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Generate Pixel Perfect PDFs
Checking the Save PDF option for a form/flow saves a a PDF image of the form/flow in the ' submission repository. This generated snapshot is a basic PDF rendering of the form/flow. You can generate additional PDFs' as part of your form/flow, if required. For Example, new employees hired by a company are typically asked to fill out federal forms such as a W-4 or an I-9.
' Pixel Perfect PDF generation feature allows you to design a form/flow with fields that capture the information needed and integrate the data from the e-form controls to an acroform PDF.
adds all generated PDF forms to the document set of a completed form/flow. See Submissions for more details.
On This Page:
' Pixel Perfect PDF generation feature is supported in both the form and flow designers. You will need an "acroform" to generate a pixel perfect PDF. Acroforms (also known as Acrobat forms) are forms that contain writable form fields. You can generate as many PDFs as you like. It is very easy to map
controls to individual acroform fields for each one. The additional PDF forms are generated at the end of a form/flow and all generated PDF forms will be added to the document set of a completed form/flow. This makes it possible for the form designer to specify doc actions on these additional form documents as well. The designer can construct form/flows in which the generated forms may be viewed at any point in the form/flow via the Form Viewer control.
If a form designed in the Forms designer has generated PDFs associated with it, the PDFs will be carried along when the form is added to a workflow. Existing form viewer controls will work in the new step of the flow. However, PDF mappings will NOT be preserved when a flow step is extracted as a standalone form.
Import of forms created in previous versions will preserve all PDFs and mappings. Mappings work as they did in the previous version. This includes mappings for the special items listed:
- Signed section signature and signature date
- Radio, Dropdown and checkbox options and comments
- Table and repeat items by index.
uses a web-based mapping scheme where the designer can map e-form fields to PDF fields within the visual context of the PDF itself in a web page.
- Adobe XFA Forms are not supported.
- Password or sensitive text fields being transferred to a PDF form will be written in plain text if they are mapped to a PDF field.
PDF Form Generation
The designer must follow these basic steps for each Pixel Perfect PDF to be generated as part of a form/flow:
- Obtain the acroform pdf that you want to populate with
- Design your
screens with controls for the information that you want to collect and map to the pdf
- Upload one or more PDF acroforms that will serve as PDF form generation templates.
- Map the fields in your form to the fields in the PDF acroform. There are two ways to do this described below.
- Add the Form Viewer control to your e-form/flow
- Test the form/flow and pdfs that are generated
Step 1 - Obtain the acroform
You must have an acroform pdf for successful mapping in . Acroforms are pdfs that contain writable form fields. There are many acroforms available on the internet. For example, the latest acroform for the federal W - 4 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate can be downloaded from the U.S. Treasury website.
If you cannot find an acroform to use, there are tools available to create one. PDFescape is a free pdf editor that can be used to create a pdf with writable fields. For more complicated PDFs (tables.etc..), consider using the paid PDFescape Ultimate version. Refer to the mapping rule guide lines in the table below.
The tool that Adobe uses to create PDF's does not support integration with third party software. Use PDFescape to generate acroforms for mapping with Live Forms.
Some acroforms may not have a writable field for all of the data that you want to collect. For example, the signature field on such forms as the I-9 or W-4 acroforms. The Employee On Boarding form/flow collects information to populate the W-4 PDF after the new employee completes the screen flow. Another step of the flow asks the new employee to review the PDF and sign if the information is correct. Mapping the
signature to the generated PDF cannot be accomplished unless there is a writable field in the W-4 template. You can use a PDF editor such as PDFescape to add a writable field for the signature to your acroform template.
signatures are treated as images that can be mapped to text fields so be sure to add the acroform field as a text field. Upload the modified acroform as your PDF template.
Here is an example of a PDF acroform for the federal Employee's Withholding Allowance. Notice the blue highlighted writable form fields.
Step 2 - Design Forms/Flows to collect the information you need
Make sure that you have controls in your forms/flows to collect the information that you need for the pdf . For Example, many forms/flows contain separate fields for the user's First Name and Middle Initial. The first name field on the W - 4 pdf requires the user's first name plus middle initial. To supply this information in this manner, the designer would need to include an invisible control on the form that would be populated by the results of a Business Rule that concatenates the data in the first name and middle initial fields.
Designers should give Group Controls meaningful names whenever possible as it may prove helpful if you are using the Mapping Form Outline.
Step 3 - Upload PDF acroform Templates
When steps 1 and 2 are competed, you are ready to begin the pdf mapping. Launch the form/flow designer.
The form/flow designers have two separate views:
- form/flow View - canvas where the designer can drag/drop/edit controls/forms to create activities in a
form/flow. See Designing Forms or Designing Flows for more information.
- Generated Forms View - canvas where the designer can create/edit PDF forms to be generated.
Clicking on the edit form/flow View and Generated Forms View icons on the toolbar toggles between the two views.
You will not see the
View forms generated by the form/flow icon when editing a form inside a workflow. In the workflow designer, only the control and rules views are available.Click the
A status of existing pdfs (if any) will be reported using three icons.
- A green status icon indicates the mapping is complete.
- A yellow status icon indicates the mapping is incomplete.
- A red status icon indicates a mapping error.
Click the data using the New Form Generation screen. The acroform serves as a PDF form generation template. If you do not provide a name for your template, the file name will be used. The template name should not exceed 30 characters. You can use Templatized Strings when naming your template. For example, naming the template W-4 {LastName} appends the new employee's last name to the pdf in the submission repository. Of course, you must have a control named LastName in your form/flow.
By default, the PDFs generated using the PDF mapper are written out as "flat" PDFs. This means that the fillable fields are removed, leaving only the data and they are read-only. If you want the fillable fields to remain, for example, you want to use Adobe Reader digital signing on the generated pdf, then check the Generate as fillable form checkbox when uploading your template. When checked, the pdf will be generated with ALL fields remaining in it and editable, including any fields that contain mapped data. It defaults to unchecked/false for backward compatibility.
Fillable pdfs when viewed with the form viewer control are always flattened so that they are viewable on mobile devices.
PDF acroform (non-flattened) that comes from a frevvo submission is external to . There is no way to save changes to the pdf unless the submission is edited, changed and re-submitted.
The uploaded template will be added to the list of the PDFs to be generated.
Click the
icon to edit the template name. If you do not select a file and you try to submit this screen, you will see the message "Form Template file is Required".Uploading a file that is not an acroform results in the following error:
Click the
icon to remove the template. You will be asked to confirm the deletion as the template and all field mappings will be removed.- Skipped activities do not affect PDF's generated by Live Forms. For example, controls in form/flow activities containing default values, that have been mapped in the pdf mapper, will show up in the PDF even if the activity is skipped due to a precondition. Use a form.load rule to set the "initial state" data dynamically instead.
will not allow the use of an owner or user password protected PDF acroform to be used as a template. It is the the form/flow designer's responsibility to provide an unprotected PDF acroform. There are programs such as PDFescape available to "remove" an owner password from a protected PDF. Simply upload the password protected PDF to PDFescape, then save and download it. The password will be "removed" from the PDF and you will be able to use it as a template.
- A form with mapped pdfs that has been published as a template then is used to create a new form may result in a pdf that is in an error state (red icon). Upload the pdf acroform again to resolve the issue.
- If you are storing submissions on, be sure to include the file extension in the name of any acroforms uploaded to
for mapping Pixel Perfect PDFs.Box will not open any files that do not have a file extension.
Preconditions for PDF
You can set up logic for the PDF via a precondition that will control when the PDF will be generated or it can be used to skip the PDF entirely. For Example, let's say you have a form/flow where you want to generate an English version and a Spanish version of a PDF. Preconditions, in conjunction with Business Rules can be used to determine which pdf is used in the form/flow at runtime.
For example, your form/flow contains a Radio control named Language that has two options: English and Spanish. You have mapped an English PDF and a Spanish PDF. Create the precondition in the Precondition property for the English PDF. Type the JavaScript into the field
or click the icon to launch the Precondition Editor to create it. Click this link for the full details about how the Precondition Editor works.
When the precondition is built with the Precondition Editor, the expression displays as shown in the image.
The Precondition Editor checks the expression for valid JavaScript and displays appropriate error messages when necessary. Preconditions are re-validated when you click the
save and test icon and you click on the Generated Forms icon. If there is an error, the designer is notified and given an option to re-edit.With this precondition in place, the English version of the PDF is generated when the user selects the English option for a Radio control named Language.
Step 4 - Map the Live Form fields to the acroform fields
The PDF mapping screen provides functionality to enable designers to map e-form fields to PDF fields. Mapping is performed a field at a time in the context of a PDF page. Mapping can be accomplished in two ways:
- Dragging mappable fields from the outline and dropping them onto the PDF field (hi-lighted in either yellow or green).
- Clicking on a PDF field to activate the PDF Mapping Dialogue
The quickest way to map your pdf is to use the drag/drop method, but if you need to change an index for a table or repeat control, the Mapping dialogue must be used. Of course, you can change mapping choices on the Mapping dialogue as well.
Click the
In the forms designer only, the following message will display when you click on the Map Fields link:
Clicking Ok saves the pdf form before any further mapping is performed. The designer can choose to cancel the mapping operation and not save by clicking the Cancel button.
The prompt and save of the pdf form mapping is controlled by a web.xml context parameter named: /wiki/spaces/frevvo80/pages/975572178. The parameter defaults to true. If set to false, the designer will not be prompted with the save option and the editing instance will not be saved. This parameter applies only to forms, not flows.
Click the
The PDF view screen is divided into three areas: the form/flow properties pane, the Mapping Form Outline and the PDF forms editor canvas.
Notice the orange color when you are dragging a control from the Mapping Form Outline over a mappable area on the pdf. Drop the control onto the pdf when you see color change to orange.
Previous mapping selections are retained. Dragging a control from the Mapping Form Outline and dropping it on a field that is already mapped, changes to the new mapping.
Functions for buttons and images on this page are listed below:
Function | Description |
Done Button | Click this button when mapping is complete or you wish to exit back to the PDF Generated Forms Screen. Field mappings are saved to the in-memory form/flow as they are performed. Mappings are not persisted until the form/flow is saved. |
Clear Button | Clicking this button clears all mappings for the whole PDF. All fields are then displayed as not mapped (colored yellow and cleared of all text). |
PDF Page thumbnail Image | Thumbnail images are displayed for each page found in the PDF with no limit. The HTML element containing the PDF page thumbnails will be scrollable if there are a large number of pages and all cannot fit in the displayable area. Click the thumbnail image for the page in the acroform where you want to map fields. When clicked, that page is selected for mapping and it is displayed along with any previous mappings filled into the fields. |
In the flow designer, steps in the flow are shown as top level elements in the tree. The image shows four steps in the Employee On Boarding flow as they appear in the Mapping Form Outline.
Method 1 - Drag and Drop Mapping
The Mapping Form Outline displays below the form/flow property pane on the left of the canvas. The outline contains all mappable controls along with containing sections, panels, and special mapped items: Signed Section signature and date signed, any single select comment field and checkbox, dropdown and radio options.
Click the Properties pane header to display it.
Click the Group Controls and display the mappable controls in your form/flow.
plus and minus icons in the Mapping Form Outline to expand/contract theDrag mappable form fields from the Mapping Form Outline and drop them onto the PDF fields.
If the mapping complies with the PDF Mapping Rules, then the PDF field is filled in with the name of the e-form control and colored green to indicate that it is mapped. The color of the hovered field will be changed slightly to indicate that the drop can happen there.
Non-mappable control types can be dragged, but you will not be able to drop it on any PDF field. The image shows the Allowance fields from the Live Form/Flow mapped to the corresponding fields on the W - 4 pdf.
Repeat for all mappable controls on all the pages of the template.
Click the Done button when completed and don't forget to save your form/flow changes.
Method 2 - Clicking on a PDF Field
Mapping can also be accomplished by clicking on a mappable field in the pdf. This activates the PDF Mapping Dialog that is used to
- Create a new mapping by clicking on a yellow unmapped field.
- Modify an existing mapping by clicking on a green mapped field.
The PDF Mapping dialog has an upper portion that names and describes the PDF field being mapped. Below this is a table that shows Live Forms fields. The top row of the table shows any field that is already mapped to the PDF field. Below that is a scrollable table of candidate fields that may be selected for mapping. If there are no mappable fields in your form, you will see the mesage 'No frevvo fields mappable to this PDF field.' Only a single Live Form field may be mapped to a PDF field.
Functions for buttons in the PDf Mapping dialogue box are listed below:
Action | Description |
more>> less<< links | Used to hide and show more details about the PDF field being mapped, including Type, selectable values and the name of the field in the acroform. This information is useful when trouble shooting. Selecting more>> shows the details and changes the link to less<<. Selecting less<< hides the details. |
Clear Mapping | Clears the mapping (if any). Any selected radio button is cleared. Changes take place immediately. |
Selection Radio Buttons | The first column consists of radio buttons for each mapping choice. Click the radio button corresponding to the Live Form control to map it to the field in the pdf. Radios may not be de-selected. Live Form fields are unmapped using the clear button or by selecting another e-form field. |
Index Edit Boxes | For repeating Live Form fields, the 1-based index is used to select the field to be mapped. The value must be ≥ 1. The default is 1. Changes take effect immediately upon tabbing/clicking off the the index field. The index field is disabled for non-repeating Live Form fields. |
Search Text Box | Use this to search for mapping choices for the pdf field that was clicked. Entering filter text causes the possible mapping selections to change. Only those matching the filter text will be shown. If the name, label or form name (flows) is either a partial or full match of the filter text (case insensitive), then the field is shown in the list of candidate fields selectable for mapping. E-form fields that are incompatible with the PDF field are not shown in the list . Search will find special mapped items such as Signed Section signature, date signed as well as the single select comment field. Use option control values to search for selection control options. |
PDF Field | The name of the field in the acroform is displayed here. |