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Rule Examples
This chapter contains numerous real-world samples of the custom dynamic behaviors you can add to your forms and workflows. Many of the business rules described below are easily created with the frevvo Visual Rule Builder by simply selecting appropriate functions or controls from your forms/workflows using a visual wizard. Rules can still be written with JavaScript in order to build any degree of complex, powerful business logic and integrate with your Web Services and frevvo connectors.
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Rule Events
Whether you are using the Visual Rule Builder or editing Rule Code, it is helpful to understand some of the common events that you will use to trigger rules as they can affect the behavior of your forms/workflows. The following examples illustrate the use of form.load, form.unload, form.activate, and form.deactivate events.
Refer to the When Do Rules Execute section for more information.
Rules can be used to initialize field values. This is a very useful feature and is often used to dynamically populate dropdown options from a database. Rules using form.load are triggered when a form first loads and when a workflow is loaded from a task list.
Rules using itemAdded only execute for repeat items added when the user clicks +, and for those added from an initial instance document (See Document URIs). It does '''not''' execute for those items that you have added to your form in the Form Designer. You can either add defaults directly via the form designer or add a 2nd rule to your form as follows.
These two rules together initialize the dropdown fields inside a repeat that is already in the form via the Form Designer, as well as those added each time a user clicks "+" on the repeat to add a new item & via initial documents. These controls are initialized based on a value set in another field.
//1st Rule - Default Items if (form.load) { // The form contains two repeat items by default. if (department.value === 'Marketing') { Managers[0].options = ['Joe', 'Mary', 'Stan', 'Cindy']; Managers[1].options = ['Joe', 'Mary', 'Stan', 'Cindy']; } if (department.value === 'Sales') { Managers[0].options = ['Lou', 'George', 'Wendy']; Managers[1].options = ['Lou', 'George', 'Wendy']; } } //2nd Rule - Items Added if (Erepeat.itemAdded) { var index = Erepeat.itemIndex; // which item is this in the list ES[index].value = 'Day'; // default the employee shift to day // Use options already selected in form.load rule Managers[index].options = Managers[0].options; }
In the Rule Builder, designers can specify at the rule level whether or not a given rule is intended for initialization or not. Checking the Initialization Only checkbox on the wizards marks a rule as an initialization rule. If checked, the generated rule will be wrapped in an if (form.load) statement. The rest of the generated rule (conditions, actions, etc) will be contained within this if statement. The rule shown sets the field named name to "Paul" if the value of the Gender dropdown is "male" and the workflow is on the second step.
if (form.load) { if ((gender.value === 'male') && (frevvo.step.on('_8yjc0OSvEeafOKEJqSXZcw'))) { name.value = 'Paul'; } else { name.value = null; } }
If this same rule is not marked for initialization, it will behave like an anytime rule which means that it will fire when the form loads as well as a control value change. The generated JavaScript will include:
var e = form.load;
Rules including the form.unload event are not yet supported in the Visual Rules Builder and thus still requires some JavaScript. Rules can be used to finalize field values after the users clicks the form's submit button but prior to the Form and Doc Action execution. Rules using form.unload are triggered when the form user clicks the submit button and for workflows when the user clicks continue to go to the next activity or finish to complete the workflow.
One common example use is for an order form order number. You may only want to assign a unique sequential order number to each order submission. You could initialize the form's order number when the form loads using form.load. However, if someone starts filling in the order form but never submitted it you do not want to consume the next order number in sequence if it will never be used. Using form.unload you can assign the number after the submit button click but before the form data is submitted.
Here OrderNum is the name of invisible control.
/*member num */ var x; if (form.unload) { eval('x=' + http.get('http://(your webhost)/json/getNextOrdernum')); OrderNum.value = x.num; }
If you have a rule in your form that changes any control(s) after clicking Submit, thereby making the form invalid, the form will no longer be submitted and the invalid form will redisplay. This change avoids creating an invalid xml for a successful submission.
- Form and Document actions will not execute when the form becomes invalid.
- PDFs are not generated.
- Invalid controls become highlighted as expected.
- form.unload output displays in the debug console.
This feature is implemented for forms only.
The form.deactivate event is identical to the form.unload event. Whenever a step gets deactivated in a screenflow or multi-user workflow, it is unloaded as well. form.deactivate was added for completeness. The rule in this example will also work if it was written using form.deactivate instead of form.activate.
In a desktop browser, users can navigate back and forth between the steps of a frevvo screenflow or multi-user workflow using the Navigation toolbar. Previous and Next buttons are available on mobile devices for this functionality. Workflow designers should consider this navigation when writing business rules. Steps in a screenflow are read/write since they are all performed by the same user and editing is allowed.
form.load is only triggered when the step is loaded for the first time. This is not very efficient. form.activate triggers every time a read/write step is displayed. This makes form.activate and form.deactivate events that give designers a more reliable way to set properties for steps in a screenflow.
Let's take a look at a two step screenflow designed using Linked forms to illustrate these points. Step 1 has 2 text fields, Text 1 is visible and not required. Text 2 is initially not visible and not required. We added a rule in the Visual Rule Builder that sets Text2 to visible and required on Step 2.
Rule List
Notice that by default the VRB creates the rule on the form.load event.
var event = form.load; if (frevvo.step.on('_4neSkLpxEeu1dMbj8N29dg')) { Text2.visible = true; Text2.required = true; } else { Text2.visible = false; Text2.required = false; }
Let's see what events occur when Step 1 is loaded.
- LOAD Step 1 – the form.load is triggered since step 1 is being run for the first time. Text 1 is visible and required and Text 2 is not visbile and not required
- ACTIVATE Step 1 – activate triggers because the step is loaded for the first time.
The user clicks continue and the workflow navigates to Step 2. Note Step 1 is deactivated and unloaded and Step 2 is loaded and activated:
- UNLOAD Step 1
- LOAD Step 2 – the workflow is on step 2 – the form.load triggers because step 2 is being loaded for the first time. Text 2 is now visible and required.
- ACTIVATE Step 2 – this runs because step 2 is displayed.
The user navigates back to Step 1 without filling in Text 2. Note Step 2 is deactivated and unloaded and step 1 is activated.
- UNLOAD Step 2
form.load is not triggered, so Text 2 is not visible (due to initial property value) but it is still required because Step 1 did not LOAD again. When the user clicks Continue to move to Step 2 the screenflow does not move forward.