frevvo v11.1 is no longer supported. Please visit the Documentation Directory for our current Cloud Release and other versions.
Submissions Stored Inside of frevvo
frevvo comes with a built-in submissions repository. The repository can run on top of most SQL databases. By default, your form data is stored in the repository and can be viewed from the Submissions page. Fields in your form/workflow, set up as Searchable fields by the designer, can be used as criteria when searching submissions. You can also filter by default fields such as error, error description, submitter id, lock user id, started date, etc. The Insight Server and the Insight service must be running for the Submission view to work.
Accessing Submissions
To access submissions for a particular form/workflow, the designer who created the form (owner) navigates to the Forms and Workflows Home Page and clicks the Submissions icon for that form or workflow. The designer can grant permission to view/edit submissions to other designers and non-designer users/roles via the Access Control feature. Non-designers granted view/edit permissions, access submissions from the Shared Items tab.
A Shared Items link is added to newly created Portals automatically and can be added to existing portals.
Searchable, Summary, and Export Fields
Searchable, Summary, and Export Fields are available for configuration in the form/workflow Settings editing mode. They define which controls in your form can be used in search/filter, the submissions detail display, and the CSV download. It's important to understand the difference between each of these three settings.
Searchable Fields
Searchable Fields can be used as search criteria for submissions and tasks. They also define the columns that will be available in the Submissions Table. Once defined, frevvo can also go back and re-index existing submissions so you can search them using the same fields. Searchable fields and Export fields will be included in the Submission CSV download.
Cloud customers can configure up to 20 Searchable Fields.
In-house customers can change the default value by adding the frevvo.max.searchable.fields configuration parameter to the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\frevvo.xml file.
Summary Fields
Summary Fields can be used to configure the fields shown in the Submissions Detail: Data tab, as a quick view of data in the form/workflow. They will be shown in the order configured with the exception of Repeat controls and table columns, which will be grouped together by repeating control.
Export Fields
Export Fields define which controls will be exported, and in which order, in the CSV Download in addition to the metadata and Searchable Fields. The CSV can also be opened as an Excel Document, where the Export Fields selected are displayed as columns. Adding or changing Export fields will take immediate affect; there is no need re-index as with Searchable Fields.
Submissions View
From the form's three-dot action menu, select View Submissions to open the Submissions view, which consists of two sections displays:
- Submissions filter section
- Matching submissions results table.
Initially, the Submissions Filter section is collapsed.
Click on the
blue arrow to expand it. Click Reset to revert to the default filters.Submissions Filter
The Submissions filter section contains:
- Section A - From Date and To Date fields to specify a date/time range.
- Section B - Check the status of the submissions you are searching for
- Other Filter Items section - setup your search criteria, including the capability to edit the logical expression used as the search criteria.
- Logic Expression - As you add/remove filters, the logic expression changes automatically, defaulting the logic to AND. Click Edit to change the order of operations or the expressions.
- Reset button - To start over with a new set of filter criteria, click the Reset button. This will clear all criteria, including the from/to dates, state and all rows of the other filter items.
When the expression or any of the sub-expressions change in any way, the submissions query is automatically re-run and the results are updated in the Submissions Table.
Submission From Date and To Date
The two date/time controls specify the time period for the submissions you see. The dates default to the current date and one month earlier, so you see one month of submission results when the Submissions page first displays. Adjust the dates if you want a shorter or longer time period. The query will run in the current user's browser time zone.
Submission Status
The Submissions table will show submissions in the following states: SAVED, PENDING, SUBMITTED, ABORTED, WAITING. Simply check the appropriate check box in the State section. For example, It would be easy for a manager to check the current status of Expense Report approvals by checking one or all the submission types in the State box. The Submission Table dynamically changes as the submission state choices are checked/unchecked.
Here is an explanation of the available states:
- SAVED: This will return only those tasks which were created when users clicked the Save button on the form/workflow to save their partially filled forms
- PENDING: This will return all tasks which are pending, meaning someone else put these tasks in the users task list
- SUBMITTED: This will return all tasks which are completed, i.e. the form/workflow for which this task was created has been submitted
- ABORTED: This will return all the tasks that were deleted/aborted so the form/workflow never got submitted
- WAITING: The WAITING status can be used to find workflow tasks that have an Email or HTTP activity. A submission will show a state of WAITING when a workflow is routed to an anonymous user and the workflow is suspended until the this step is completed.
Choose Search Criteria from Form/Workflow Data
The Other Filter Items section describes the conditions that submissions must match in order to be included in the Submission Table. Here is how the grid works:
- Click the plus / minus icon to add/remove rows. Rows are labeled numerically beginning at 1 and are color coded. You can specify up to 100 rows of filter criteria.
- Specify the field, condition and value for the search criteria you are adding. For most conditions, all three columns are required but there are some that may not require a value.
- As you add fields and conditions, they are automatically added to the logic expression field by appending an "AND" and the character of the sub-expression (A for the Date section, B for the State section or the number of the row in the filter table as appropriate). Each sub-expression is color coded for quick reference. The characters for the sub-expressions are also color coded to match the row in the grid where the expression is defined.
- Click the Edit button to modify the logic expression.
- Click the Reset button to clear all of the search criteria.
Let's take a closer look at the columns in the Other Filter Items grid.
Field Column
The Field column includes a dropdown where you can select any fields that were specified in the Searchable fields wizard in your form/workflow or you can choose from default columns that are available across all form and workflow types.
Condition Column
The Condition column choices depend on the data type of the selected field. Click below to see a list of the data types and their corresponding options.
For example, the choices in the Condition dropdown, will be different if you select the Submitted Date or the ProjectName, which is a searchable field in the form/workflow from the Fields list.
Condition Choices when a Date field is selected from the Fields list.
Condition Choices when ProjectName, a text field in the Expense Report workflow, is selected from the Fields list.
Value Column
The values entered into the Value Column depend on the field type and also sometimes upon the condition chosen. Click below to see a table of the allowed values for Field Type(s) and conditions. The Values column is not case-sensitive, so entering "apple," "Apple," or "APPLE" will return the same list of results that contain those letters either upper- or lower-case.
For Example, if you select a Date field, the Date Picker is provided to help enter the value. If you select a Text field from your form/workflow, you will be prompted to "Enter text" for the value. If you select the Error metadata field, the value choices will be True or False in a dropdown in the Value column.
A Date/Time field with the "is within last" condition selected, requires a special time duration entry. The duration must be entered in this format: Years:Months:Days:Hours:Minutes. Fields to the left may be omitted. For example, if you were searching for submissions that were submitted within the last 2 hours you can enter 02:00 or as 2:0. To search for submissions created within the last 2 months and 12 days, enter 02:12:00:00.
If you enter an invalid value, an error will display with instructions, e.g. "Bad time duration value, must be Yr:Mn:Dy:hh:mm".
Editing the Logical Expression
If you want to modify the logical expression, click the Edit button. The logic expression becomes editable.
The Logic Expression allows you to customize and combine the filter conditions using ANDs and ORs as well as parenthesis () to group terms of the expression.
- Each filter item (expression) is represented by a letter (A for the Date range or B for the State or a number that corresponds to the row of the sub-expression in the Other Filter Items grid).
- Combine the letters and numbers using parenthesis to group items as needed.
- Build the logic of the overall predicate expression using AND and OR as appropriate.
- Click save when done to save the expression. Please correct any indicated parse errors in order to save.
For example, let's say you have a Job Application that has 3 submissions:
You want to display the submissions that were submitted on January 11, 2022 or any of the applicants that live in Connecticut (Mobile Phone Area Code is 203):
- Expand the Submissions Filter.
- Select the SUBMITTED state.
- Select the Acknowledgement Date field from the Fields dropdown
- Select "is equal to" from the Condition dropdown.
- Use the Date Picker to select "01/11/2022" as the value.
- Add a row to the Other Filter Items grid.
- Select the Mobile field from the Fields dropdown.
- Select "begins with" from the Condition dropdown.
- Enter "203" as the value.
At this point, the expression displays only one submission that has an Acknowledgement Date of 01/11/2022 AND has a Phone number that begins with an area code of 203.
This is not the expected results. To display the submissions that were submitted on January 11, 2022 OR have a Phone number that starts with an area code of 203, the logical expression has to be modified.
- Click the Edit button.
- Change the expression to A AND B AND (1 OR 2)
- Click the Save button.
The submissions that match the Date range and State conditions and either were submitted on January 11, 2022 OR contain a phone number that starts with an area code of 203:
Upon selecting the Save button, the logic expression is parsed for correctness. If there is any parsing failure, an error message describing the failure is displayed and the screen remains in edit mode. If there is no error, then the screen returns to read-only mode.