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Configuring the Save on Navigate feature enables the screenflow to be completed in multiple sessions.
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Let's consider a Job Application workflow with the following requirements:
Workflow Designer
The image shows an example of a possible screenflow design: Use ModeAnonymous users return to a previous step by clicking on the Navigation Toolbar if the workflow contains a screenflow performed by an anonymous user. |
This field is a toggle that sets the state of your workflow to production or development. Functionality is the same as Deployment for forms.
Users can go to their Task List to retrieve the task and they will be returned to the screen where they were when the browser was closed.
Let's say you have a screenflow with steps A > B> C and the user closes the browser at screen B. When the user performs the task from the Task List, the workflow will open up at step B.
Here is a short synopsis of when the current location is saved. Consider a workflow with the following steps/roles: Role1(A → B → C) → Role2(D) → Role3(E):
In the submission, the pdf for the Onboarding for new hire Eric Armani is named as shown as shown:
Fast Finish
The Fast Finish feature provides a finish button, visible in use mode, in addition to the Submit and Save button (if Save/Load is selected) for the forms in your workflow. The Finish button works the same way as the Continue button. The workflow will not advance to the next step or be submitted If any of the fields are invalid.
Selecting Finish automatically advances through the workflow steps until one of the terminating conditions listed below is true:
- Edit the workflow in the Workflow Designer.
- Click the Edit Edit Workflow Properties icon to display the Workflow Properties wizard.
- Check Fast Finish on the Settings tab.
- Click Submit to save.
Selecting it on the individual steps makes the Finish button available on the designated steps only.
- Edit the workflow in the Workflow designer.
- Click on the Employee Information step. Click on the Edit Edit Step Properties icon. Click the General Settings tab.
- Check Fast Finish.
- Repeat for all the steps in the workflow where you want the Finish button to display.
- Save your changes.
If the steps in your workflow consist of forms and/or a summary step, Fast Finish forwards through the steps of your workflow until it hits one of the terminating conditions listed above.
Let's consider the Employee On Boarding workflow as an example. This workflow consists of a screenflow that is filled in by the new employee:
If Fast Finish, is selected on the workflow or step level, the user can click the Finish button after making the correction and the workflow will fast forward through Step 6. Fast Finish will stop here since step 7 is assigned to the user Sue who is a member of the Human Resources department. The user will see the pending message after Step 6 and the workflow will be routed to Sue for final processing.
If the Fast Finish and Save/Load features are enabled for a workflow, the user can save a partially completed form to their task list. If the saved form still has required fields that have to be filled in, when the user retrieves the saved task from their task list to complete and submit it, clicking the Fast Finish button takes the user to the point in the screenflow where they left off.
The Fast Finish button on an iPhone or iPad is accessed via a dynamic action menu that is activated by the right-most button in the top button bar. The action menu drops down below the button and floats above the form. If Fast Finish is not selected for the workflow or on the current step, then the action button and menu are not present at all.
Refer to this feature announcement for more information.
If this checkbox is unchecked, tasks for the form or workflow will not appear in Task History searches. If you want them to appear, make sure this box is checked. Checking or Un-checking it affects all tasks including ones that were created prior to the action.
Live Forms can be used to build accessible forms/workflows that meet Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards. Check the Accessible property to turn on this feature. Refer to the the Accessibility documentation for the details.
Show Logo
This property is checked by default and causes the “powered by frevvo” logo to appear on your workflow. Uncheck the checkbox to remove the logo from your workflow.
You can access the Access Control tab in three ways:
- Click the Edit Edit Workflow Properties icon on the Workflow Designer toolbar. This will launch the Workflows Properties wizard. Click the Access Control tab.
- Click anywhere in the Access Control section in the Properties Navigator. This takes you directly to the Access Control tab.
- Click the inside inside the Messages section in the Properties Navigator. This takes you directly to the Access Control tab.
- Enter the users and roles for the permissions provided.
- Clicking on the
- Type the opening curly brace - {- followed by the control name to enter a field from your form as a template. Selecting an option enters the control name into the field with the closing curly brace.
down arrow(s) show a list of users, roles and templatized fields from your form. Select the users/roles from the dropdown. - Click the Submit button to save the changes or navigate to another tab.
You can access the Messages tab in three ways:
- Click the Edit Edit Workflow Properties icon on the Workflow Designer toolbar. This will launch the Workflows Properties wizard. Click the Messages tab.
- Click anywhere in the Messages section in the Properties Navigator. This takes you directly to the Messages tab.
- Click the inside inside the Messages section in the Properties Navigator. This takes you directly to the Messages tab.
- Enter the text for the Task Information and Pending Message.
- Clicking on the
- Type the opening curly brace - {- followed by the control name to enter a field from your form as a template. Selecting an option enters the control name into the field with the closing curly brace.
down arrow(s) show a list of users, roles and templatized fields from your form. Select the users/roles from the dropdown. - Click the Submit button to save the changes or navigate to another tab.
You access your Task List from your applications projects home page. You use the Task list to to perform tasks assigned to you, to view a task's history, or search for tasks you've participated in — a tenant admin can also search for other users' tasks.
You can access the Searchable Fields tab in three ways:
- Click the Edit Edit Workflow Properties icon on the Workflow Designer toolbar. This will launch the Workflows Properties wizard. Click the Searchable Fields tab.
- Click anywhere in the Searchable Fields section in the Properties Navigator. This takes you directly to the Searchable Fields tab.
- Click the Properties Navigator. This takes you directly to the Searchable Fields tab. inside the Searchable Fields section in the
- Select the Searchable Fields for your workflow.
- Click the Submit button to save the changes or navigate to another tab.
You can access the Workflow Action tab in three ways:
- Click the Edit Edit Workflow Properties icon on the Workflow Designer toolbar. This will launch the Workflow Properties wizard. Click the Workflow Actions tab.
- Click anywhere in the Workflow Actions section in the Properties Navigator. This takes you directly to the Workflow Actions tab.
- Click the Properties Navigator. This takes you directly to the Workflow Actions tab. inside the Workflow Actions section in the
- Set up the Form Actions for your workflow.
- Click the Submit button to save the changes or navigate to another tab.
The Flow Workflow Actions available on the Success tab are:
You can access the Document Action tab in three ways:
- Click the the Edit Edit Workflow Properties icon on the Forms Designer toolbar. This will launch the Forms Properties wizard. Click the Document Actions tab.
- Click anywhere in the Document Actions section in the Properties Navigator. This takes you directly to the Document Actions tab.
- Click the the inside inside the Document Actions section in the Properties Navigator. This takes you directly to the Document Actions tab.
- Set up the Document Actions for your workflow.
- Click the Submit button to save the changes or navigate to another tab.
- Send Documents
- Send Data
- Send an Additional Email
Send Documents
You can access the Styles tab by:
- Click the Edit Edit Workflow Properties icon on the Workflow Designer toolbar. This will launch the Workflow Properties wizard. Click the Styles tab.
- This tab does not display in the Properties Navigator
- Select a style, layout and customize the workflow PDF header/footer, if desired.
- Click the Submit button to save the changes or navigate to another tab.
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You can access the Summary Fields tab by:
- Click the Edit Edit Workflow Properties icon on the Workflow Designer toolbar. This will launch the Workflows Properties wizard. Click the Summary Fields tab.
- This tab does not display in the Properties Navigator
- Make the selections for your workflow.
- Click the Submit button to save the changes or navigate to another tab.
- Access the Saved Fields tab by clicking the Edit Edit Workflow Properties icon on the Workflow Designer toolbar. This will launch the Workflow Properties wizard. Click the Saved Fields tab.
- This tab does not appear in the Properties Navigator.
- Select the Available Fields and use the arrow buttons to move them to the Saved Fields list. Drag and drop is available for some browsers.
- Hover over a field in the list to see the step of the workflow where the control is located.
- Click the Submit button to save the changes or navigate to another tab.
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Saved Fields tab This Saved Fields tab displays only when the Legacy Submissions view is configured as it is in the cloud. The only reason to configure Saved Fields for a form/workflow is if you want to use the Export to Excel which is only available in the Legacy Submissions view. Remember, Saved Fields are stored in the database when the form/workflow is completed. This can significantly reduce performance, especially for large forms and require additional storage in the repository.
In-house customers can choose to hide the Legacy Submissions view with a configuration parameter. If the Legacy submission view is not visible, the Saved Fields tab is not displayed in the Form/Workflow Designers and the Export to Excel feature is not available. |
Refer to Submissions Stored Inside of Live Forms - Legacy View for the details about the Legacy Submission view and the Export to Excel feature.