Access Control List for Publisher Users

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Access Control List for Publisher Users

frevvo users with the frevvo.Publisher role perform a special function explained here. Publisher users have the ability to change ACLs for the forms/workflows that they are moving from the development environment to production. Publisher users can edit the Access Control List by:

  1. Logging into a designer's homepage

  2. Opening a project

  3. Clicking a form or workflow's

    Action Menu and selecting

    Set Permissions.

The Access Control wizard displays the following permissions:

  • Who can use the form/workflow?

  • Who can edit the form/workflow?

  • Who can view form/workflow submissions?

  • Who can edit form/workflow submissions?

  • Who can access the audit trail - available only for workflows

  • Who can administer the workflow - available only for workflows

Form ACL
Workflow ACL

Please visit the Access Control and Shared Items documentation for additional details.