Live Forms v7.4 is no longer supported. Please visit Live Forms Latest for our current Cloud Release. Earlier documentation is available too.
A space is a web site that organizes and displays applications, forms, workflows, tasks, etc. A space has a tab for each application, and each tab has a drop-down list of the deployed forms/flows in that application. Forms/flows with a visibility of public in tenant or private appear when the user logs into
. When you click on a form or flow name, the space opens the form in the page. A space also has a home panel and two optional panels at the left and at the bottom of its page. You can edit the content of any of these panels; you can also choose not to include the optional panels. You can apply a style to a space as you do to forms/flows. The selected style will be propagated to forms, flows and the Task List.
Spaces can be used to simplify accessing forms/flows/Task List from your iPhone or iPad. You can add thumbnail icons to your forms and flows and the space will display on mobile devices as shown below.
On This Page:
Each designer user in a tenant can create, edit, and delete his or her own spaces. You can share the URL to a space with others inside or outside your organization.
If you share a space, you are essentially creating a website — anyone who has the URL can view the space. Whether or not someone can actually open a form or flow and use it depends on the Visibility property of the form. A form or flow must be Public for anyone to use it. An outside user will be blocked if he attempts to open a non-public form, and may even lose his session credentials with the space. Forms/flows must be deployed to production for them to automatically appear in an application tab menu. If the visibility of a form is restricted to a specific role via the ACL feature, the form/flow will not appear on the space menu unless the logged in user has been assigned that role or they are the designer.
A form action display message formatted using html tags will not work like they do in your own customer web site. XHTML in the display message is currently unsupported in spaces.
Notice the First and Last Names of the logged in user appear in the upper right corner.
Create a New Space
When you create a space, creates a tab on the space for each of your applications — and also adds Task List, My Account, Shared Items, Home and Login/logout tabs. Refer to the Space Content topic. The application tabs display a list all of all deployed forms/flows in that application; undeployed forms and flows are not included. For testing purposes, forms/flows with a visibility setting of private are added to the space menu if the user is logged in as a designer. A form/flow with a visibility set to public in tenant, cannot be accessed unless the user logs in to the
tenant. If the visibility of a form/flow is restricted to a specific role via the ACL feature, the form/flow and it's associated tab will not appear on the space menu unless the logged in user has been assigned that role or they are the designer. If an application has no forms/flows,
doesn't create a tab for it.
You create a new space from the spaces home page.
- Log in as the designer, and then click on Spaces .
- Click to create a new space, enter a Space ID. The Space ID must be unique, start with a letter, cannot contain spaces or special characters and cannot exceed 16 characters. Non-ascii characters are not supported in a space id.
- Enter a Space Name - this name will display in the top right section of the space. The Space Name should not exceed 16 characters but you can type spaces here.
- Click Create.
The new space is added to the list.
The spaces home page lists any spaces that you've already created. On this page, you can:
- Click to create a new space.
- Click to delete an existing space.
- Click to edit a space.
- Click to test a space.
- Click to share a space.
If you add or remove applications or add or remove forms or flows from applications, and you want to update the space that contains them, a quick way to do that is to delete the old space and create a new one. You can use the same name as the original space. The new space will contain all your current applications, and all deployed forms, and flows. Customization made to the space, such as adding your logo or HTML will have to be redone. If you do not want to redo your customizations, edit the Tab Menus manually.
Relative URLs
Menu items are created using URLs relative to the application root, i.e. /frevvo/web/… The use of Relative URLs can help avoid issues that might be cause by hardcoded hosts, protocols (http vs https) and ports and improves portability. It is the recommended best practice to use Relative URLs when Adding a Tab and Forms/Flows to the Space menu.
When you create a new space, you will see:
* Important Items ** Task List|/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/subject/( ** My Account|/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/subject/( ** Shared Items|/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/subject/( *HR ** Expense Report|/frevvo/web/tn/mycompany/u/8aa27da6-4bef-427c-92e3-6ad8d58e506a/space/v73space/home?embed=true
instead of
Important Items ** Task List|{}/tasks?embed=true ** My Account|{}/profile?embed=true&edit=true ** Shared Items|{}/shared?embed=true&hidenav=true * HR ** Expense Report|
You may also notice that Share links for the Important items now show parenthesis instead of curly braces. You will see the parentheses in any newly created space. Tomcat 8.5 doesn't allow curly braces in URLs since they are not valid URL chars and deemed a security vulnerability. Live Forms currently supports parenthesis as well as curly braces, however, support for curly braces {} will be dropped in a future releases . Use parenthesis () moving forward.
Edit a Space
to display your space in the space editor. The editor displays your space as it will appear if you share it with others. The editor also includes a Properties panel at the left of the space, a toolbar at the top with Finish and Cancel icons, and editing tools you can use for the three panels in the body of the space, the logo area, and the application and Task List tabs.Edit Space Properties
Use the Properties panel to edit the the space Name, choose a different Width, or apply a style to the space. If you change any of the properties, refreshes the space so you can see your changes.
When calculating the width of your space, consider the width of your forms plus the added space needed to fully display your forms when performing a task from the Task List. Showing/Hiding the left panel may also be a factor.
Show/Hide the Login/Logout Link
It is possible to hide the login/logout link in a space. You may want to do this if your users are accessing a space through your own portal using your own authentication system and the login/logout function is handled external to frevvo.
The Login link checkbox is checked by default so when you create a new space the login link is visible. To hide it, uncheck the Login link checkbox.
The Login link will be checked when migrating Spaces from previous versions of .
Edit the Panels and Logo
You can edit all three panels in your space, and you can show or hide the left panel and bottom panel. You can also remove or replace the logo. The logo filename can contain up to 50 characters.
- Click to edit a panel, upload a graphic file to use as a logo, or to edit the application tabs.
- Click to remove the logo.
- Click to either hide or show the left and bottom panels. When hidden, the editor displays the panels grayed out. The left and bottom panels are hidden by default.
When you edit a panel, displays its contents. You can add your own content and format it using HTML tags.
Modifying the Default Copyright Panel
The designer can modify the default copyright notice located in the bottom panel. The default content is:
Your Copyright Notice. All rights reserved.
You can edit this content in the designer.
Click the icon to edit the content.
Click the
icon to hide the panel.
Changing the Default logo
To replace the logo, browse for the graphic file you want. Click the
Finish icon when you're done.In-house customers can change the default logo to your company logo with a configuration property. You can configure the frevvo.logo.URL property where the value is the URL to your company logo in the <frevvo-home>\tomcat\conf\ file. Click here for the details. This configuration property will change the default logo to your image for all of
including Spaces.
Adding a Tab and Forms/Flows to the menu
to edit the application tabs. You can use the editor shown below to add, delete, or rearrange the tabs in your space, and add or remove forms or flows from the drop-down tab menus. The editor uses this format:- Text that begins with a single asterisk is a tab name — * Human Resources is a tab name.
- Text that begins with two asterisks is a form or flow name — ** Expense Report is a form or flow name.
To add a new tab, type its name and begin it with a single asterisk. Use two asterisks for a form or flow name. Notice that a form or flow name is followed by a URL that identifies it. For example, the full entry for the Human Resources > Expense Statement form in this example is:
** Expense Statement|http(s)://<server>:<port>/frevvo/web/tn/
It is recommended that you use Relative raw link URLs when adding forms/flow to your Space menu. To make the URL above relative, remove the protocol, server and port information.
** Expense Statement|/frevvo/web/tn/
Notice there is only one forward slash - / - after the pipe symbol in the example.
To add a form or flow name to a tab, you'll need its URL. Follow these steps:
- On the applications home page, click to edit the application that contains the form or flow you want to add.
- Click the button to open the Share Form panel for the form you want.
- Click Raw form link to display the raw URL.
- Copy the URL, then in the tab editor, type a | character after the form name. Paste the form's URL after it.
- Click Finish to update the tab menus.
Forms/flows in a space should be located on the same Server. They can be created by other designer users in same tenant or a different tenant.
Forms/Flows displayed on the Space menu will only show the forms/flows which the logged in user is authorized to view.
If you are using a tenant configured for a container security manager and you want to allow anonymous access to your forms/flows, you must add a public URL to your space menu.
Refer to the Space Content topic for tips and information about more "cool" items you can add to your Space menu.
How to Locate a Form or Flow using the Share URL
Let's say you created a Space or added a form/flow to your space and now you must find that form or flow to make changes to it. The Share URL for a form/flow can be used to determine the Live Forms designer account where a form/flow is located.
Test a Space
Share a Space