Workflow Design Patterns

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Workflow Design Patterns

This page is for new to experienced workflow designers who are building a new workflow and looking for a pattern to meet their business requirements. These examples may help you to choose the best design pattern for your situation before you begin building it. Here is chart to help you compare some common patterns; many workflows combine multiple patterns.

Workflow PatternBest ForExample
  • multi-page forms
  • multiple steps performed by single user
An Employee On Boarding workflow in which the new employee fills out multiple forms such as Employee Info, IRS W-4, State Withholding, and Health Insurance Enrollment.
Multi Form Approval
  • multi-page or separate forms that require individual approval
  • allows user to fill out forms in a screenflow, and then approver to complete them also in a screenflow
A Professional Development Request Workflow that includes both Professional Development opportunity approval and a Check Request form, each of which need to be approved individually.
  • actions/approvals that can be done by any member of a role
A Patient Referral that can be processed by any nurse and and reviewed by any doctor.
  • action/approval that must be done by a specific user
An Expense Report that is always sent to the user Jerry for approval.
Dynamic Role/User
  • role or user will be determined at run-time
A Time Off Request that should route to the user's manager, and then the department chair, for approval.
Task Collaboration
  • Utilize the Save to User and/or Save to Role feature
  • Pass the workflow between users determined at run-time
See the next three examples below for task collaboration (previously known as 'ad hoc') patterns.
Save to Role (User Loop)
  • when collaboration or input is needed from multiple users in a role
A Support Request that may require input from different support team members to complete.
Save to User
  • when collaboration or input is needed from multiple arbitrary users that must be determined at run time
A Proposal Review where each reviewer can select the next reviewer from a dropdown.
Save to User or Role
  • A user in a role wants to save the task to their own task list
  • A user wants to save the task, reassign the task, or return the task to the entire role.
A Contact Request that gives the user a choice at run time to save the task to return to later, reassign it to another specific user, or save the task back to the entire role.
Anonymous Participant
  • A step assigned to a user outside of your org who is not a frevvo user
A Purchase Order that must be sent to the client for approval; the client accesses their step through an emailed link.
Anonymous Screenflow
  • A series of steps is performed by a user outside of your org who is not a frevvo user
A Job Application that has steps for Personal Info, Education, and Work History.
Anonymous User Starts Workflow
  • The first step is performed by a user outside of your org who is not a frevvo user
A Scholarship Application that is public, so anyone can start it using a form embedded on your website. The user verifies their email, then begins the workflow.
Automated Step
  • uses HTTP Wait-Notify step type to allow a web service to perform the step
A Membership Application where the user completes Step 1, and Step 2 is an HTTP Wait-Notify step performed by a payment processing system. Completion by the service triggers Step 3, which is assigned to a user to complete the workflow.
Kick Off Form
  • use a form/workflow to "kick off" another workflow
  • also know as Task for First Step
A finance department uses a kick-off form to assign Budget Proposal Workflows for each department chair.
  • uses Reject to and Reject from features to route a workflow backward or cancel it
A Student Add-Drop Request that the advisor may need to send back to the student for more information, or may be submitted as disapproved, skipping remaining steps, if not approved.
Parallel Workflow
  • a workflow that branches to simultaneous tasks
A Purchase Order that requires multiple invoice approvals for completion.

Screenflow (no users or roles)

A screenflow consists of consecutive workflow steps that are performed by the same user. To create a screenflow with a navigation toolbar, use the Workflow Design Wizard to add new or existing forms to each step, and select assignment type "None." For an existing workflow, use the Add Step Wizard to add a new or existing form with the Assignment Type "None." You can click on each of your workflow steps and look at the Assignment tab verify that the steps are not assigned to a user/role as shown below. You can set Form and Document actions as usual. 


 A navigation toolbar is displayed and the user will be able to navigate back and forth between the various steps in the screenflow. Note that you cannot go forward to the next step until the current step is valid.  will automatically enforce this constraint similar to the way forms cannot be submitted unless they are valid.

All unassigned steps performed by a single user in a screenflow are considered one 'task.' In the example above, there are five steps that combine to a single task. This workflow task design consideration is helpful to know when designing approve/reject steps, applying business rules and viewing audit trails.

Multi-Form Approval Workflow

A multi-form approval workflow is a combination of a screenflow, where one user completes multiple separate forms, and an approval workflow. It allows User A to fill out multiple separate forms, and the User B (the approver) to approve each of those separate forms in their own screenflow. Let's say you have a Professional Development Request Workflow. The user needs to submit a form to request professional development approval, and a separate check request form to issue the funds. The manager also needs to approve each of these forms individually.

 Click here for steps to create this workflow...
  1. Start by creating a workflow with four steps. In the Workflow Design Wizard, you will set them up as follows:
    Step 1: Professional Development Request - Create New Form - Assignment is None.
    Step 2: Manager Approval (Professional Development) - Approval Step* - Assign to a User: jerry (or your Manager's UserId). *This links to the parent step Professional Development Request.
    Step 3: Check Request - Create New Form - Assignment is None.
    Step 4: Manager Approval (Check Request) - Approval Step^ - Assignment is None. ^This links to the parent step Check Request.

    Notice that this initial design is not the final step order that we will use. This is because when you create an Approval Step, it links to the nearest Parent Step above it. So, by designing steps in this order initially we allow frevvo to automatically create approval steps with their corresponding Business Rules and Assignments. In the next stage, we will move these steps around so they are performed in the correct order.
  2. Click the second step, Manager Approval (Professional Development) and drag it down to the + icon between the third and fourth steps. This places the steps in the correct order in which they will be performed.

    Since Steps 1 and 2 have no assignment, they will be performed by the initial user as a screenflow. The new Step 3 (Manager Approval (Professional Development)) is assigned to the Manager. Step 4 (Manager Approval (Check Request)) has no assignment, so it will also be performed by the Manager as a screenflow. 
  3. Edit the form(s) as desired. In this case, we added some fields to the Professional Development form regarding event name, type and cost. We added fields to the Check Request form regarding Payee and Mailing address. The My Items (relabeled My Info in this example) section appears on both forms - it prefills on the first form with the logged in user's details. In the second form, since the controls all have the same name and nesting level, the data entered in Step 1 will be passed into those fields in Step 2. So, on Step 2 (Check Request) we have disabled those fields. We also deleted the Initialization Rule on Step 2, as it is not needed. Both forms have Manager Approval sections and respective rules to show/hide those sections on the appropriate steps.

  4. Save and Test the Workflow. Notice that the initial user fills out the Professional Development Request, clicks Continue, and fills out the Check Request in a screenflow. Then, the Manager picks up the task for Manager Approval (Professional Development) and sees the Professional Development form with their approval section. They sign and click continue, and see the Check Request with another approval section in a screenflow. After approving the Check Request they can submit the workflow.

Role-based workflow

In a role-based workflow, you will assign one or more roles to one or more steps in the workflow. A step with roles can only be performed by an authenticated user who belongs to one of the assigned roles. Your administrator will have to create the required roles in advance. Create the step assignments in the Workflow Design Wizard, or in an existing workflow add the role name(s) to the Assign to Roles field on the Assignment tab. Begin typing the role name then select the role from the dropdown options. Repeat to add more roles.

In this example Step 2 can be performed by any user with the "Nurse" role, and Step 3 can be performed by any use with the "Doctor" role.

Sending a workflow step to a specific user

Sometimes, for example, when approving vacation requests or expense reports, you want the workflow to go to a specific person (the employee's manager rather than any manager). In this situation, roles are not appropriate since any user with the role Manager will be able to pick up and perform the pending request.

Create the step assignments in the Workflow Design Wizard, or for an existing workflow add the user name to the Assign to User field on the Assignment tab. Begin typing the user id then select the user from the dropdown options. Only one user id is allowed.

You can enter a template e.g. {ManagerId} as shown in the image below. Simply type the left curly brace and begin typing the Manager Id control name (Managerid) and the template will appear in the dropdown. Select it and it will add the template - {ManagerId} to the field.

Leave the Assign to Role field empty. Click Submit.

Dynamic User Assignment

You must have a control in any previous step with the specified name, i.e. in the example shown, you must have a control in the Leave Approval form from the first step with name ManagerId. This control must be populated with the  user id of the specific person that you want to route to. At run-time,  will resolve the target user id using the data in the ManagerId control and will route the workflow to that specific user.

You can populate this control manually (via a drop down or by typing the user id) or preferably via a business rule that automatically pulls the information from a back end system or simply populates fields in your form/workflow step with the logged in user's information.

You may want to route a step in a workflow to the user's manager.  provides a built-in template that is available for every transaction. Select the template {subject.reports.to} from the Assign to User dropdown. The workflow will then be routed to the user who is specified in the Reports To field on the User's configuration screen

Using dynamic roles - determining the role at run-time

In some cases, the role is not known in advance. For example, you may have a workflow where the first step is a Purchase Order or a Loan Request and the second step is an approval; however the approval must be performed by a Manager if the amount is less than $1000 and a Supervisor otherwise.

  1. Add a control with name ApproveRole.
  2. Add a business rule that populates ApproveRole with Supervisor if Amount is <1000, and Manager if Amount is >1000.
  3. Click the approval step to open the Workflow Step Properties, and select the Assignment tab.
  4. Enter the template e.g. {ApproveRole} in the Assign to Role field.

Workflow steps that are assigned to a user, role, anonymous or dynamically are each considered their own 'task.' In the example above for Using Dynamic Workflows, there are two steps which are also two tasks. This workflow task design consideration is helpful to know when designing approve/reject steps, applying business rules and viewing audit trails.

Task Collaboration Workflow Patterns

Task Collaboration workflow patterns capitalize on the Save to User and Save to Role features to pass a workflow step between multiple users in a role, between users determined at run-time, or a combination of both of these methods in an ad hoc manner.

If you plan to use Save to User or Save to Role on the first step of a workflow, please review this documentation.

Save to Role - Looping between multiple users in a role

In some cases, you may want multiple actions taken during a step in the workflow. For example, consider an Issue Tracking workflow where the first step is an Issue entered by an employee or a customer and the second step is Actions taken by support staff. There could be multiple actions before the issue is resolved; however all actions are performed by a member of the support staff.

  1. Click on the Actions workflow step. Click the Settings tab. Check Saved to the task list and Save to Role.
  2. Navigate to the Assignment tab. Add the appropriate role or dynamic role as described above to the Assign to Role field. In our example, the assigned role is SupportStaff.
  3. Click on the Guided Designer: Settings editing mode  and check Save/Load. This enables Save/Load for the workflow as a whole.

At run-time, a member of the support staff performs this step, takes an action and logs it in the workflow. While this user is performing the steps, other users in the Support-Staff role are locked out. When the user is done, he/she can click the Save button in