Rule Builder condition and action operator labels. (TIP-25879)
    • Digitally signing a section with invalid controls now now highlights all invalid controls. (TIP-22173)
    • Now supporting link controls inside repeat controls. (TIP-25409)(TIP-26357)

Tickets fixed in v9.1:

  • Visual Rule Builder
    • TIP-25632 - Visual Rule Builder Condition Wizard is not working the functions Hour, Now, Year and Day. 
    • TIP-25663 - Visual Rule Builder allows incompatible left side control and right side expression types.
    • TIP-25666 - Visual Rule Builder expressions (hour, minute) functions show UTC value of date/time control instead of entered value.
    • TIP-25667 - Visual Rule Builder: maximumIf function does not recognize maximum values.
    • TIP-26511 - Browser freezes during validation of long addition or concatenation expressions.
  • Internationalization
    • TIP-25952 - Translation unavailable in Mapped PDF feature for "Clear Mapping" message. 
    • TIP-26094 - The word 'Precondition' in PDF Generated Forms Precondition Dialog is not translated.
    • TIP-26098 - The strings “Portrait” and “Landscape" (in form style orientation options) and “Summary” (in rule builder function help and table control properties) are missing from default translation file.
    • TIP-26100 - The message "Invalid PDF: No Fillable Fields." on PDF upload dialog is missing from default translation file.
    • TIP-26119 - After translation, text on PDF Mapping dialog button labels is not centered.
    • TIP-26120 - Visual Rule Builder validation messages like "Expression must of type: Number" are missing from default translation file.
    • TIP-26121 - After translation, form control Decorators are not sorted alphabetically.
  • Security managers
    • TIP-24697 - SAML Security Manager: User authenticated by SAML but not present in frevvo was able to save a public in tenant workflow as an Anonymous user.
    • TIP-25673 - Unuseful warmning message in frevvo log file: "The manager for user <userId> is not configured in the LDAP server."
    • TIP-25691 - LDAP tenant: A notification email is sent only to the default tenant admin (not all tenant admins) when a task is assigned to invalid user/role.
  • Form and Workflow Designers
    • TIP-22598 - Setting the printable property of a table column to false using rule code gives this error: "Java arrays have no public instance fields or methods named 'printable.'"
    • TIP-23521 - PDF Mapping: Screen goes white or flips to workflow step view when changing the PDF Name or setting a precondition.
    • TIP-23654 - Searchable Fields: Some controls in a table (repeating date, time, date-time, money and boolean checkbox values) show "NaN," instead of the expected comma-separated list, in Submission view.
    • TIP-24302 - A ComboBox with options populated from a database returns an error in the debug console "Invalid json: Cannot auto-detect encoding, not enough chars" if there is no data matching entered text.
    • TIP-25380 - Controls such as date and text can fail to validate if the type is changed after initial design. If you have a workflow with this error, please see Planning for v9.1 for steps to correct.
    • TIP-25874 - Date pickers remain visible after clicking the submit button on a form.
    • TIP-26105 - Workflow Step Properties Assignment tab displays invalid text entered for "Assign to User" on both current and subsequent steps after clicking Submit.
    • TIP-26269 - Submit and Cancel buttons extend off the screen on the Workflow Properties Access Control tab.
  • Other tickets fixed:
    • TIP-19483, TIP-20608 - Left-hand navigation pane expand/collapse arrows are only functional on My Tasks.
    • TIP-19585 - Uploading an application/project with the same ID as an existing application/project gives the unhelpful error message "Application Error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException".
    • TIP-20231 - The logs show an exception "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot instantiate an empty flow." when attempting to test or use the Share URL for a workflow with no steps.
    • TIP-22147 - Cloud Trial Tenants occasionally have an error that does not allow full designer or admin access.
    • TIP-22851 - On the 'Start Refresh of Insight Data' page for forms/workflows the link "Back to Refresh Insight Data" is clickable to the right beyond the text.
    • TIP-23533 - The Audit Trail shows the userID of a user who performed an anonymous step while logged into a different tenant from the workflow.
    • TIP-24156 - Unhelpful error message shown when logging into tenant with expired license as non-admin user.
    • TIP-24344 - User allowed to perform authentication-required step assigned by email when logged into a different tenant than the workflow's home tenant.
    • TIP-24477 - A control with a label longer than 255 characters caused the form to hang with an "Initializing Form" loading page and produced an application error in the log files.
    • TIP-24580 - Logging into a tenant that is connected to a PostgreSQL database produces an application error.
    • TIP-24920 - Target-uri URL parameter allowed external redirect.
    • TIP-25069 - A tenant or workflow admin sees a HTTP 500 error when performing an already-processed task on another user's task list. 
    • TIP-25391 - Clicking the Continue or Finish buttons in a workflow executes an HTTP GET request that is not aligned with REST principles. 
    • TIP-25448 - Upload Form/Workflow warning message is missing a space between the message and the form/workflow list.
    • TIP-25481 - Prebuilt templates are visible to tenant admin users but not able to be installed.
    • TIP-25496 - Error "Application Error Processing <task>" occurred when attempting to perform some tasks.
    • TIP-25787 - Remove Style dialogue references "color scheme" instead of "Style."
    • TIP-25790 - The 'Manage Form/Workflow Categories' page is incorrectly titled 'Manage Form Categories.'
    • TIP-25868 - After migration from 7.2.8 to 9.0.0, clicking the "Try" button in the Form Template table brings up an non-upgraded version of the form in which the Message control is blank.
    • TIP-26062 - Clicking Download on a Tenant Style gives the error message "Access Denied. Authentication required. Are you trying to access a private form or flow?" for Designer users.
    • TIP-26069 - Scripts incorrectly appears in left hand navigation for a shared project/application because scripts are not available in shared scenario; clicking it displays 'This script is private. You must login as the owner to edit it.'
    • TIP-26085 - Link in a form does not always open in new window even if "new window" property is checked.
    • TIP-26248 - Some error pages incorrectly displaying with white border.
    • TIP-26273 - Clicking "contact us" on admin Live Forms Online License page directs the user to a 404 Not Found error.
    • TIP-26829 - Manage Sessions: Max Concurrent Users value shows up as 5 for unlimited concurrent users tenant.
VersionConfluence PluginDatabase ConnectorGoogle ConnectorPVE ConnectorFilesystem ConnectorSharepoint Connector
Live Forms v9.1.0v5.4.0.28485 (Confluence 6.13)v2.6.2v3.0.1v5.6.1v1.2.2v1.0.5 (SharePoint 360)

End of Life Policy

frevvo supports major versions for two years after the first GA release date. Please see our complete list of End of Life dates on the Software Downloads Directory page. For some releases, the End of Life date may be extended. Documentation for Live Forms versions that are no longer supported is available on our frevvo Documentation Directory

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