frevvo v11.1 is no longer supported. Please visit the Documentation Directory for our current Cloud Release and other versions.

Manage Connectors


The Manage Connectors page allows you to add and configure frevvo-provided connectors, such as the Docuware Connector or the DocuShare® Flex Connector. To get started, login as Tenant Admin and click Manage Connectors.

Add Connector

When you first come to the Manage Connectors page, you will have no connectors. Click Add to add a connector.

The Select Connector dialog will appear as a popup. Choose your connector from the dropdown. Click Select.

The Configuration screen for your selected connector will appear. Proceed to Connector Configuration.


Once you have added a connector the Add icon will turn gray. You may only add one connector per tenant at this time.

Connector Configuration


Enter your Docuware location and credentials.

  • BaseURL - the location of your Docuware platform

  • OrganizationId - the id number provided by Docuware

  • Username - your Docuware user name

  • Password - your Docuware password

Click Save. The save icon will turn light gray indicating your information was saved successfully.

The Document Actions UI will display all cabinets, but you may only send to cabinets that the user configured in the Manage Connectors page has the correct permissions to edit. Incorrect permissions will result in a "403 Forbidden Form" error. To set up your Docuware permissions, please see this Docuware Documentation and ensure the user configured in frevvo has one of these permission combinations:

  • Read and Edit permission to Cabinet

  • Use permission to Document Tray

DocuShare® Flex

Enter your DocuShare® Flex location and credentials.

  • BaseURL - the location of your DocuShare® Flex platform

  • Username - your DocuShare® Flex user name

  • Password - your DocuShare® Flex password

Click Save. The save icon will turn light gray indicating your information was saved successfully.

DocuPhase Pro

Enter your DocuPhase Pro location and credentials.

  • BaseURL - this is usually

  • Department - your unique DocuPhase Pro department ID (not Department Name).

    • To find your department ID:

      • Log into to DocuPhase Pro and view any cabinet.

      • Right-click on any column header.

      • Click ‘Columns’ and select ‘location’

      • A location column will appear that includes the department ID (see screenshot below). It is usually client_files<####>. Once you copy the department ID, uncheck ‘location’ if this is not a column you normally show.

      • Note that this field is not validated; please double-check for accuracy.

  • User - Your DocuPhase Pro user name. The cabinets displayed in the Doc Action wizard will be those to which this user has access.

  • Password - Your DocuPhase Pro password.

Click Save. The save icon will turn light gray indicating your information was saved successfully.