Planning for v9.1

This documentation is for Live Forms 9.1. v9.1 is a Cloud Only release. Not for you? Earlier documentation is available too.

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Planning for v9.1

The initial release of Version 9.1 will be deployed to the frevvo Cloud in December 2019. This is a Cloud-only release.

Automatic Upgrade for Live Forms Online (Cloud Hosted) Customers

Live Forms Online cloud hosted customers will be automatically upgraded in December 2019. The automatic cloud upgrade will be seamless. Cloud customers should review these topics to prepare for the new version of .

If you have any questions, please email support@frevvo.com.

New Features 

v9.1 contains a modern, intuitive new user interface that make it easier than ever to organize and navigate your content. To see all of the new features for v9.1 visit our Detailed Release Notes page. Here are some highlights to get you started:  

Watch our 30-minute What's New in v9.1 Webinar for a tour of our favorite new features!

Redesigned User Interface

You will see several improvements to the User Interface (UI) throughout  which make navigating projects, forms and workflows simpler and more intuitive while retaining all of the your favorite functionality. This documentation space is updated to reflect the new UI. If you have internal documentation, consider updating it to reflect these changes. 

My Projects Homepage

The My Projects Homepage replaces the My Applications Homepage from prior versions.

  • On the Designer Homepage, the top left menu has been update with new icons. You will notice that "My Projects" now replaces "My Applications."
  • The Projects Homepage now displays a list of your projects by the date they were created with the newest on top, making them easy to find. You can  Sort projects by created cate or alphabetically by name. Applications created in prior versions will seamlessly transition to Projects. You may still upload files with the suffix _app.zip and they will be added to the Projects list. If you download a Project, you will see it has the new suffix _project.zip.

  • All of the operations that can be performed on a project are available by clicking on the Action Menu icon (three vertical dots) on the right side of each project, as shown below.

    Menu Item


    Open (Formerly Edit)

    Opens the project.


    Allows user to customize the Name, Description, Layout, Style, Form Action Base URL and Doc Action Base URL.

    Note that this is the only place where a project's properties are available.


    Downloads a zip file. The zip file name will have a suffix of "_project.zip".


    Produces a share URL for the project. The URL will still contain '/app'.


    Delete the project (you will be prompted to confirm.)

Add Content/Install Prebuilt Templates

  • Use the  Add icon to add content. 

  • Select Install a Prebuilt Template to access Global and Tenant Form and Workflow templates. This is an easy way to design a form starting with a commonly used process and customizing for your needs. On the Install Templates menu, you can filter by category, search by keyword, view the name and description of each template, and preview the template before installing.

  • Selecting Create a New Workflow or Create a New Form will prompt you to either add the new content to an existing project or create a new project.

  • Select Add to New Project to create a project. will prompt you to name the new project. Click Finish to create the project and the new form/workflow. You will be automatically sent to the Form/Workflow Designer where you can rename the Form/Workflow and begin customizing it.
  • Select Add to Existing Project to select from a list of your projects. After you select one, click Finish to go to directly to the Form/Workflow Designer where you can rename the Form/Workflow and begin customizing it.
  • Upload Project functions as "Upload Application" did in prior versions. You can upload files with the suffix _app.zip to Projects.
  • Create New Project will prompt the designer to name the new project. Click Finish to create the project and go directly to that Project's Forms & Workflows homepage.
  • Link functions as "Link Application" did in prior versions.

Forms and Workflows Homepage

Within each project, forms and workflows are now listed together in the Forms and Workflows homepage. By default they are listed in order of last modified date. The user can sort the list based on last modified date or alphabetically using the sort icon above the list.

  • The blue Add icon opens a menu of content that can be created within the current project. 
    • Select Install a Prebuilt Template to access Global and Tenant Form and Workflow templates. This is an easy way to design a form starting with a commonly used process and customizing for your needs. On the Install Templates menu, you can filter by category, search by keyword, view the name and description of each template, and preview the template before installing.
    • Create a New Workflow and Create a New Form will create the content and open it in the appropriate designer where you can change the name and begin to customize.
    • Upload Form or Workflow functions as prior version Upload operations did, though now will accept either a _form.zip or a _flow.zip file.
  • Forms and Workflows are combined into one list, and can be identified as either a Form or Workflow by their icons.
  • Click on the  Test icon beside the action menu to quickly access the form/workflow test mode.
  • Form and Workflow operations are now accessible via the Action Menu (three dots icon) to the right of the Form/Workflow name. Click on the Form/Workflow name to quickly open the Form/Workflow in its respective designer. 

Menu ItemDescription
EditOpens the form or workflow in the appropriate designer.
TestOpens the form or workflow in another browser tab/window in test mode.
Set Permissions

Shows the access control dialog.

DuplicateCreates a copy of the form or workflow. This function is extended to workflows in this release.
ShareShows the share form or share workflow dialog.
Deploy/UndeployThis menu item and icon is dynamic. If the item is deployed, the menu item will beUndeploy .
DownloadDownloads a zip file.
Publish as TemplateSame behavior and UI as in the previous release.
SubmissionsOpens the Submissions view.
Submissions (Legacy)Opens the Submissions (Legacy) view.
Refresh Search FieldsSame behavior and UI as in the previous release.
SchemaSame behavior and UI as in the previous release.
ThumbnailSame behavior and UI as in the previous release.
InternationalizeSame behavior and UI as in the previous release.
DeleteDelete the form or workflow.

Deployed Forms & Workflows

In previous versions of , it was easy to see which forms or workflows were deployed based on the status of "deploy/undeploy" icon. In v9.1 the convenience of at-a-glance view for deployed forms and workflows has been preserved. Deployed forms and workflows will now appear in the list with aflag icon beside them. Here is an example of a list of forms and workflows in which one workflow is deployed:


The Schemas screen received a UI refresh in a similar fashion to the Projects and Forms/Workflows screens. Schemas are now sorted alphabetically by name and item numbers have been removed. Each item has a 3-dot item menu that contains all of the existing operations. Use the  Add icon to upload a new schema.


The Script screen received a UI refresh in a similar fashion to the Projects and Forms/Workflows screens. The current script has an Action menu that contains all of the existing operations. 


The Spaces home page received a UI refresh in a similar fashion to the Projects and Forms/Workflows screens. Spaces are now sorted alphabetically by name and item numbers have been removed. Each item has an Action menu that contains all of the existing operations. Use the Add icon to create a new space. An added convenience for designers is that when creating a new space you will be directed immediately to the Space Designer to begin editing, rather than back to the Spaces home page.


The Styles screen received a UI refresh in a similar fashion to the Projects and Forms/Workflows screens. Styles are now sorted alphabetically by name and item numbers have been removed. Each Style has an Action menu that contains all of the existing operations. Use the  Add icon to create or upload a new style.

Enable Strong Passwords 

This feature applies only to tenants using the default security manager.

Good security is a desirable feature and is becoming mandatory with compliance initiatives like GDPR. Tenant admins can now set password strength requirements on the Create Tenant or Manage Tenant screens. There are four password strength options (Fair, Good, Strong, Very Strong) or the field can be left blank if you do not want to enforce password strength. In v9.1, leaving this blank will still require a minimum password length of 8 characters. When you change the password strength requirement, users whose passwords do not comply will automatically be prompted to change their password on their next login.

Definitions of Password Strength:

  • none - uses system default, enforces a minimum password of 8 characters
  • Fair - very guessable: protection from throttled online attacks. (guesses < 10^6) Strength Meter will indicate "Very weak."
  • Good - somewhat guessable: protection from unthrottled online attacks. (guesses < 10^8) Strength Meter will indicate "weak."
  • Strong - safely unguessable: moderate protection from offline slow-hash scenario. (guesses < 10^10)
  • Very Strong - very unguessable: strong protection from offline slow-hash scenario. (guesses >= 10^10)

A user creating or resetting their password will be required to meet the password strength specified by the tenant admin. Password strength is indicated as the user types by a Password Strength Meter visible below the entry. There are no specific length or character requirements, but the meter will detect the strength of the password based on use of uncommon words or phrases and unpredictable use of capitalization, numbers and special characters. Helpful suggestions appear to prompt the user towards a stronger password. Password length is limited to 100 characters and an error message will appear if user attempts to enter more than 100 characters. Users cannot use their old password or a temporary password as the new password. Here are screenshots of what a user might see if the Tenant Password Strength is set to "Strong." Strong and Very Strong passwords use uncommon words or phrases and unpredictable use of capitalization, numbers and special characters.

Additional Enhancements

  • The Google Connector was automatically upgraded to v3.0.0 for Cloud customers. See the Google Connector v3.0.0 Release Notes for more detail.

  • Generated PDF page break improvement: Controls can be prevented from having a page break in the middle of the control. For example, you may not want a checkbox control split with some options printed on one page and the rest of the options on the next page. In this case, place the checkbox control inside a group control (such as a section or a panel) and apply the CSS Class property f-page-break-inside-avoid to the group control. If the control would have had a page break inside the control, this property will cause the entire control to print on the next page. If you have nested group controls, the outer group control f-page-break-inside-avoid CSS Class property takes precedence.
  • Enhanced Submission filter allows both upper- and lower-case search.

frevvo is committed to making  more intuitive and easier to use. More features/improvements are coming in future releases.

Migration Considerations

Updated Built-In Data Names

With the transition from "Applications" to "Projects," some of the built-in data used in rules and templates is updated in v9.1. The following built-in data has been added:

The corresponding application equivalents (form.application.id, app.id, and app.name) will be available for a limited time and may not be supported in a future release. Designers should update their forms/workflows to use the new built-in data at their earliest convenience.

Table Column Printable Property

Designers can now set the table column printable property using rule code. Here is an example. Line 1 will set the entire column's printable property to false; lines 2-4 show an example of how to make individual cells not printable. Keep in mind that the column setting will override the setting of individual cells.

Col2.printable = false;
for (var i=0; i<Col2.value.length; i++) {
  Col2[i].printable = false;

Setting a column to printable is a feature introduce in the v7.4.19 patch for in-house customers and v9.1 for Cloud custome