Upgrade Guide

This documentation is for frevvo v10.0. Not for you? Earlier documentation is available too.

Upgrade Guide

Before you begin the migration process:

  • Please check the Supported Platforms to confirm the latest requirements. Note that v10.0.x is certified on OpenJDK (11.0.6).
  • Please read and understand the Planning for v10.0 which may require your action before you begin your upgrade.

v10 License Key Required

  • A v10 license key is required for this version of frevvo if you are upgrading from a prior version. Request a v10 license by completing this form before you begin the upgrade. 

Determine Your Upgrade Path

Your frevvo Version

Recommended Upgrade Path to v10.0.x

7.4.x or earlierUpgrade to v9.0 (see v9.0 Upgrade Guide), then upgrade to v10.0

Upgrade directly to v10.0

Note: Upgrades from frevvo 6.3.9 - 6.3.12 through v7.4.x are supported but these versions are not available for general release.

Migrating from HSQLDB

frevvo does not support the use of HSQLDB for use beyond demo/trials of the frevvo software. If by mistake you continued to use the demo/trial HSQLDB database for production use, you will need to first migrate your data to one of frevvo supported production databases BEFORE you can upgrade to later versions of frevvo.

Please follow the instructions on this page to perform your upgrade.

Upgrading frevvo 

Please read the following upgrade steps prior to starting the migration.

frevvo recommends that you test the upgrade process on your test server before performing it on your production server. Contact your frevvo Account Manager for information if you do not have a test environment.

Prepare for the upgrade

  1. Upgrade Resources
    1. v10 will only allow upgrade of resources that are v7 and later. Each user's account and associated resources is upgraded the first time they log in after each upgrade. Users who never log in (old or stale users, perhaps) may have an account that is several versions behind. This can also happen if you are doing a multi-step upgrade from a version prior to v7.
    2. To help admins manage this, in v9 the User Upgrade Threshold was introduced in the Configuration Checklist screen. The admin can use the information in this table to either delete the non-upgraded users or login as that user to upgrade them. 


    3. You must login-as each user listed in order to upgrade their resources (or remove them if the accounts are old/stale.) If you skip this step and have pre-v7 resources, your v10 upgrade will fail. 

      LDAP Users

      LDAP Security Manager tenants may see users listed in the Configuration Checklist - User Upgrade Threshold that no longer exist in the AD, and cannot be deleted or upgraded in the frevvo UI. To resolve this, please contact support@frevvo.com.

  2. Please read and understand the Migration Considerations which may require your action before beginning.

    1. Install OpenJDK (11.x) before beginning.
  3. Stop frevvo with one of the methods listed below:

    1. Execute <frevvo-home>\stop-frevvo.[bat,sh].

    2. Stop the Insight Server by closing the window or if you are using the tomcat bundle by typing these commands in the <frevvo-home>\solr directory of your existing installation.

      bin\solr.cmd stop -all

    3. Stop frevvo and the Insight Server through the Computer Management Services console if they are running as Window's services.

  4. Backup the forms database from your current frevvo installation.
  5. Backup the current frevvo server's installation directory so that you have a copy of all custom configuration parameters.

  6. Request a v10 license if you are upgrading from a frevvo version prior to v10.0.x.

Install Upgraded Version

  1. Download the latest v10.0.x software. The download is a zip file. Extract the contents to any folder of your choice. This folder will be referred to as <frevvo-home> (note that the zip already contains a top level frevvo folder).
  2. Install a JDBC Driver.
  3. If you increased Memory Settings in your previous installation, make those changes to the appropriate files in the new installation. Refer to  Hardware and Memory Requirements for the details.
  4. Navigate to the server.xml file in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf directory of your v10.0.x installation

Configure the Database and Email

  1. Select your database type
  2. Refer to the Configure the Connection URL topic to point the v10.0.x frevvo database to your current frevvo database. If you are using SQL Server, remember to add the sendStringParametersAsUnicode property with a value of false to your database connection URL if it is not already there.

     Expand for optional manual step for db's with large submission volumes...

    When upgrading from v7.4 or prior to v10.0+ (via v9) frevvo runs the following sql statement on your database automatically in the startup process. However, this process can take awhile (as long as 30 minutes or more) for databases with large submission volumes. If you need to reduce the down-time when restarting, please run this statement manually for your database type before upgrading (frevvo will skip them if they are already complete.) It is safe to run these statements while your current version of frevvo is running.

    If you are upgrading from v9.0+, you do not need to do this step.

    alter table formsubmission add column email varchar(255);
    alter table activitysubmission add column anonymous tinyint(1) not null default 0;
    Microsoft SQL Server
    alter table [formsubmission] add [email] varchar(255);
    alter table [activitysubmission] add [anonymous] bit not null default 0;
    alter table "formsubmission" add "email" varchar2(255);
    alter table "activitysubmission" add "anonymous" number(1,0) default 0 not null;
    alter table formsubmission add column email varchar(255);
    alter table activitysubmission add column anonymous boolean not null default false;
  3. Configure Email
  4. If you made changes to the Default Port in previous releases, make those changes again in the v10.0.x server.xml file.  
  5. Configure SSL for tomcat if it was configured in prior version of frevvo. 
  6. Save the changes to the server.xml file. 

Copy Properties

See Installation Tasks for commonly used properties. Read the Detailed Release Notes to be sure that all properties you are using are valid in the upgraded version.

  1. Edit the frevvo-config.properties file in your prior version. This file is usually located in the<frevvo home>/tomcat/conf directory.
  2. Copy the properties you added or changed.
  3. Edit the frevvo-config.properties file in the upgraded version, and paste the properties you copied from your prior version. 
  4. Save the frevvo-config.properties file.

Restore the contents of the <frevvo-home>\data\solr directory from the previous installation directory backup that you made in the Prepare for the Upgrade section to your latest version's <frevvo-home>\data directory. Then, follow the steps to start the Insight server BEFORE starting frevvo.


  1. Open a command prompt. Navigate to <frevvo-home>\solr. Type bin\solr.cmd start to run the Insight server in the background, listening on the default port 8983.

  2. You will see this message:

    If you close the Insight server (Solr) startup window, the server will stop running. Leave the window open or see these instructions to remove existing services and set up frevvo and the Insight Server to run as Windows services:

  3. Browse http://<your server:port>/ solr to verify the Insight server is running. The <server:port> default values are localhost:8983. Change localhost to the server name and 8983 to the port the Insight server is running on if they are different than the defaults. Do not include the angle brackets <>. You will see the Insight server (Solr) dashboard with the current status.


  1. Ensure that the scripts are executable: chmod 755 <frevvo-home>/tomcat/bin/*.sh
  2. Navigate to <frevvo-home>/solr/bin. Run this command to make the solr startup file executable:
    chmod +x solr
  3. Navigate back to the solr directory. 
    cd ..     
  4. Start the Insight server by typing: bin/solr start - this starts the Insight server in the background.
  5. Browse http:<your server:port>/solr to verify the Insight server is running. The <server:port> default values are localhost:8983. Change localhost to the server name and 8983 to the port the Insight server is running on if they are different than the defaults. Do not include the angle brackets <>. You will see the Insight server (Solr) dashboard with the current status.

Start frevvo

Start the frevvo v10.0.x server by running the start-frevvo.bat or start-frevvo.sh files (depends on your Operating system) in the <frevvo-home>\frevvo directory. Then follow these instructions to login and enter your upgrade license key.

If you are running frevvo and the Insight Server (Solr) as Windows services, you must delete the existing services then reinstall them for the services to run properly.

  1. Follow these steps to delete the existing Insight Server service for Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10 operating systems:
    1. Login as an administrator.
    2. Verify the Insight Server service name by double clicking it in the Windows Services list
    3. Type this command: If your service name has spaces in it, use quotes around the service name.

      sc delete <ServiceName>
    4. The message "DeleteService SUCCESS' will display when successful.

    5. Remove the frevvo service by running the <frevvo-home>\Remove-Service batch file. 

  2. Perform these steps to reinstall the Insight Server and frevvo services.


Ensure you upgrade to the supported version of the connectors for your upgraded version of frevvo. Version information can be found at the links below.

  • If you are using the frevvo Database Connector, you must reinstall and configure it again for the v10.0.x installation.
  • If you are using the Google connector you must reinstall and configure them for the v10.0.x installation.
  • If you are using the frevvo Filesystem Connector, you must reinstall and configure it again for the v10.0.x installation.
  • If you are using the frevvo SharePoint Connector you must reinstall and configure it again for the v10.0.x installation.
  • If you are integrating with IIS, review these updated steps to configure Tomcat. 

All database initialization and/or required upgrade will be automatically done by frevvo.war as part of the frevvo v10.0.x startup.

sameSiteCookies Attribute

Recent browser versions (especially Chrome v80+), by default, allow cookies to be sent only with top-level navigation and GET request initiated by third party websites. When you need to expose cookies to a third party site, such as using the SAML security manager or embedding in an iframe, you need to use https (Chrome only) and explicitly set the samesite attribute of the cookie to "none". frevvo includes a tomcat version that allows configuring the cookie processor with this attribute. This documentation provides more information and details across browsers.

The sameSite value "none" is not supported prior to iOS 13 (macOS before version 10.15). Setting sameSite to "none" in tomcat may require iPhone/iPad to be upgraded.

For third party access, you must use https and update the provided tomcat/conf/context.xml CookieProcessor element to add the sameSiteCookies attribute.

<CookieProcessor className="org.apache.tomcat.util.http.LegacyCookieProcessor" allowEqualsInValue="true" sameSiteCookies="none"/>

On premise customers who do not want to make these updates need to turn on the legacy behavior in the chrome browser. Please see this Chrome documentation for details.

Things to Check

Verify that any frevvo Connectors are up and running.

  1. Login as a tenant admin
    1. Click on the Configuration Checklist link to verify that all configurations are complete.
    2. Click on the Reports link. Click on one of the Reports to verify that submission data is displayed.
  2. Login as a tenant designer user
    1. View and edit a form/flow
    2. Verify that your submissions are displayed when you click the Submissions and  Legacy submissions icons.
    3. Test forms/flows 

Login as the superuser admin.

  1. Verify that the Refresh Searchable Items process ran and completed successfully.


It is recommended that you do not change or delete the frevvo.users.schemaName property in the frevvo-config.properties file after the first startup of v10.0.x.  If the property is changed or deleted post migration you may see this error:

Follow these steps to rectify the situation:

Change the property back to what it was during migration and restart.

If that does not fix the problem, delete all rows from the DATABASECHANGELOG database table and then restart. Use the command: delete from DATABASECHANGELOG. 

If you start frevvo before the Insight server, you will see this message when you browse the frevvo login URL. Follow these steps to start the servers in the correct order:

Navigate to your <frevvo-home> directory.

Run the stop-frevvo.bat or stop-frevvo.sh file depending on your Operating system to stop frevvo.

Open a command prompt. Navigate to <frevvo-home>\solr-6.6.2

Start the Insight server. Refer to Start the Insight Server above for the instructions.

Browse http://<your server:port>/solr to verify the Insight server is running. The <server:port> default values are localhost:8983. Change localhost to your server name and 8983 to the port the Insight server is running on if they are different from the defaults.Do not include the angle brackets <>.

Start frevvo.

Applying a Minor Patch Update

If you're applying a minor patch update, for example, applying patch 10.0.x to your installed v10.0.0 frevvo server, you can follow these simple steps instead of the more lengthy upgrade steps.  

The latest major frevvo version and the compatible frevvo connectors are available from the frevvo Software Downloads Directory.

  1. Unzip the downloaded build zipfile to a temp directory. 
  2. Copy the \temp\frevvo\tomcat\webapps\frevvo directory.
  3. Stop frevvo.
  4. Delete the frevvo.war and/or frevvo directory file from your <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps directory.
  5. Paste the frevvo directory copied above in your <frevvo-home>\tomcat\webapps directory. 
  6. Delete everything inside \frevvo\tomcat\temp directory of your installation.
  7. Start frevvo. 

Apply a Patch with Tomcat Upgrade

If you are applying a patch release that includes an Apache Tomcat upgrade to your installed v10.0 frevvo server, follow these modified upgrade instructions. Refer to the sections above for detailed steps.

  1. Stop frevvo.

  2. Backup the current frevvo server's installation directory so that you have a copy of all custom configuration parameters.

  3. Install the Upgraded Version.
    1. Download the latest v10.0.x software. The download is a zip file. Extract the contents to any folder of your choice. This folder will be referred to as <frevvo-home> (note that the zip already contains a top level frevvo folder).
    2. Install a JDBC Driver.
    3. If you increased Memory Settings in your previous installation, make those changes to the appropriate files in the new installation. Refer to Hardware and Memory Requirements for the details.
    4. Navigate to the server.xml file in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf directory of your v10.0.x installation
  4. Configure the database and email.
  5. Install any Upgrade Guide#Connectors that were installed in your previous version.
  6. Restore the contents of the <frevvo-home>\data\solr directory from the previous installation directory backup that you made in Step 2 to your latest version's <frevvo-home>\data directory. Then, start the Insight Server.

  7. Start frevvo.

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